Providers !! Do U Care To Show yr STI/STD Results

snarl's Avatar
  • snarl
  • 03-23-2016, 09:38 AM
You know, y'all keep talking like condoms are 100% effective. CONDOMS DO NOT PREVENT THE SPREAD OF HERPES. They don't prevent the spread of crabs, either. And yes, ladies, you can still get crabs even if you keep your cooter waxed bald and smooth as a baby's butt.

You can get the clap from a BBBJ (I should know, it happened to me about 6 years ago). You can have a condom break right as you're about to cum (happened about 7 years ago).

There is inherent risk in having sex. You can mitigate that risk by taking precautions. But please stop acting like the mitigating precautions you choose to take are the end-all be-all. Wearing a seat belt doesn't preclude you from getting injured in a car accident. Wearing a rubber doesn't preclude you from contracting an STI. NOT wearing a seat belt doesn't mean you'll die on the way to 7-11. Not wearing a rubber doesn't mean you instantly become a walking petri dish.

I've said it before and it bears repeating. Both Milfy and Vi are up front and honest about riding bare and liking man jam in the clam. But there are many providers out there who are open to riding bare, and hide the fact. THOSE providers are more dangerous than the ones who advertise BBFS. I can make an informed decision to NOT see a provider who advertises the fact that she likes it raw. But a provider who HIDES the fact that she took a creampie last night and now has the clap? I have no way of knowing. So if the rubber breaks, I'm screwed. FIV, then in her mouth, followed by BBBJ? I'm going to the clinic, burnt.

You can screen, visually, all you want. And yes, there are signs. Open sores. Whitish-yellow discharge. The odor of bacterial vaginosis. But a lot of people who are infected are asymptomatic. The provider who gargles a load of infected throat yogurt is just as much at risk as the one who's sitting pretty on an anal creampie. You stick your bare cock in either end and now you have to explain to your wife why she has to take antibiotics for YOUR UTI.

It's all a risk game. And the greater risk isn't from providers who openly bareback. The risk is for clients who make a decision about who to see without all of the information, like which providers offer BBFS as a YMMV, but keep it on the DL because they don't like the stigma it carries. So for those of you who give providers like Milfy and Vi a load of shit for being cum dumpsters, remember, YOU'RE the ones who ultimately put the community at risk because your attitude actively discourages providers who secretly bareback from being open about it.
milfy2002's Avatar
oh well that changes everything! no way a well respected and well known john could possibly have anything, after all with all their experience and 100 plus reviews, they certainly are immune from stuff a novice might catch.

and getting tested lets you know that nothings showing right now, even though some virus's can be dormant for years, and some people are just carriers....thank goodness you go to such great lengths....
and you live on $600 a week?? (I fuck around 3 men per week)...I guess you must have started social security early, but you know if you waited til 65, you collect 100%
to each their own Originally Posted by Tony Gambino

I work full time Einstein, maybe if you paid more attention to the bigger picture instead of picking and choosing out of context just to be a Jackass you'd know that I hobby for sport and EXTRA income.

  • anita
  • 03-23-2016, 10:32 PM
oh well that changes everything! no way a well respected and well known john could possibly have anything, after all with all their experience and 100 plus reviews, they certainly are immune from stuff a novice might catch. Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Lol, that's exactly what I thought when I read her post.

I work full time Einstein, maybe if you paid more attention to the bigger picture instead of picking and choosing out of context just to be a Jackass you'd know that I hobby for sport and EXTRA income.

Originally Posted by milfy2002
of course you just love a 300 lb guy busting a nut in you, as long as he has his $200...because if this was a sport and not a job, you'd be blowing up craigslist and other social media........with freebies....there are some guys that will see you even with the flashing warning lights and sirens, they just don't care.....lucky you, you can add to your big lots salary....
milfy2002's Avatar

Is it really that hard to believe that a woman could actually like sex?

I don't do freebies. When you give a guy a freebie it's like giving a mouse a cookie or giving a moose a muffin.

verygood69's Avatar
Hell, I wouldn't take a freebie from! Let alone pay to fuck you.
milfy2002's Avatar
Hell, I wouldn't take a freebie from! Let alone pay to fuck you. Originally Posted by verygood69

Well whenever you get the balls to put yourself out on the internet honestly with no deceptions and un-photoshopped pics (in the Selfie thread) then get back to me and maybe your words will be worth more than their weight in shit, which is all they're worth now ;-)

Well whenever you get the balls to put yourself out on the internet honestly with no deceptions and un-photoshopped pics (in the Selfie thread) then get back to me and maybe your words will be worth more than their weight in shit, which is all they're worth now ;-)

Originally Posted by milfy2002
Now you want sympathy points for posting unflattering pics of yourself in order for his opinion to matter? Makes about as much sense as showing your "test results" as a safety measure.

Fucking hell....
TheEccie214's Avatar
Now you want sympathy points for posting unflattering pics of yourself in order for his opinion to matter? Makes about as much sense as showing your "test results" as a safety measure.

Fucking hell.... Originally Posted by THN
Says the girl that hides her body with a corset and admits to barebacking in the hobby.
milfy2002's Avatar

Says the girl who posted an entire thread asking if her fat makes her look fat!

Own those love handles and mommy pouch TFN! They're way less apt to keep ppl from wanting to fuck you than your shitty attitude and terrible reading comprehension skills ;-)
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-24-2016, 09:28 AM
This isn't on the Vi level of drama but not bad....not bad at all.
milfy2002's Avatar

Not trying to be dramatic lol, it's just so pathetic that to some ppl the only way to feel good about themselves is to try and make others look bad.

Turning it back around on them does make me look slightly bitchy but sometimes it's worth it!

Randall Creed's Avatar

Says the girl who posted an entire thread asking if her fat makes her look fat!

Own those love handles and mommy pouch TFN! They're way less apt to keep ppl from wanting to fuck you than your shitty attitude and terrible reading comprehension skills ;-)
Originally Posted by milfy2002

Is it really that hard to believe that a woman could actually like sex?

I don't do freebies. When you give a guy a freebie it's like giving a mouse a cookie or giving a moose a muffin.

Originally Posted by milfy2002
If you really loved sex that much you wouldn't charge..
I shut this disgusting thread down yesterday, why are people still replying? It's over.

Mods, close this thread now. Originally Posted by Finkle