Hillary Clinton is kicking major Republican @ss in the latest general election polls

Bush43 spent 2 trillion of tax payer money, 4,500 people died and no active WMD's were found, just corroded weapons from the 1980's that no longer work. You (J.D. Barleycorn provided the link by New York Times in a prior post). This is NOT WINNING. Bush43 wasted lives and taxpayer money! Originally Posted by flghtr65
So has Obama. More money, more lives. You're like a cat chasing it's tail with this shit. Bush was not a good president and either is Obama. They both are doing the exact same stupid shit.

LexusLover's Avatar
...and no active WMD's were found, .... Originally Posted by flghtr65
... you mean a leaking nerve gas bomb .....

I guess the U.N. inspectors who had been looking for 12 years .... needed another 12 years to look some more .... had that been their task! But it wasn't!

Don't worry it took ISIS less than 12 MONTHS!!!! Imagine that ...
LexusLover's Avatar
You don't write well do you? Originally Posted by Johnny4455
I try to keep it simple for folks like you. So you can read four liners.
So has Obama. More money, more lives. You're like a cat chasing it's tail with this shit. Bush was not a good president and either is Obama. They both are doing the exact same stupid shit.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So why aren't you libertarian?
Pretty bad for the libtards when the only thing that they can say about Bush is that his approval ratings were pretty low and his disapproval ratings were pretty high. You could say the same thing about the New York Yankees when they were winning pennants. Bush didn't need your approval Tampon and he wasn't looking for it. He was trying to win a war. Which he did before your boy threw it all away playing politics.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Judy's man crush at his party.
... you mean a leaking nerve gas bomb .....

I guess the U.N. inspectors who had been looking for 12 years .... needed another 12 years to look some more .... had that been their task! But it wasn't!

Don't worry it took ISIS less than 12 MONTHS!!!! Imagine that ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
I asked you twice to tell the rest of the story, but you are thinking if you repeat the lie will make it real. typical dimatard.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Bush43 spent 2 trillion of tax payer money, 4,500 people died and no active WMD's were found, just corroded weapons from the 1980's that no longer work. You (J.D. Barleycorn provided the link by New York Times in a prior post). This is NOT WINNING. Bush43 wasted lives and taxpayer money! Originally Posted by flghtr65
And you'd be lying, lib-retarded SOB, flighty. Even the New York Times cited that the WMD found were still lethal and usable, flighty.
Don't want to post about Hillarious do you?

Frankly, I can't blame you. Please post about anything but the topics at will.

Try to divert attention away from the truth. I'll keep calling you on it. OK?

Don't you need to get to Church shortly? Or did you appear at Friday Prayers? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I was just following your multiple leads when in the post found below (post #111 of this thread) you changed the subject matter to Obama. There were at least a 10-12 instances prior to post #111 (of this thread) in which LLIdiot deviated from the OP and went on one of his patented Obama (hijack) rants. Then when I counter with factual data about his favorite Wilted Shrub, he gets his panties in a wad and immediately cries foul.

The takeaway from all of this garbage is that LLIdiot feels it is ok for him to hijack a thread (any thread). However, he does not feel it is permissible to hijack his previously hijacked (multiple times) thread! In other words, do as LLIdiot says, not as he does!


The more folks tout Obaminable's "intellectual capacities" the guiltier he is made to look.

An "impaired mental condition" might offer him more cover in his "legacy."
Originally Posted by LexusLover
I was just following your lead when in the post found below (post #111 of this thread) you changed the subject matter to Obama. Then when I countered with remarks about your favorite Wilted Shrub, you cried foul, like the Whimpy Idiot that you are.

The takeaway from all of this garbage is that LLIdiot feels it is ok to hijack a thread (any thread).However, it is not permissible to hijack his previously hijacked thread! In other words, do as LLIdiot says, not as he does!

Idiot Originally Posted by bigtex
Don't try to bring logic and reason to the table. That confuses them. They're much better at rote repetition of talking points.
And you'd be lying, lib-retarded SOB, flighty. Even the New York Times cited that the WMD found were still lethal and usable, flighty.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
When did you drop the "Slave owners Monthly", and start reading the Times?
I B Hankering's Avatar
When did you drop the "Slave owners Monthly", and start reading the Times? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is very unfair to Werner Klemperer who hated the Nazis that destroyed his country. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

it was the best i could do on short notice. does that make you feel better?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So has Obama. More money, more lives. You're like a cat chasing it's tail with this shit. Bush was not a good president and either is Obama. They both are doing the exact same stupid shit.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I would point out that Bush won the war in Iraq. Not the same thing at all.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Iraq is 30,000 square miles larger than Germany and half the population. Why is this important? Because they are still finding weapon caches in Germany from World War II including some that are radioactive. 70 years to find them....why is that?