Georgia Election Problems - Continued...

Precious_b's Avatar
I'd buy all the allegations of cheating in GA hook, line, and sinker when NaCl-y smacks down the million dollars that Tejas LtGuv is paying for the proof of such.

Come on salty, why are you pushing for pennies on ad revenue click bait here when you can fully fund this whole site ad infinitum by ponying up that proof?

You baffle me.
... Once again - this thread concerns the Georgia elections.
Your sad attempts to either hijack or sabotage this thread
add .. er... Precious Little to the discussion.

Please stay on-topic or start yer-own thread.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This thread is you basically talking to yourself, Salty.

Disagreeing with you isn’t hijacking the thread.

There has still been no proof that the Georgia election was stolen from Trump. And he’s eventually going to pay the price for his “perfect phone call.”

If I was the Georgia AG, I’d sue the fat bastard for compensation for all the court expenses and chaos he and his 19 codefendants wrought on my state.

That’s the real concern about the Georgia elections.
... No, the real concern is more voter fraud. Which is why the
Georgia Board of Elections has addressed the issue with some
new rules and regulations.

The Elections Board recently approved Rule #183-1-12-.12,
which requires Precincts to ensure the number of votes counted
equals the number of ballots cast. ... The Rule requires the
"hand-count ballot totals" match the "numbers recorded on the
precinct poll pods, ballot marking devices, and scanner recap forms".

The SEB determined back in May that Fulton County double-scanned more
than 3,000 ballots during the 2020 election, a VIOLATION of the Law.

A FACT - extensively reviewed in me " Georgia election" threads.

Kenvin Moncla, who surely filed a complaint against Fulton County,
also showed that ballots were also double-counted since they
appeared in the cast vote record.

The State elections Board also approved another Rule, which
clarifys that County Election Boards have the right to make
"reasonable inquiry that the tabulation and canvassing of the
election are complete and accurate" --- before certifying the results.

... Now, Stacey Abrams, Marc Elias and the DNC are suing the
Georgia Elections Board over the new Rules. ... Their attack
is part of a nation-wide campaign by left-wing activists and
their media allies to force Election officials to just
rubber-stamp election results - without checking to see IF
the number of votes recorded equals the number of ballots.

... Seems that making sure the ballot totals AND vote totals
do match up IS the proper way to ensure truth and honesty
with the voting. ... Glad to see the Election Board taking
the matter seriously. .... Fair elections depend on it.

#### Salty