News Anchor Brian Williams ........well, he's a liar

LexusLover's Avatar
Oh no...Megan Kelly. Say it ain't so Whirlaway! Originally Posted by WTF
I'll say it for him .... "It ain't so"!

"Kelly made the offer.
“He needs to come out,” she told Kurtz. “I think he should actually sit with me.”

At that point, she presented her argument.
“I’d be fair, and I’d be tough, and we’d have a full venting of the issues,” she said. “And that’s when people start to forgive you.”

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"Said the Spider to the Fly!!!"

Old news.... Edit
Brian Williams should have said it was a "composite story" not based on a single incident or person but from various people and situations melded into his own.

It worked for "Dreams Of My Father."

As far as the other "newsmen" (since the majority are with Fox ) they are probably skeered that someone may look into their past for embellishments. Hey, there is airtime to fill.
roaringfork's Avatar
The press (cable, broadcast, internet, newspapers) should be universally saying "good riddance" (to a self aggrandizing fabricator), but they aren't. People like David Carr, Megan Kelly, Brit Hume, Charlie Rose, Bill O'Reilly, and Anderson Cooper seem sad about his demise, expressing reflection and sympathy, when in fact they should be expressing anger with Williams' betrayal of journalistic standards.

I find that the most interesting aspect of this story. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well...for the sake of their own credibility the other members of his profession can't exactly afford to overdo the outrage at said betrayal (or their glee at it's discovery); but that didn't keep FOX last evening from making the suspension of this one media figure the subject of the kind of alerts which you might think would be reserved for a terrorist attack on the homeland. Kind of funny to watch.

I do concur with your prediction that the man is toast. The euphemism they use at my workplace is "Emilio is leaving his supervisory position for a few months to do some cross-training in the warehouse."
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FIFY (no Charge) Originally Posted by bigtex
Just showing the same cowardice you showed when you dodged my wager.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well...for the sake of their own credibility the other members of his profession can't exactly afford to overdo the outrage at said betrayal (or their glee at it's discovery); but that didn't keep FOX last evening from making the suspension of this one media figure the subject of the kind of alerts which you might think would be reserved for a terrorist attack on the homeland. Kind of funny to watch.

I do concur with your prediction that the man is toast. The euphemism they use at my workplace is "Emilio is leaving his supervisory position for a few months to do some cross-training in the warehouse." Originally Posted by roaringfork
I can show that you're wrong. I get Fox News alerts on my smart phone and Brian William's suspension was not one of those alerts. So you exaggerate.
roaringfork's Avatar
I can show that you're wrong. I get Fox News alerts on my smart phone and Brian William's suspension was not one of those alerts. So you exaggerate. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeah--a little. Maybe I've got a future in journalism.

To be more specific, I just noticed that the Brian Williams news preempted much if not most of O'Reilly's show. As a Tracfone guy, I'll have to take your word on the rest.

My larger point had more to do with the media's need to discreetly manage their own Schadenfreude, and not cater too openly to the sadism of their audience.
Brian Wiiliams has Charley Sheen in his corner.

The way this reads, I am almost thinking Sheen is being facetious. If not, Sheen is bordering on the absurd.

"Hero". "Witch Hunt". (PERFECTLY) fact based journalism. this is a strange response at best, considering th facts of the whole sordid affair.
boardman's Avatar
Well...for the sake of their own credibility the other members of his profession can't exactly afford to overdo the outrage at said betrayal (or their glee at it's discovery); but that didn't keep FOX last evening from making the suspension of this one media figure the subject of the kind of alerts which you might think would be reserved for a terrorist attack on the homeland. Kind of funny to watch.

I do concur with your prediction that the man is toast. The euphemism they use at my workplace is "Emilio is leaving his supervisory position for a few months to do some cross-training in the warehouse." Originally Posted by roaringfork
I do get tired of the "Breaking News Alerts" at the lead in to every prime time Fox News show over shit that is not alert worthy. It's just silly.

Fox Breaking News alert: Jackie Robinson West has been forced to vacate the 2014 Little League American Championship title...WTF?
boardman's Avatar
I can show that you're wrong. I get Fox News alerts on my smart phone and Brian William's suspension was not one of those alerts. So you exaggerate. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually, I think it was, Maybe not

I do still have the one telling me Jon Stewart is leaving The Daily Show. Did you get that one?
LexusLover's Avatar
I do still have the one telling me Jon Stewart is leaving The Daily Show. Did you get that one? Originally Posted by boardman
I thought that was a spin off the Williams story .... by referencing a possible slot for him to fill in lieu of getting his old chair back ... it almost sounded like someone was "fitting" him to the position with the notion he would never skip a beat from Stewart's twists on the news. Stewart is funny sometimes. Williams hardly ever to almost not at all.
boardman's Avatar
I thought that was a spin off the Williams story .... by referencing a possible slot for him to fill in lieu of getting his old chair back ... it almost sounded like someone was "fitting" him to the position with the notion he would never skip a beat from Stewart's twists on the news. Stewart is funny sometimes. Williams hardly ever to almost not at all. Originally Posted by LexusLover
There has been some speculation that Williams may be a candidate to fill that slot. I've heard some say he has a great sense of humor. I personally haven't watched enough to know that for myself.

Stewart has some big shoes to fill. His comedic delivery and timing are superb. I don't always agree with the content even though I recognize it as satire but I do appreciate his talent. I don't even think it's the content that I dislike. I think it's the number of people who point to it as hard news and relevant commentary rather than satire that bothers me.

If Williams were to take that spot it would just feel a little awkward regardless of how good he is at it. I think he would have to be a master at self deprecation in order to retain that audience.
There has been some speculation that Williams may be a candidate to fill that slot. I've heard some say he has a great sense of humor. I personally haven't watched enough to know that for myself.

Stewart has some big shoes to fill. His comedic delivery and timing are superb. I don't always agree with the content even though I recognize it as satire but I do appreciate his talent. I don't even think it's the content that I dislike. I think it's the number of people who point to it as hard news and relevant commentary rather than satire that bothers me.

If Williams were to take that spot it would just feel a little awkward regardless of how good he is at it. I think he would have to be a master at self deprecation in order to retain that audience. Originally Posted by boardman
According to Megan Kelly, her staff reaserched Stewart's cutting edge "Satire", and 90+ percent of the subjects were Republican, or conservative.

I like him, he has phenominol comedic skills.

But in the end, he is just another political hack for the Democrats.
. I get Fox News alerts on my smart phone . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There is something about that makes me chuckle.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
There is something about that makes me chuckle. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Just can't beat the dailykos, right Iva?