You ought to see the hissy fits they are having in the Powder Room over this thread.....
Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Funny, I must have missed that thread. No sense trying to stir the pot and make guys "think" this is actually important enough to talk about behind your backs. Now if you really want to share in PR conversations, please, by all means, tell us which brand and size tampon you prefer. What about when you have PMS? Do you prefer Midol or just a heating pad? Which brand douche makes you smell the freshest? There, now you can be a part of the ladies world. Do you feel better?
And I know plenty of people who pulled Recaro factory seats out of BMW E30's and dropped them into plenty of Fords, especially Mustangs, because they liked the way the seat felt but didn't want to pay the upcharge just for better handling when they did mostly straight line driving.
Originally Posted by LazurusLong
So in essence what you are saying then, is that even at the cheaper price, you still didn't quite get the ride you wanted, so you had to make substitutions using parts of the more expensive model to bring it up to your standards and comfort level? Hmm, talk about irony.
I had a whole thing typed out but to avoid getting banned, I'm only going to say this:
You should not be one to talk about others degrading people. Pot meet kettle. You are actually downright mean, rude, and cruel with some of what you say when you think you are protected by cyberspace.
You, sir, have grown into a bitter lonely man who has absolutely no appreciation for women as a whole and what we contribute not only to this board, but to society. Some of what you and your fellow brethren say is absolutely disgusting. And it's funny to me...because you would never dare have big enough balls to act the same face-to-face. We have crossed paths on many, many occasions over the years, and not one time did you
ever talk out of line or disrespectful to my face. But you sure talk a lot of mess behind my/other ladies backs. You are nothing more than a hypocrite talking shit via keyboard in an attempt to get "atta boys" to make you feel like a big man.
I'm really not trying to be rude-I'm truly not. But I am very direct and speak my mind. I don't care if you feel you have a right to say what you want about any lady on this board just because you hold the benjamins and are the one doing the review. You only have respect for the things/people that will somehow benefit you. So while you are busy rubbing elbows over beer with some of your buddies talking about how some of us are fat old hags with worn out pussies, just remember this. If it weren't for the hobby, the only pussy you would get would be a blow up variety.
If I could say what I really wanted to say to you, no doubt I would be banned permanently-trust me-I'm holding back. So tell ya what-let's do lunch. I would love nothing more than to tell you how I truly feel face-to-face. What do you say? My treat.