More Evidence Emerges Confirming Covid Lab-Leak Theory, But Corporate Media Stay Silent

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think you should recheck your dates on that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Obviously I meant 2021.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SpeedRacer, When did you come down with COVID?

Thanks for the link, interesting. They probably weren't working with a huge amount of data, and determining whether someone has long COVID must be somewhat subjective. But it's interesting that the protection among health care workers didn't increase that much when you go from 2 doses to 3 doses.

I'll probably get another booster with the flu vaccine next year unless the CDC comes out with advice contrary to that. I'm not sure biannual boosters make sense, even though you'd think that based on my last link. Originally Posted by Tiny
Not sure the first time I had Covid. Second time was last October.

The first time I Had a minor cough but did not twice about it. When my wife came down with slightly more severe, but not very severe, symptoms she tested positive as did I. Second time same thing, but since I tested positive before with the same symptoms I tested again and was positive.

I will continue to follow the recommendations of my doctor.
Obviously I meant 2021. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're taking a vaccine for Covid on average every six months, To me that's a regimen.
texassapper's Avatar
The term is "Fully Vaccinated". Look at the link again. At top of the link if you only had one shot of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines that is considered incomplete.

(Look at the text by the little pink square near the top). Originally Posted by adav8s28
Fully vaccinated DOES NOT mean JUST that you've had the two doses... that's how people who had one or two doses and died within a two week period of the 2nd dose were marked as UNVACCINATED in the death stats.

Makes it easier to fudge the numbers.
lustylad's Avatar
One piece of evidence that came out afterwards was that two or three researchers at the Wuhan laboratory were treated at a clinic for a flu like illness in November, 2019. Still I don't believe this is settled. You read the Wade article or the statistical piece written by the breast doctor and the physicist (one of your old links) and you'd think it is. But there are some very smart people who believe there wasn't a lab leak and others, equally smart and informed, who believe there was. Even U.S. government agencies are divided in their positions.

A fairly recent development, research by Florence Debarre, points towards an animal origin, not a lab leak,

Bizarrely, the Chinese tried to cover up her research, by jerking the data she used from a public virology database. The reason supposedly is that the Chinese claim that COVID did not originate in a wet market in China, or even in China, and her research could refute that claim. Originally Posted by Tiny

Thanks, tiny.

Didn't those 3 Wuhan lab researchers die from covid? I believe they may have been the earliest known fatalities (e.g. "patient zeros") but the Chinese have stonewalled all requests for more information.

I read your link. The Q. and A. raises more questions than it answers. So now we're supposed to believe the zoonotic spillover source wasn't bats, but instead was raccoon-dogs? Why does Joel Wertheim insist it "strains the imagination" to posit the virus may have jumped from humans to animals, rather than vice versa? Hmm... did you know our pets (dogs and cats) have been getting covid at the same time we have? Surely some of them were infected by their owners. Check this out:

I also don't understand why Mr. Wertheim thinks the various lab-leak hypotheses are "mutually incompatible with each other". The Wuhan lab could have been doing gain-of-function research AND several of its scientists could have been infected at the lab. Nothing incompatible there.

He also doesn't address any of the scientific questions surrounding the virus itself and its genome sequence - you know, all that spike protein/furin cleavage stuff suggesting some degree of artificial manipulation instead of natural evolution.

If the Chinese are now dismissing BOTH the zoonotic and the lab-leak hypotheses, their credibility is less than zero.

Just my two cents.
Thanks, tiny.

Didn't those 3 Wuhan lab researchers die from covid? I believe they may have been the earliest known fatalities (e.g. "patient zeros") but the Chinese have stonewalled all requests for more information.

I read your link. The Q. and A. raises more questions than it answers. So now we're supposed to believe the zoonotic spillover source wasn't bats, but instead was raccoon-dogs? Why does Joel Wertheim insist it "strains the imagination" to posit maybe the virus jumped from humans to animals, rather than vice versa? Hmm... did you know our pets (dogs and cats) have been getting covid at the same time we have? Surely some of them were infected by their owners. Check this out:

I also don't understand why Mr. Wertheim thinks the various lab-leak hypotheses are "mutually incompatible with each other". The Wuhan lab could have been doing gain-of-function research AND several of its scientists could have been infected at the lab. Nothing incompatible there.

He also doesn't address any of the scientific questions surrounding the virus itself and its genome sequence - you know, all that "furin cleavage" stuff suggesting some degree of artificial manipulation instead of natural evolution.

If the Chinese are now dismissing BOTH the zoonotic and the lab-leak hypotheses, their credibility is less than zero.

Just my two cents. Originally Posted by lustylad
That's a big leap of faith.
lustylad's Avatar
I will continue to follow the recommendations of my doctor. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Now that's good advice for EVERYONE!
  • Tiny
  • 01-10-2024, 04:46 PM
Thanks, tiny.

Didn't those 3 Wuhan lab researchers die from covid? I believe they may have been the earliest known fatalities (e.g. "patient zeros") but the Chinese have stonewalled all requests for more information.

I read your link. The Q. and A. raises more questions than it answers. So now we're supposed to believe the zoonotic spillover source wasn't bats, but instead was raccoon-dogs? Why does Joel Wertheim insist it "strains the imagination" to posit maybe the virus jumped from humans to animals, rather than vice versa? Hmm... did you know our pets (dogs and cats) have been getting covid at the same time we have? Surely some of them were infected by their owners. Check this out:

I also don't understand why Mr. Wertheim thinks the various lab-leak hypotheses are "mutually incompatible with each other". The Wuhan lab could have been doing gain-of-function research AND several of its scientists could have been infected at the lab. Nothing incompatible there.

He also doesn't address any of the scientific questions surrounding the virus itself and its genome sequence - you know, all that "furin cleavage" stuff suggesting some degree of artificial manipulation instead of natural evolution.

If the Chinese are now dismissing BOTH the zoonotic and the lab-leak hypotheses, their credibility is less than zero.

Just my two cents. Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey LustyLad, The Peoples Republic of China is not dismissing the zoonotic or laboratory leak hypothesis. In fact, it's floated the ideas that the virus originated in a lab in the United States or from a natural source in Southeast Asia.

I don't believe the three researchers died.

Yes, back when I looked at this, the biggest issue seemed to me too to be whether the COVID genetic material at the market in the animal stalls was from humans. It actually appeared mixed with several types of animal DNA, not just raccoon dogs.

The market was closed permanently on January 1, 2020, and the samples were pulled from January 1, 2020 to March 2, 2020. There were only 41 official cases of COVID in Wuhan as of January 2, 2020. That MIGHT argue that the COVID genetic material was not from humans.

I believe the Chinese researchers who posted the data used by Debarre et al were intending to write a paper, and there probably have been other developments since this news broke back in March, 2023. I'll probably revisit this to see if there have been new developments and report back.

Here's something I posted at the time,

This part from my old post was in jest btw. You'd probably know that but others might not. I was trying to come up with a really ridiculous conspiracy theory, and I just might have succeeded, although the Ray Epps thing has me beat by a mile.

Or who knows, maybe we were the ones who took down the data. The FBI, the CIA and the DOD all have reasons to want to worsen relations with China. They're probably the original source of social media posts claiming that the COVID 19 virus was developed and weaponized by the Chinese military, and then unleashed on America. And the more hostile our relationship is with China, the more power and money end up in the hands of the leaders of these alphabet agencies.

Remember Orwell's book, 1984? The great powers of the world were always waging war against each other. Their leaders used that to subjugate their people. Same thing here. The alphabet agencies really miss the cold war, so they're trying to recreate it.
If anyone is still freaking about the trump viris' origin then they really need to get a life. It's 2024 people...move on
Or blame hunter
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If anyone is still freaking about the trump viris' origin then they really need to get a life. It's 2024 people...move on
Or blame hunter Originally Posted by Tsmokies

weren't you one of the people demanding Trump be charged with mass murder during COVID?
lustylad's Avatar
Hey LustyLad, The Peoples Republic of China is not dismissing the zoonotic or laboratory leak hypothesis. In fact, it's floated the ideas that the virus originated in a lab in the United States or from a natural source in Southeast Asia.

I don't believe the three researchers died.

Yes, back when I looked at this, the biggest issue seemed to me too to be whether the COVID genetic material at the market in the animal stalls was from humans. It actually appeared mixed with several types of animal DNA, not just raccoon dogs.

The market was closed permanently on January 1, 2020, and the samples were pulled from January 1, 2020 to March 2, 2020. There were only 41 official cases of COVID in Wuhan as of January 2, 2020. That MIGHT argue that the COVID genetic material was not from humans.

I believe the Chinese researchers who posted the data used by Debarre et al were intending to write a paper, and there probably have been other developments since this news broke back in March, 2023. I'll probably revisit this to see if there have been new developments and report back.

Here's something I posted at the time,

This part from my old post was in jest btw. You'd probably know that but others might not. I was trying to come up with a really ridiculous conspiracy theory, and I just might have succeeded, although the Ray Epps thing has me beat by a mile.

Or who knows, maybe we were the ones who took down the data. The FBI, the CIA and the DOD all have reasons to want to worsen relations with China. They're probably the original source of social media posts claiming that the COVID 19 virus was developed and weaponized by the Chinese military, and then unleashed on America. And the more hostile our relationship is with China, the more power and money end up in the hands of the leaders of these alphabet agencies.

Remember Orwell's book, 1984? The great powers of the world were always waging war against each other. Their leaders used that to subjugate their people. Same thing here. The alphabet agencies really miss the cold war, so they're trying to recreate it.
Originally Posted by Tiny

Well, I've got a better conspiracy theory. Seeing as both speedy and tsmokies are saying let's move on, there's nothing to see here... that tips me off to the real source!

Covid-19 must have been created & released by the Democrats as a scheme to defeat Donald Trump in 2020! Remember how they started howling early in 2020 about turning the pandemic into "Trump's Katrina"? Well, that's exactly what they did, with help from the MSM. They blew up every trump mis-statement and blamed him personally (instead of China) for every covid death. Covid provided the excuse for the Dems to hide their "Weekend at Bernie's" zombie candidate in a basement in Delaware for most of the campaign, and it enabled them to flood the country with millions of mail-in ballots waiting to be "harvested" by all those Mark Zuckerberg activists!

I mean, why else would speedy and tsmokies be so eager for everyone to move on... that's part of the Dem cover-up plan!

Seriously, where are you on the origin question? If you had $100 to put on a zoonotic versus a lab-leak source, would your bet be 50/50 or what?
lustylad's Avatar
Thanks, tiny.

Didn't those 3 Wuhan lab researchers die from covid? I believe they may have been the earliest known fatalities (e.g. "patient zeros") but the Chinese have stonewalled all requests for more information. Originally Posted by lustylad
I don't believe the three researchers died. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah, you're right. It appears all 3 worked for the infamous Wuhan "batwoman" Shi Zhengli.

Here are two interesting - and contradictory - news reports from last June:

Not that it should matter, but the Intercept is considered a left-wing publication. The French researcher you mentioned - Flo Debarre - is quoted in the Science article.
Yeah, you're right. It appears all 3 worked for the infamous Wuhan "batwoman" Shi Zhengli.

Here are two interesting - and contradictory - news reports from last June:

Not that it should matter, but the Intercept is considered a left-wing publication. The French researcher you mentioned - Flo Debarre - is quoted in the Science article. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yeah it's absolutely ridiculous.
I couldn't help but to post this presentation about the possible origin of Covid-19. I find it to some extent compelling but still like most everything surrounding Covid it has it's flaws. It's still worth a watch.
ICU 812's Avatar
I was born in 1950. My early childhood was in the middle of the Polio pandemic of tht time. I had a few classmate3s who could only get around with orthopedic crutches and leg braces. They were survivors. Polio is a killer.

When the Sauk vaccine came out, my parents made sure that I got it ASAP. That dose was not the sugar cube many kids got, it ws the shot in the arm . . .that is how quickly they got me set up with it.

I never got Polio. Our kids snd grnd kidsThe pandemic passed. THAT IS A VACCINE.

Smallpox has been irradiated world wide for decades now due to the development of a true vaccine. Many other formerly common diseases are also reduced to irrelevance today for the same reason.

Before going on about how wonderful the Covid shots are . . .and they are good, but not great . . .please read "The Microbe Hunters" It was written in the 1920s I think, , but the book is a valid history of the science of immunization from before Louis Pasture.

Read that, and you will understand what a vaccine is, what it does and how the historically effective vaccines work.