Capitalism: A Love Story!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'd like you to consider a much smaller government that allows people to run themselves. I believe if the government withdrew their protection from the crony capitalists (fascists), many of these problems would be resolved. By the market, not at the point of a government gun.
I'd like you to consider a much smaller government that allows people to run themselves. I believe if the government withdrew their protection from the crony capitalists (fascists), many of these problems would be resolved. By the market, not at the point of a government gun. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It could work, actually. Seems you are prescribing a "communial type government". Here is the definition of communal:
Budman's Avatar
How the fuck do you know? Because I asked a goddamn philosophical question about the inequality in pay? That's the problem with our current political climate. Everyone needs to label someone. What happened to just being a human being? That doesn't require you to be a liberal or a conservative. And yes, most are all too proud to say they're conservative. And right after that, they say some of the stupidest goddamn shit you've ever heard in your life. If equality is a liberal mantra, then I'm a goddamn liberal. Originally Posted by WombRaider

I know because one of the main things liberals all want to do is spend other peoples money. They always think they know best on how someone else should spend their money but very rarely do they follow their own advice.

SeekingTruth, why don't you go out and start your own company and run it anyway you see fit? You are absolutely clueless on what it takes to start and run a successful company. Go get some experience and then come back and continue this discussion.
I know because one of the main things liberals all want to do is spend other peoples money. They always think they know best on how someone else should spend their money but very rarely do they follow their own advice.

SeekingTruth, why don't you go out and start your own company and run it anyway you see fit? You are absolutely clueless on what it takes to start and run a successful company. Go get some experience and then come back and continue this discussion. Originally Posted by Budman
When did I ever say anything about spending someone else's money? I simply asked a question about income inequality. I never mentioned the government being involved in it. YOU are the one who brought all those things to the table, not me. I would never be in favor of the government capping ceo pay. If people want to be greedy, that's their business. I would want them to do it because it's the right thing to do, not because they're forced to. You watch too much faux news.
Budman's Avatar
When did I ever say anything about spending someone else's money? I simply asked a question about income inequality. I never mentioned the government being involved in it. YOU are the one who brought all those things to the table, not me. I would never be in favor of the government capping ceo pay. If people want to be greedy, that's their business. I would want them to do it because it's the right thing to do, not because they're forced to. You watch too much faux news. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Don't hold your breath. On second thought go ahead.
Don't hold your breath. On second thought go ahead. Originally Posted by Budman
Exactly. And that's why it's sad. You obviously don't care about your fellow man and this attitude has contributed to our current predicament. Selfishness, greed, etc.
Budman's Avatar
Exactly. And that's why it's sad. You obviously don't care about your fellow man and this attitude has contributed to our current predicament. Selfishness, greed, etc. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Poor baby. Did I hurt your feelings too?

I care about my fellow man if he is willing to try and help himself. I don't give a fuck about you if you are a lazy POS that is nothing more than a leech on society. You see I am one of the people that pay for all of your freebies. Fucking leech.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey WormRaper! How much do you make?
  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 05:12 PM
Hey WormRaper! How much do you make? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Why? Wondering if he can afford your 20 cent Salina men's stall blowjobs?

No one wants to fuck your gummy mouth-cunt you fucking whore.
Poor baby. Did I hurt your feelings too?

I care about my fellow man if he is willing to try and help himself. I don't give a fuck about you if you are a lazy POS that is nothing more than a leech on society. You see I am one of the people that pay for all of your freebies. Fucking leech. Originally Posted by Budman
Why do you assume that because I care about income equality, it makes me a leech? I made my money. I was very fortunate that the technology came along when it did. I came up with several apps that have done quite well. I could retire right now and I'm not even 40 years old. I contribute to my community in positive ways by donating my time and money to causes that are important to me like homelessness and hunger. I don't get any freebies, drippy dick. You're the fucking asshole, not me.
Hey WormRaper! How much do you make? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If I told you, you'd probably go in the bathroom and kill yourself. I've been very fortunate. I also worked smart, not hard.
Poor baby. Did I hurt your feelings too?

I care about my fellow man if he is willing to try and help himself. I don't give a fuck about you if you are a lazy POS that is nothing more than a leech on society. You see I am one of the people that pay for all of your freebies. Fucking leech. Originally Posted by Budman
Feelings? What are those? You're no different than the rest. Be gone, you cunt fart.
I know because one of the main things liberals all want to do is spend other peoples money. They always think they know best on how someone else should spend their money but very rarely do they follow their own advice.

SeekingTruth, why don't you go out and start your own company and run it anyway you see fit? You are absolutely clueless on what it takes to start and run a successful company. Go get some experience and then come back and continue this discussion. Originally Posted by Budman
Will do! How would you like to finance me?
Exactly. And that's why it's sad. You obviously don't care about your fellow man and this attitude has contributed to our current predicament. Selfishness, greed, etc. Originally Posted by WombRaider

You are on the right side WombRaider. Now let's ask what's his name how he will finance my new company!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If I told you, you'd probably go in the bathroom and kill yourself. I've been very fortunate. I also worked smart, not hard. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Then why don't you give a bunch of it away to less fortunate workers. You obviously have more than you need. Or are you heartless and greedy?