Trump says he’s ‘not allowed’ to say why he’s confident that the novel coronavirus originated at Wuhan Institute of Virology

  • oeb11
  • 05-06-2020, 02:46 PM
j66 only reads the DPST narrative propaganda - like good litle socialist.

WacomPost is its' only source of information.

Like almost all liberals- they cannot comprehend anything outside what their masters tell them to believe!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This is now Trump and Pompeo against everybody else. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
China unleashes a virus that infects the entire world, yet it’s the guys pointing out this FACT that pisses you off. Talk about shallow mindedness.
Jaxson66's Avatar
China unleashes a virus that infects the entire world, yet it’s the guys pointing out this FACT that pisses you off. Talk about shallow mindedness. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Fauci again dismisses conspiracy theory that the coronavirus was made in a Wuhan lab after Pompeo touted 'enormous evidence' of a cover-up

73k dead and counting, all hail the great leader.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Who said that it was made there? The working theory, which makes perfect sense, is that it escaped from their lab, not that they created it. But yeah, I’m sure you’re much smarter than the intel apparatuses of multiple first world nations.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Who says it was made?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Maybe the post I was responding to? Go easy on the Jack, Jack.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Who said that it was made there? The working theory, which makes perfect sense, is that it escaped from their lab, not that they created it. But yeah, I’m sure you’re much smarter than the intel apparatuses of multiple first world nations. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Who has insinuated such....Hannity, Brietbart, Levin, Daily caller, and a few other jack boot sycophants. They skirt around the facts to sell you people - my pillows.

Dr Fauci is three times more trustworthy than the fat lying bastard and 40 years of experience, the lying bastard continues to imply it was all China’s fault he ignored his security briefings. He ignored the same intelligence advice you now demand all accept as the word of the new savior. Fuck that.

All hail the great leader, eh. 73k dead and counting.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You’re living in a data free environment.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Who has insinuated such....Hannity, Brietbart, Levin, Daily caller, and a few other jack boot sycophants. They skirt around the facts to sell you people - my pillows.

Dr Fauci is three times more trustworthy than the fat lying bastard and 40 years of experience, the lying bastard continues to imply it was all China’s fault he ignored his security briefings. He ignored the same intelligence advice you now demand all accept as the word of the new savior. Fuck that.

All hail the great leader, eh. 73k dead and counting. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

tell me, who was saying in January that this virus wouldn't be a big concern in the US?

why that would be flatulent fauci the fraud.

butt yous knew that, right?

what's this!?!?!

CDC Director Reacts to Resurfaced Tape of Fauci Downplaying Virus Threat

CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield called in to the Brian Kilmeade Show to discuss the nation's progress in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Among the topics discussed was unearthed audio of White House Coronavirus Task Force member and NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci from January 26th assuring Americans that the coronavirus is nothing to worry about.

"The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States," Dr. Fauci said on The CATS Roundtable. "It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about."

Director Redfield agreed with Dr. Fauci's assessment, saying that at that time in January the information coming out of China suggested "they were pretty certain that this was not transmitted human to human."

"Obviously that became corrected as they saw in the first three, four weeks in January that human to human spread was not only occurring it's actually, as I said, more infectious and I think that led to the situation that we're in today. I think no one could have predicted how transmissible, how infectious this virus really is," he added.

remember this is the same fauci that funded these studies at the Wuhan Virology lab and is supposed to be an expert at how contagious these viruses are. yet he took at face value the word of a pack of known lying commies.
Jaxson66's Avatar
You’re living in a data free environment. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I’m living in the reality the great leader created, but that ends in 261 days.

No right wing propaganda is going to save the great leaders throne, it’s over. Their will be no Hannity Revolution or act of god that the right wing evangelicals pray for. The nightmare ends with a deadly virus sweeping the country and the economy in the shiter

All hail the great leader, 73k dead and counting and a collapsed economy because he was searching for Hillary’s super secret server instead of doing his fucking job.
dread pirate deadpool's Avatar
True, I should have included as long as Trump is President and I hope if for no other reason, China must be brought to it's knees and I don't believe Democrats will do that. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I have doubts that any single country or even a group of countries could hurt China badly financially. I feel that dependency on China is just far too great right now. Things like clothing can be made in other countries, but things like computer parts are all made in China or seems that way.

I do hope that the truth comes out someday and that China pays a heavy price if they made it in a lab or even if escaped from a lab they should pay. How much and how they will pay I will leave it up to those in government to decide. I'm sure that the CIA knows where it came from and that's what Trump is talking about, but for now we still need China to make most of the supplies that are needed. America needs to stop being so dependant on other countries even if US labor and item costs are higher.

But for now the finger pointing needs to stop and focus on a solution. I have doubts that things will be "normal" again soon. It looks like Memorial Day is the date that my local government (Clark County (Las Vegas)) has targeted to reopen businesses.
LexusLover's Avatar
I’m living in the reality the great leader created, but that ends in 261 days. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
How many fires did you create before showing up?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Who has insinuated such....Hannity, Brietbart, Levin, Daily caller, and a few other jack boot sycophants. They skirt around the facts to sell you people - my pillows.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Talk about skirting around the facts! You can't produce a single quote from anybody you just mentioned with perhaps the exception of Brietbart which I don't read.

I do watch Hannity, Levin and read the Daily Caller and have never heard even once the suggestion that the virus was man made in the lab, not once but you could prove me wrong with a quote but you lie so much I don't think you even know your lying any more since you don't take the time to fact check anything you say.

Nobody skirts around the facts more than jaxson and I prove that everyday.
  • oeb11
  • 05-07-2020, 12:37 PM
HF - agreed!