Minimum wage

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Has Doove ever posted a rational thought?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 12:23 PM
Has Doove ever posted a rational thought? Originally Posted by The2Dogs

as rational as whirlie?

no, never.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Didnt think so.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 02:09 PM
very few are capable of being "whirlie rational"
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-20-2012, 02:17 PM
We are not to turn a blind eye to the unfortunate, but we also ought not demand government do for them what we can do for them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ok, but then....if what "we" do for them (via charity) proves to be inadequate, would it then be ok for the Government to stand in and help?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The point if charity is to help those that are truly in need rather than those that are truly in need of a hand-out.
There is an excuse for those that cannot in fact help themselves but the refusal to accept an opportunity because the government assistance is better than working is not a valid excuse and there is far more of that ilk than those truly in need.
Sadly it is a fact of human nature to find the path of least resistance which is why so many innovations have occurred in the history of man. Unfortunately there are those that take the ability to make work easier through innovation to the point of not doing any work because they can game the system. This is something that cannot be disputed.

For those that do not understand innovations that would be things like the wheeelo. lever and fulcrum, the screw, the pulley, those sorts of things to begin with.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
T2D and cosFb, cut the crap about "self-directed" charity and gaming the system over $15K per head. That program never worked because it allows people who think like you do - making decisions based on some bullshit "what we ALL know" false arguments - to "game" themselves into thinking they have no moral obligations to the inferior. Consequently, your type falls more into the Ebenezer Scrooge (pre visitations) category. What you have written here in its entirety could have been lifted verbatim from Dickens' Scrooge character. Don't believe me? Then go read some of it.

From strictly a dollar for dollar standpoint, those Wall Streeters and other princes of the financial realm, "game" the system out of one helluva lot more jack than all of the assistance receivers x 10. So, genius, if you want to ease your tax burden FOR REAL, instead of whipping on the defenseless, why don't you spend your considerable resources and intellect in pursuit of stopping the real gamers from keeping your taxes high. Might be a little embarrassing at the club, I expect.

You can operate a calculator, can't you?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-20-2012, 06:54 PM
The point if charity is to help those that are truly in need rather than those that are truly in need of a hand-out.
There is an excuse for those that cannot in fact help themselves but the refusal to accept an opportunity because the government assistance is better than working is not a valid excuse and there is far more of that ilk than those truly in need. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Even going so far as to assume charities could handle the demand, in what universe, exactly, do you suspect that people who game the system with respect to government assistance won't be gaming the system with respect to charitable assistance? And when they do, they'll truly be taking from the people who are legitimately in need of that assistance.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I cant say that is not what would happen, the main difference is charity is freely given the other is taken from you without your consent.

The point isnt about charity the point is about government control.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I guess that is a yes. Thank you for your input. We know now that RaggedyAndy is opposed to raising the minimum wage.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-21-2012, 09:27 AM
We know now that RaggedyAndy is opposed to raising the minimum wage. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And we also now know that you think it should be $35/hr.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The liberals cannot disprove that the minimum wage artificially srpresses wages overall.
We can however show that government can cause the cost of everything to rise via policies that create inflatin.
Inflation does not hurt the top 1 percent it hurts the middle class. Those that are in poverty are thus kept in poverty by the government while pointing the finger elsewhere. In the end who loses?
It is the middle class. Failure to recognize what the current administration is dong to cripple the middle class indicates that the government must be controlling more than just the printing press for money but the printing presses for the news and most other media. It makes you wonder why the left gets so riled up when a rogue new agency points out that the emperor is wearing no clothes.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, Doofe, if $10 per hour is good, wouldn't $35 per hour be better? Or $50 per hour? If you insist on having a minimum wage, I just want to know what the best minimum wage would be. Do you have anything of substance to offer? What is your opinion of what the minimum wage should be? I know you won't answer, because thought is a problem for you, but you are always quick to attack, which takes much less thought.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hell they cant come up with a minimum or a maximum even though their exalted leader has said that at some point you have made "enough". that is a tough one for them.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-21-2012, 07:11 PM
I know you won't answer, because thought is a problem for you, but you are always quick to attack, which takes much less thought.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm not here to try to win any arguments, COG. I'm here, mainly, for the purpose of pointing out the idiocies and hypocrisies of people like you and IB Hankering. So yeah, that doesn't take much thought, given the easy targets i'm presented with. Though if i was really lazy, i'd simply resort to childish name calling. But i think those tactics are below me, wouldn't you agree?

Nevertheless, I'll answer your question when you answer mine in post #125.