What is the Democrat's position on the securing our borders?

LexusLover's Avatar
I think that most people in this country would disagree with you as to Trump's divisiveness. His whole platform is based on fear:

The caravan consists of murderers and rapists.

Days before our midterm elections, Trump has once again made the immigrant the boogeyman that “real” Americans must fight. Instead of using America’s might to offer aid to desperate people fleeing violence in Central America, his rhetoric ― and that of his allies ― peddles misinformation of Islamic terrorists and lepers among the group, all working to destroy or infect our great, pure nation. He has ordered over 5,000 active-duty American service members to the border to prevent the supposed onslaught.


On Tuesday, President Donald Trump was asked about his recent tweet that "criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in" with the migrant caravan in southern Mexico. At first, he deflected, telling reporters that the US Border Patrol has apprehended people from the Middle East before. When a journalist asked him if he had any proof that Middle Easterners are in the caravan right now, Trump simply said, "Well, they could very well be."


The U.S. economy will tank if Democrats take control of the House:

In the run up to next week’s midterm elections, Donald Trump has done his best to strike fear into the hearts of voters about what might happen to the country if Democrats take the House, as they are widely expected to do. Mostly, that’s centered around lying about immigrants and asylum-seekers; suggesting that a vote for Democrats is a vote for a new law wherein every time a refugee even thinks about coming to America, a U.S. citizen is forced to join MS-13; and claiming, falsely, that he can and will amend the Constitution through executive order. You know, catnip for the base. On Tuesday, though, he diversified his methodology of mistruth to include lies and threats about what else might happen if Republicans lose control of the House, i.e. the market will crash and the U.S. inflation rate will hit 83,000 percent by December.


And no President has weaponized fear quite like Trump. He is an expert at playing to the public’s phobias. The America rendered in his speeches and tweets is a dystopian hellscape. He shapes public opinion by emphasizing dangers—both real and imaginary—that his policies purport to fix.

“He is a master at it to a degree that I haven’t seen,” says Barry Glassner, a sociologist at Lewis & Clark College and the author of The Culture of Fear. “His formula is very clean and uncomplicated: Be very, very afraid. And I am the cure.”


Luckily, I think most voters in this country have become wise to Trump's rhetoric and appeals to one's fears. Since he can't point to the accomplishments he's had while in office, that being the economy and only the economy, he has to instill fear in the voters in order to succeed.

BTW, you asked the question as to what the Democratic position on immigration is and I gave it to you in Post #94. Any response? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Were any of these posts literal quotes from Trump? If so which?

Oh, and if you are correct, then we should expect a blue tsunami tomorrow in BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS!

A victory similar to the one you predicted in 2016.

10-20-2016, 08:03 AM #21

This election is OVER. Republicans should start focusing on 2020. Unless a bomb hits between now and November 8th there is no way Trump can overcome the lead that Clinton has in the polls. For those of you who are still not believing the polls . . . we'll see in a handful of days how accurate they are.
It's too bad the caravans didn't get here sooner. Just think of the added votes the anti/never Trumpers could muster in time for tomorrow!

Oh, well, there's always 2020 with HillariousNoMore again!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sounds like you've conceded the House, LL.

Maybe Trump can launch cruise missiles into Mexico tonight.

That's about all he can still do, right?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Were any of these posts literal quotes from Trump? If so which?

Oh, and if you are correct, then we should expect a blue tsunami tomorrow in BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS!

A victory similar to the one you predicted in 2016.

It's too bad the caravans didn't get here sooner. Just think of the added votes the anti/never Trumpers could muster in time for tomorrow!

Oh, well, there's always 2020 with HillariousNoMore again! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I never predicted a blue tsunami for tomorrow. I predict Democrats win back the House and Republicans maintain control of the Senate, possibly adding a seat. I would give Democrats about a 5-10% chance of taking control of the Senate and if they win back control of both the House and Senate, then it would most definitely be a blue tsunami.

I think I missed YOUR prediction on the 2016 election. Care to cite the post in which you predicted a Trump victory?

And your prediction for tomorrow's outcome is. . . ?

I will add that earlier this year President Trump predicted a "Red wave" if he campaigned hard. Which he did.

“As long as I campaign and/or support Senate and House candidates (within reason), they will win! I LOVE the people, & they certainly seem to like the job I’m doing,” he wrote. “If I find the time, in between China, Iran, the Economy and much more, which I must, we will have a giant Red Wave!”
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sounds like you've conceded the House, LL.

Maybe Trump can launch cruise missiles into Mexico tonight.

That's about all he can still do, right? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You haven't noticed? LL does not make predictions. He only criticizes others who do so and are wrong.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s done a bang up job of fear mongering in recent weeks, I’d say.

I’m afraid to go to Clarksville because it might be overrun with marauders. It is a bit closer to the border, after all.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, I did Speedracer but just for you I'll tell it again.
Look at the last paragraph - it bashes Trump. I asked what the position was and all I saw was --bash Trump. Which you gave me their platform but at the end it bashes Trump. Which made my point thank you. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
So the article lays out in fairly good detail the Democratic position on immigration which you requested. And you focus on a single line out of hundreds.

"Finally, Democrats will not stand for the divisive and derogatory language of Donald Trump. His offensive comments about immigrants and other communities have no place in our society. This kind of rhetoric must be rejected."

Sorry if the truth hurts. This is a man who:

Called Ted Cruz "Lying Ted", ridiculed his wife, and suggested that his father was in on JFK's assassination.

Said John McCain was not a war hero because he was captured. That from a man (Trump) who did everything in his power to avoid serving in the military.

Says about Carly Fiorina "Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?"

Calls Marco Rubio "Little Marco Rubio. . . All talk and no action."

Calls Stormy Daniels "Horseface".

The list goes on and on. I'm sorry but this is not a man who represents the office of POTUS with honor. He insults people from Mexico. He refers to poor, predominantly black countries as "shithole" countries.

As I said before, if Republican win tomorrow Trump will take ALL the credit. If Democrats take control of the House Trump will blame everyone but himself.

However, if Mr Trump’s party were to be dealt a blow on election day, it would be unlikely for the president to take even part of the blame for the loss, the expert claimed.

Mr Hug said: “Indications so far show little sign that Mr Trump will accept personal responsibility for any losses in the midterms and while there may be increased pressure on him to moderate his behaviour, past experience suggests that any impact would be short-lived.”

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bears repeating. Trump is already making excuses.

To his credit, he hasn't claimed the election is rigged.



The republicans should have changed it. While they could.

Now trump will have the perfect excuse. The democrats will take the house and trump will blame everything on them.
Oh, wait. He already does that.
Since congress will go from unpassable bills to gridlock, and since idle hands are the devil's workshop, let the investigations begin. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

You seem to think that having a 51 to 49 majority (barely a majority) means trump can push Anything he wants through the senate.
BUT AS WE'VE seen, its not that bloody simple. Especially when you have republican turn-coats.

You ever notice that when somebody asked the hard questions , like how to address the broken immigration system the liberals and the media answers are always one or more of several responses
Its Hysterics
Its some kind of phobia
Its rage
And wait for it its a Conspiracy

And yes we are a country of immigrants BUT , in 1928 my grandfather had to be sponsored no criminal record and medical exam and be able to work. Nobody here has issues with Legal immigration just saying Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Plus back then, to emmegrate here, you had to have a sponsor, willing to be financially responsible for you. WHERE DID that requirement disappear to?

Days before our midterm elections, Trump has once again made the immigrant the boogeyman that “real” Americans must fight. Instead of using America’s might to offer aid to desperate people fleeing violence in Central America, his rhetoric ― and that of his allies ― peddles misinformation of Islamic terrorists and lepers among the group, all working to destroy or infect our great, pure nation. He has ordered over 5,000 active-duty American service members to the border to prevent the supposed onslaught.

Speed racer. IF THEY ARE SO DESPERATE, why then did they not settle for sanctuary in Mexico, or go SOUTH towards Pamama or Costa rica? IF THEY ARE SO BLOODY DESPERATE why is America the "only viable solution to sav them"?

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump was asked about his recent tweet that "criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in" with the migrant caravan in southern Mexico. At first, he deflected, telling reporters that the US Border Patrol has apprehended people from the Middle East before. When a journalist asked him if he had any proof that Middle Easterners are in the caravan right now, Trump simply said, "Well, they could very well be."

Being we've gotten INTEL FROM Honduras itself, saying there's crooks in this band, as well as other intel showing islamic fundamentalists are hiding in there, what else do you want him to say? Nothing TILL ONE gets apprehended?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
[/COLOR][/SIZE]Being we've gotten INTEL FROM Honduras itself, saying there's crooks in this band, as well as other intel showing islamic fundamentalists are hiding in there, what else do you want him to say? Nothing TILL ONE gets apprehended?[/COLOR]

Originally Posted by garhkal
I don't think you made this up, garhkal. I do think you're parroting some BS you think you may have heard or read somewhere.

But I'm open to your evidence.

Show us the intel, garhkal.

If it's legit, then why has even Trump dropped that ridiculous claim?

If it's not, then why do you post it?

The hypocrisy is on full display. I'm going to have to resort to memes. I know Yssup will be happy.

So the article lays out in fairly good detail the Democratic position on immigration which you requested. And you focus on a single line out of hundreds.

"Finally, Democrats will not stand for the divisive and derogatory language of Donald Trump. His offensive comments about immigrants and other communities have no place in our society. This kind of rhetoric must be rejected."

Sorry if the truth hurts. This is a man who:

Called Ted Cruz "Lying Ted", ridiculed his wife, and suggested that his father was in on JFK's assassination.

Said John McCain was not a war hero because he was captured. That from a man (Trump) who did everything in his power to avoid serving in the military.

Says about Carly Fiorina "Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?"

Calls Marco Rubio "Little Marco Rubio. . . All talk and no action."

Calls Stormy Daniels "Horseface".

The list goes on and on. I'm sorry but this is not a man who represents the office of POTUS with honor. He insults people from Mexico. He refers to poor, predominantly black countries as "shithole" countries.

As I said before, if Republican win tomorrow Trump will take ALL the credit. If Democrats take control of the House Trump will blame everyone but himself.

However, if Mr Trump’s party were to be dealt a blow on election day, it would be unlikely for the president to take even part of the blame for the loss, the expert claimed.

Mr Hug said: “Indications so far show little sign that Mr Trump will accept personal responsibility for any losses in the midterms and while there may be increased pressure on him to moderate his behaviour, past experience suggests that any impact would be short-lived.”

https://www.express.co.uk/news/world...ing-early-vote Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What does your meme have to do with immigration? Nothing.

You posted this thread. You had the answer to your question posted numerous times.

And now you're posting a totally off topic meme of Trump and Joe Biden? Answering what? What's the point besides you love Trump?

We get it. You "love the guy." You've been shaking your pom poms for him since he assumed power.

Nothing inherently wrong about that.

Please try and post memes relevant to the topic, or explain how Joe Biden has anything to do with this thread. Help me out, Ellen. I'm trying to understand you.
First, I was responding to Speedracer's post. Jeeze.

What does your meme have to do with immigration? Nothing.

You posted this thread. You had the answer to your question posted numerous times.

And now you're posting a totally off topic meme of Trump and Joe Biden? Answering what? What's the point besides you love Trump?

We get it. You "love the guy." You've been shaking your pom poms for him since he assumed power.

Nothing inherently wrong about that.

Please try and post memes relevant to the topic, or explain how Joe Biden has anything to do with this thread. Help me out, Ellen. I'm trying to understand you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This was what you posted: "The hypocrisy is on full display. I'm going to have to resort to memes. I know Yssup will be happy."

I responded to the comment you made and the meme you posted.

Was that not what you wanted?

Again, help us out here.
LexusLover's Avatar
You haven't noticed? LL does not make predictions. He only criticizes others who do so and are wrong. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Actually, you are wrong! I compliment those who are correct, unless, of course, they are predicting on a 50-50 event in which case there's an even chance to win or lose.

As for today's results: I've listened to a lot of "pundits" just like I did in 2016 and the anti-never Trumpers seem to be saying the same thing based on ..... "polls"! As a practical matter there is insufficient data upon which to make a legitimate "prediction" when races get within the margin of error (which is why it is called a "margin of error" BTW).

This election is breaking new ground. And I heard the flaw last night when one of the "pundits" started talking about "their turnout (Democrats) in the "early voting"! "Flaw" ... because I am a Democrat and I know some "Democrats" that voted early. I also know from them privately for whom they voted.

In most of these races that are within the margin of error based on the polling who ever PRE-GUESSES (it's not really a "prediction") the result is doing nothing more than tossing a coin. We see that a lot on Saturday and Sunday these days...and during the week.

If one has ever actually run a campaign (set the tone and strategy, then crunched the numbers) one is aware of the variables in the decision making that can CAUSE the results to go one way or another. The 2016 election is a CLASSIC EXAMPLE of poor decision making based on some weak assumptions.

While folks were marginalizing Trump and his Team as "jokes" and people to be disrespected, the Trump Team was approaching the electionS with a "marketing attitude" as though they were planning the development of a property. The Number One job in a "marketing strategy" is to determine "THE MARKET"!

He did. She didn't. And with all due respect, SpeedRacer, you didn't either. The bottom line is:

The 2018 MidTerms are: "Much Ado About Nothing"!

“Silence is the perfectest herault of joy. I were but little happy if I could say how much.”
― William Shakespeare