When The Democrats Want To Really Lie, They Bring Out The Expert

I wouldn't know about his personal preferences. That's above my pay grade.

And I really don't care about them, as long as he keeps them to himself. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexiLiar, the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrrr Clan has had quite a week. First, he boldly proclaims himself to be Born in the USMC. A few days later he and his favorite nephew, Trendy, perform a duet by jointly singing the praises of an Anti-American Taliban Commander.

Does anyone other than see the striking similarities between LexiLiar and Lee Harvey? One is a former Marine who developed extremely close ties with Russia (America's worst enemy at the time). The other is an Incapable Wannabee Marine who now has close ties with the Taliban (America's worst enemy at present).


LexiLiar and his "Trending" Idiot nephew deserve each other. They clearly are not two peas in a pod but they are two Traitors feeding in the same sewage ditch.

And to no ones surprise, Hanoi COG is trying to feed with both of 'em!

Hmmm, I wonder where COG's sis' Jane is feeding?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy shit Batman! These boyz is crazay!

LexusLover's Avatar
A few days later he and his favorite nephew, Trendy, perform a duet by jointly singing the praises of an Anti-American Taliban Commander. Originally Posted by bigtex
With each passing post you continue to confirm your limitless ability to distort what others post and/or print in the media .... and even your own prior statements .... is it your hope that others will read what you post and take it as being the truth.

Just to make sure you don't distort or incorrectly interpret anything I have posted in the past .... distant or recent ... Nothing I have written, or otherwise posted, authorizes you to post any of my private information or disclose any private (real world) information about me, or passing it along with "PM" channels. You are not authorized by me to do so, and you (or anyone else on here) never have been authorized to do so.

Otherwise immerse yourself in your frivolity of fabricating what others post in order to detract from your own shortcomings and deficiencies. Does that exercise actually make you feel superior, or do you just naturally feel so?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's a pretty deft defense, LLIdiot.

But the fact remains, you're on the wrong side of this, and in all probability, every other issue you deign to offer your foul bile.

who supports you, dipshit?

I find it somewhat predictable that each TeaWipe, anti-American mother fucker on this board is so whack that none of the similarly whack dipshits EVER support their whack positions.

Care to explain, LLIdiot?

Just to make sure you don't distort or incorrectly interpret anything I have posted in the past .... distant or recent ... Nothing I have written, or otherwise posted, authorizes you to post any of my private information or disclose any private (real world) information about me, or passing it along with "PM" channels. You are not authorized by me to do so, and you (or anyone else on here) never have been authorized to do so. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It seems to me that the only way I could post any information or disclose any private (real world) information about you would be if your real name is actually LexiLiar, the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrr Clan.

Hmmm, if that is the case, didn't you just 'out' yourself?

"Carry on" Lance Corporal Idiot!
LexusLover's Avatar
"Carry on" Lance Corporal Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
Are you avoiding posting anything of substance?

Are you still believing U.S. Secretaries of State over Taliban Commanders?

Are you following your "ATF SOS" on her "book" tour?

Or would you rather ignore the "mouthing off" she is doing?

You believe her, right? She was Secretary of State!

And she thinks the trade was a "good deal"!
Are you avoiding posting anything of substance?

Are you still believing U.S. Secretaries of State over Taliban Commanders?

Are you following your "ATF SOS" on her "book" tour?

Or would you rather ignore the "mouthing off" she is doing?

You believe her, right? She was Secretary of State!

And she thinks the trade was a "good deal"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Huh? What does the above pointless rant have to do with you "outting" yourself by making an open admission that your name and title is LexiLiar, the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrr Clan?

Quit changing the subject!
LexusLover's Avatar
Huh? Originally Posted by bigtex
Like I said ... you'd rather talk about anything other than the topic.

Considering the lousy job your ATFs are doing at the moment ..

...one of them leaving and the other one desperately trying to be relevant.

Aren't you going to "back up" the former Secretary of State? Your ATF?

Let's see ... Hillary agrees with Kerry the Taliban Commanders being released have promised not to be a threat to the U.S. so they won't be. The Taliban Commanders have promised to be "good" and not get involved in any Taliban military activities for a year (that's how long it will take Obaminable to retreat from Afghanistan), and they (Hillary and Kerry) believe them.

So Hillary and Kerry take the word of Taliban Commanders, and ignore the U.S. intelligence and military communities RECOMMENDATIONS.

Now what ought to be done with people who believe Taliban?
Like I said ... you'd rather talk about anything other than the topic.

Considering the lousy job your ATFs are doing at the moment ..

...one of them leaving and the other one desperately trying to be relevant.

Aren't you going to "back up" the former Secretary of State? Your ATF? Originally Posted by LexusLover
There you go changing the damn subject again. We were talking about you openly "outting" yourself by admitting that your real name and title is actually LexiLiar, the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrr Clan.

Stay on topic!
LexusLover's Avatar
I will always believe an American Secretary of State (even Rummy) over a Taliban Commander. Each and every time. No questions asked! Originally Posted by bigtex
Hillary believes the Taliban. "No questions asked"!

But the Clinton family goes "waaaay baaaack" with the Taliban and Ken Lay.
Hillary believes the Taliban. "No questions asked"!

But the Clinton family goes "waaaay baaaack" with the Taliban and Ken Lay. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Would you quit changing the subject? We were talking about you openly "outting" yourself by admitting that your real name and title is actually LexiLiar, the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrr Clan.
LexusLover's Avatar

Either this is the most naive bitch on the Planet, or the most stupid.

I guess they just wind her up, turn off her brain, and turn her loose. Originally Posted by Jackie S
For those who find their memory fading ....

..................or didn't have a good one in the first place.