Ladies! There is Strength in Numbers. Especially when information needs to be shared. But at times those numbers are used to intimidate as well as harm.

  • Noid
  • 04-03-2015, 07:41 PM
there are those that are part of the problem that are going to do everything they can to make sure it does not come out or that their part in it is not brought to light. Originally Posted by Whispers
Heh. sounds like foster parents. Getting paid from the government to "foster" the youngest, most vulnerable among us.
Still Looking's Avatar
Buying someone a BJ hardly puts you anywhere near the league of someone who has spent at the very least between 75k to 100k just on reviewed sessions alone.

Personally I think SL has brought hobbying to a whole new level not because of his session count but by creatively introducing his little troll and turning the sessions into a unique, entertaining fun storyline rather than just the usual humdrum session reviews.

Name even one positive creative thing you've brought to the board that compares to that? Hell name one positive thing you have brought to the board period.

He may call you boss but aside from this whole isolated he said/she said drama he really has left you in the dust long ago as an actual board contributor.

I like SL because up until this fiasco he's hardly ever had a harsh word to say on the boards because he's too busy fucking.

Meanwhile you spend all of your time on the boards ripping people new assholes and plotting your next board attack because dominating the board seems to be really all you have going on.

I think it's about time you start calling him boss.

Personally I would really have to question my own life priorities if I blew that kind of serious money on hooker sessions alone. That is beyond the realm of recreational activity but then again he may be a billionaire for all I know and 100k is chump change.

SL I think you need to break away and chart your own course on the board as a record breaking reviewer.
As long as you're hitched at the hip with this guy you'll always just be part of his crew/attack pack.
Clearly you're well liked by hundreds of ladies which says it all. Capitalize on that and be your own man. Originally Posted by Windinhishair

(In my best pirate voice) "It's gold I got its fine pussy I be needing"

Wind I'd just like to mention Whispers (The Godfather) works tirelessly putting together a charity at the latter part of the year to help children have a Christmas they normally would not have if it wasn't for his efforts getting myself the Village Idiot and many others here that remember we were all human before we were hookers and mongers.
I wasn't referring to off board activity for a week. Not taking away from Xmas time toys for tots but I'm still not sure what that remotely has to do with board contribution.

One can be a complete board A hole 51 weeks of the year provided they collect toys on the 52nd week off the board?

I'm sure many here do many wonderful things for others in their personal time without advertising it to everyone and of course we all have different motivations for doing so.

Usually when one is a jerk all year round but does something decent for one week the motivation has to come into question but that is another topic altogether and not really one I'm either qualified or interested in assessing.

As far as Eccie contribution goes what I stated still stands. SL be your own man. You're above the BS.
Whispers's Avatar
Buying someone a BJ hardly puts you anywhere near the league of someone who has spent at the very least between 75k to 100k just on reviewed sessions alone. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
LOL! SL has been on the boards a few years.... I've been around 15 ....When I quit writing reviews of providers, for the most part, I had quite a few more than where SL is at the moment..... I'm sure he will catch up and pass me though...... Give him another year or so.....

When I quit writing reviews it was mostly because of the shit I got from the jealous and envious types that are giving him shit for a few months...... I tried to write a few but the moment I review a lady there are a half dozen assholes lighting up her phone and twice that filling her PM box with hate mail and no shortage of ladies that did as well....

As usual Windoutyourass.... You don't know shit......
universalenergy's Avatar
Wind is spot on.
LOL! SL has been on the boards a few years.... I've been around 15 ....When I quit writing reviews of providers, for the most part, I had quite a few more than where SL is at the moment..... I'm sure he will catch up and pass me though...... Give him another year or so.....

When I quit writing reviews it was mostly because of the shit I got from the jealous and envious types that are giving him shit for a few months...... I tried to write a few but the moment I review a lady there are a half dozen assholes lighting up her phone and twice that filling her PM box with hate mail and no shortage of ladies that did as well....

As usual Windoutyourass.... You don't know shit...... Originally Posted by Whispers

What you claim to supposedly have accomplished in your head 15 years ago on another board means what exactly?
15 years ago I had young hotties falling in love with me for free. That hardly makes me a stud today.

Nobody goes to a ball game to listen to a cranky retired old ex player in a wheelchair go on about how great he once was in his imagination or even worse how great he thinks he still is. They go to see today's players playing a good game.

You're that cranky, old, sarcastic and bitter ex player parked at center court who won't give up the microphone so the game can proceed. You park your ass there trying to trip up the player's and put down the spectators when they tell you to move out of the way.
You're like an old white (and according to you quite obese) Kanye West sitting center stage in a wheel chair.
You refuse to realize you're not the reason the spectators came to the game.

The present is all that matters to Eccie readers. Anyway as I said to SL it is the humorous and creative fun twist he's brought to sessions that makes him a unique contributing monger more so than his review count although that is pretty staggering indeed.

You're so self centered and delusional that you actually are going to try to compete with his numbers which we can see are actually real.
Just like your imaginary endless array of young pole dancers eager to fuck your brains out your once massive review count numbers are purely in your head not that anyone really gives a shit either way.

Put down the microphone, roll your ass off the court and let the game proceed if you don't mind.
Most of the spectators and players have already left the stadium thanks to you.
Maybe if you park your ass in the bleachers where it belongs a few might return.
gfejunkie's Avatar
there are groups off of this board that share their exploits so that others can victimize these women again. And he theorizes that some of the guys who belong to these groups are also members here. Ladies who have been victims are afraid to come forward since they don't want to be ridiculed

How about if we discuss THAT instead of trading barbs?

ztonk Originally Posted by ztonk

Getting back to the original post...

Any lady who would participate in such a cockamamie scheme would have to be a complete imbecile or out of her fucking mind.

I have no doubt that these groups exist, but what the ladies don't need is yet another group trying to exploit them by digging up dirt on other people to be used for their own nefarious purposes.

The ladies have always had their own backchannel ways to share information and support without public announcement. These systems work quite well for those who avail themselves of it. Those who don't participate have only themselves to blame when things go wrong. The male half of the equation has no right to this information and any that would ask for it are a security risk in and of themselves.

The ladies don't have to "come forward" to anybody but themselves to stay safe.

Screening and vouching works. Always has. Always will.

(As for the original author of this thread, . Let's see you LYAO at that!)
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-04-2015, 08:12 AM
What you claim to supposedly have accomplished in your head 15 years ago on another board means what exactly?
15 years ago I had young hotties falling in love with me for free. That hardly makes me a stud today.

Nobody goes to a ball game to listen to a cranky retired old ex player in a wheelchair go on about how great he once was in his imagination or even worse how great he thinks he still is. They go to see today's players playing a good game.

You're that cranky, old, sarcastic and bitter ex player parked at center court who won't give up the microphone so the game can proceed. You park your ass there trying to trip up the player's and put down the spectators when they tell you to move out of the way.
You're like an old white (and according to you quite obese) Kanye West sitting center stage in a wheel chair.
You refuse to realize you're not the reason the spectators came to the game.

The present is all that matters to Eccie readers. Anyway as I said to SL it is the humorous and creative fun twist he's brought to sessions that makes him a unique contributing monger more so than his review count although that is pretty staggering indeed.

You're so self centered and delusional that you actually are going to try to compete with his numbers which we can see are actually real.
Just like your imaginary endless array of young pole dancers eager to fuck your brains out your once massive review count numbers are purely in your head not that anyone really gives a shit either way.

Put down the microphone, roll your ass off the court and let the game proceed if you don't mind.
Most of the spectators and players have already left the stadium thanks to you.
Maybe if you park your ass in the bleachers where it belongs a few might return. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Whispers's Avatar
Any lady who would participate in such a cockamamie scheme would have to be a complete imbecile or out of her fucking mind.

Yeah? That's pretty harsh... WHy? If the information gets brought to the board in am anonymous manner how does it affect the lady outside of possible retribution by the guy who knows who he wronged in what way?

I have no doubt that these groups exist, That's an understatement!

but what the ladies don't need is yet another group trying to exploit them by digging up dirt on other people to be used for their own nefarious purposes. Yeah? What nefarious purposes?

The ladies have always had their own backchannel ways to share information and support without public announcement.

Yet there is an Alert Forum.....

These systems work quite well for those who avail themselves of it.

Not lately........Guys have found their way around it....

Those who don't participate have only themselves to blame when things go wrong.

Really? The lady has ONLY HERSELF TO BLAME when tricked or coerced into an activity she does not offer?

The male half of the equation has no right to this information and any that would ask for it are a security risk in and of themselves. Yet we have an alert system in place and every single alert seems to generate requests for more information

The ladies don't have to "come forward" to anybody but themselves to stay safe.

Screening and vouching works. Always has. Always will. There is a guy in the mix at the moment getting around iit pretty regularly...

(As for the original author of this thread, . Let's see you LYAO at that!) Originally Posted by gfejunkie

LMAO! You sure are all worked up over the potential for some of the barebackers and the material lin their are to get exposed......

I think this is the funniest comment you make.......

"The male half of the equation has no right to this information and any that would ask for it are a security risk in and of themselves."

Please explain it and this topic in correlation with the Alert Forum.....

Why is it you do not think this topic concerns the men here at all? There are plenty of guys that are concerned with seeing women that bare back other hobbyists.... This is group of 150+ local guys sharing information about barebacking girls..... If a couple of these guys are barebacking a girl without her agreeing to it followed by putting her on the list so others can go take their shot as well it seems to me to take the risk to a whole new level.....

It's NOT a few guys.... The group is over 150!........ From a health and safety standpoint I think it is in everyone's interest to bring it to light...
Whispers's Avatar
Nobody goes to a ball game to listen to a cranky retired old ex player in a wheelchair go on about how great he once was in his imagination or even worse how great he thinks he still is. They go to see today's players playing a good game.

Yet the threads I start tend to be some of the most read threads and most discussed topics even years after I quit writing reviews....

You're that cranky, old, sarcastic and bitter ex player parked at center court who won't give up the microphone so the game can proceed. You park your ass there trying to trip up the player's and put down the spectators when they tell you to move out of the way.
You're like an old white (and according to you quite obese) Kanye West sitting center stage in a wheel chair.
You refuse to realize you're not the reason the spectators came to the game.

Well..... When people quit reading what I write at the level they do I'll probably find other things to do.... Until then I'm going to believe I have a little more relevance than your

The present is all that matters to Eccie readers. PRESENTLY, This is the most read thread on the front page of the Austin Forum...It must matter to a few......

Anyway as I said to SL it is the humorous and creative fun twist he's brought to sessions that makes him a unique contributing monger more so than his review count although that is pretty staggering indeed.

You're so self centered and delusional that you actually are going to try to compete with his numbers which we can see are actually real.
Just like your imaginary endless array of young pole dancers eager to fuck your brains out your once massive review count numbers are purely in your head not that anyone really gives a shit either way. LOL! Uh HUh!

Put down the microphone, roll your ass off the court and let the game proceed if you don't mind. The game goes on day in and day out all around me.....

Most of the spectators and players have already left the stadium thanks to you.
Maybe if you park your ass in the bleachers where it belongs a few might return. Originally Posted by Windinhishair

They seem to come back to read the threads I start though..... Until you can make an impact on that your ShoutingInTheWind...
gfejunkie's Avatar

"The male half of the equation has no right to this information and any that would ask for it are a security risk in and of themselves."

Please explain it and this topic in correlation with the Alert Forum.....
Originally Posted by Whispers
LMAO that you think the Alert Forum is the ladies' only resource!
Whispers's Avatar
I know the ladies have resources.....

It's an issue of interest to men as well......

Do you think some of the guys here would share information with guys that are known to be bare backing others? There is no shortage of men that want NOTHING to do with those that they percive are adding risk to the pool.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I know the ladies have resources.....

It's an issue of interest to men as well......

Do you think some of the guys here would share information with guys that are known to be bare backing others? There is no shortage of men that want NOTHING to do with those that they percive are adding risk to the pool. Originally Posted by Whispers
I'll go out on a limb here and say they're not complete idiots like you and are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.
Geez guys.

I'm more relevant.
No your not.
Yes I am.
No I am more relevant.
No your not.
Yes I am.
No I am.
Not Infinity.
Am Infinity +1

Holy Christ!

Lets change this board from Co-Ed Discussion to the:

"Queen of Drama Discussion"
Geez guys.

I'm more relevant.
No your not.
Yes I am.
No I am more relevant.
No your not.
Yes I am.
No I am.
Not Infinity.
Am Infinity +1

Holy Christ!

Lets change this board from Co-Ed Discussion to the:

"Queen of Drama Discussion" Originally Posted by stevejones1969
Hmm actually I've never considered myself relevant on Eccie and I hope I never am.
I don't really consider calling Whispers on his shit to be a battle for relevance.
I am a nobody on Eccie and I prefer it that way.

Although I have an alternate more appealing venue for getting my nookie I do miss the days when one could log into Coed and at least see one or two entertaining or useful conversations taking place at any given time.

They should just rename this the Whispers Forum.

In case you didn't notice providers and mongers alike are jumping ship right and left.

The hottest providers have been gone for quite some time and now there are almost no providers left at all.

As far as the few remaining mongers go? It's mostly either those who kiss Whisper's ass, those who defend themselves from Whispers and his crew or those who dare call Whispers on his BS.

It's not about relevance. It's more about getting a board back worth logging into.

Doesn't seem like much of a hobby forum these days to me.