Provider Committment!

bigfatTim's Avatar
So what your saying is it is a black and white issue?

I see the client get arrested in the parking lot outside his room, but do not call to cancel. Nc/NS?

Wife calls from her cell threatening to call LE for seeing her husband right now at the Plaza Hotel.(where I am) Do I call his cell and cancel? Nc/NS?

You give me 3 references, I tell you that you had 2 go aheads and "Ashlyn" hasn't responded but with the 2 good recent plus other information we can meet today at 2. At 1:45 I get an email from Ashlyn stating you robbed and beat her last week. Ashlyn has 100+stellar reviews and is a respected community member. Do I call and cancel so you can wait outside the hotel and follow me home to my kids?

These are just a few examples of issues ladies deal with daily. You tell me exactly what to do in these situations in which everyone is happy and safe. BTW, you have 5 minutes to make and execute your decision and no do overs . Be careful your decision will be picked apart for days by strangers (with half the story) across the entire country. P.s. you must keep them happy too!

Please excuse any typos, posted with my phone. Originally Posted by Bristol
Bristol I'm sorry! You are 100% correct. Your points have validity and merit. You have changed my mind. As a perfect stranger I shouldn't have judged you. Thanks for showing me a different perspective
Whether the folks are from KC or TX, it doesn't matter. Common courtesy is a lost art form in this business on both parts....providers and hobbyists.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Jumping to conclusions however is alive and well as an art form.
dearhunter's Avatar
Excuses are like assholes........everyone has one.
malwoody's Avatar
Excuses are like assholes........everyone has one. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Man..never heard that one before, hang on a minute so I can write it down so I don't forget....kinda lame Dude..

malwoody's Avatar
So what your saying is it is a black and white issue?

I see the client get arrested in the parking lot outside his room, but do not call to cancel. Nc/NS?

Wife calls from her cell threatening to call LE for seeing her husband right now at the Plaza Hotel.(where I am) Do I call his cell and cancel? Nc/NS?

You give me 3 references, I tell you that you had 2 go aheads and "Ashlyn" hasn't responded but with the 2 good recent plus other information we can meet today at 2. At 1:45 I get an email from Ashlyn stating you robbed and beat her last week. Ashlyn has 100+stellar reviews and is a respected community member. Do I call and cancel so you can wait outside the hotel and follow me home to my kids?

These are just a few examples of issues ladies deal with daily. You tell me exactly what to do in these situations in which everyone is happy and safe. BTW, you have 5 minutes to make and execute your decision and no do overs . Be careful your decision will be picked apart for days by strangers (with half the story) across the entire country. P.s. you must keep them happy too!

Please excuse any typos, posted with my phone. Originally Posted by Bristol
The rest of the story...Have I mentioned lately that I feel very strongly that it's time to MOVE ON...
boardman's Avatar
Bristol I'm sorry! You are 100% correct. Your points have validity and merit. You have changed my mind. As a perfect stranger I shouldn't have judged you. Thanks for showing me a different perspective Originally Posted by bigfatTim
big "whatever", You haven't been on the board long enough or part of this discussion at all. What conclusion did you change your mind from and how did you reach it? Or is this a secondary handle?
Are you saying to have disregard for common courtesies is okay? Originally Posted by growler
Let me try to put this into words maybe even you, who are rarely courteous, can understand; this isn't tea with the queen, it's fucks for bucks! Different rules apply! Was that simple enough for you?
Wakeup's Avatar
Are you saying one of these things happened? You're still blind. Are there situations where a call back to cancel wouldn't be warranted, absolutely. The people here are sticking to calling it a NC/NS because YOU HAVEN'T SAID A DAMN THING ABOUT WHY YOU CHOSE NOT TO CALL. So, either keep quiet with your "we agree to disagree" comments and suck up the criticism, or you tell your side and justify to us that it wasn't a NC/NS. Period.

So what your saying is it is a black and white issue?

I see the client get arrested in the parking lot outside his room, but do not call to cancel. Nc/NS?

Wife calls from her cell threatening to call LE for seeing her husband right now at the Plaza Hotel.(where I am) Do I call his cell and cancel? Nc/NS?

You give me 3 references, I tell you that you had 2 go aheads and "Ashlyn" hasn't responded but with the 2 good recent plus other information we can meet today at 2. At 1:45 I get an email from Ashlyn stating you robbed and beat her last week. Ashlyn has 100+stellar reviews and is a respected community member. Do I call and cancel so you can wait outside the hotel and follow me home to my kids?

These are just a few examples of issues ladies deal with daily. You tell me exactly what to do in these situations in which everyone is happy and safe. BTW, you have 5 minutes to make and execute your decision and no do overs . Be careful your decision will be picked apart for days by strangers (with half the story) across the entire country. P.s. you must keep them happy too!

Please excuse any typos, posted with my phone. Originally Posted by Bristol
Wakeup, neither Bristol nor any other girl needs to justify any of their actions or inactions to you or anyone else....nice drive-by though!
We don't? Your words Scorp, you said we don't have to justify our actions. So its OK for the following actions from a provider to do then:

1. NC/NS
2. NC/NS after you shell out money for a hotel room
3. NC/NS after you've used up a good excuse from work or your SO
4. bait n' switch
5. perform poorly
6. cash n' dash

Did I forget anything?
ScubaBad's Avatar
Anyone that has been around for a while has been NC/NS for NO reason, I think what B was trying to say is that she had a reason and can't/won't state it. I happen to believe her from the hobby, because I know her, but everyone has to make up their own minds (take this thread and all the others, including her reviews into mind).

I wish the fucktard d-bags from Texas would skip back home. For fuck's sake, 4-6000 posts, with nothing constructive to say, seriously? I'm from Texas and you embarrass me, all true gentleman and the great state of Texas.

I think most of us in KC would agree...please go home. I really do feel sorry for you if you have nothing more in your lives than to fight on a hooker board. Sounds like a lonely and miserable life to me.
malwoody's Avatar
Are you saying one of these things happened? You're still blind. Are there situations where a call back to cancel wouldn't be warranted, absolutely. The people here are sticking to calling it a NC/NS because YOU HAVEN'T SAID A DAMN THING ABOUT WHY YOU CHOSE NOT TO CALL. So, either keep quiet with your "we agree to disagree" comments and suck up the criticism, or you tell your side and justify to us that it wasn't a NC/NS. Period. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
How do you know that one of her explanations did not apply? When will you be satisfied..when the op is BBQ'd? The op has left the building...I'd go get him but I hear-tell he is in a safe house at the moment..
Did I forget anything? Originally Posted by MsElena
You rarely, if ever, forget anything because you always have the facts!

bigfatTim's Avatar
big "whatever", You haven't been on the board long enough or part of this discussion at all. What conclusion did you change your mind from and how did you reach it? Or is this a secondary handle? Originally Posted by boardman
your right I did just join the site but that doesn't mean I cannot post my opinion. Hell I didn't know this existed. I've been messing around with backpage and TER. Just recently have I expanded my hobbyism outside of the Columbia area. As far as what changed my mind was terror. We don't have the quantity (nor quality )of providers as compared to the metro cities so the thought of one of these scenarios didn't cross. Plus the downright truth is why should I care. I guess I just got caught up in the mob mentality. How many times has a hobbyist nc/ns a provider? Do they post those guys here? Answer: I don't know but I do know people are entitled to their opinions, sexual preference,and business decisions. There could be a million reasons why she did what she but why should she be obligated to tell the world? I mean c'mon this is a wonderful and horrific hobby. We are people who either pay for sex or get paid, probably not a qualified group to cast stones. As far as a secondary handle? I will be happy to provide any information to validate who I am. My handle says it all just PM me.