Gentlmen, What made you choose youre handle?

chrome's Avatar
Name of the Title Character in William Gibson cyberpunk novel Burning Chrome.
Mondonico's Avatar
It a type of Bicycle that I ride
motocrossman39's Avatar
I Just Love Motorcross Racing!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Best description of my attitude, size and, I hope, performance.
Boltfan's Avatar
San Diego Chargers nickname = Bolts!

I figured my football passion was more appropriate for Texas than my basketball passion (although those Spurs fans in SA know full well I am a Laker honk!).
Silverstream's Avatar
Back in the early days of computing when I was active in the "Elite" scene of computing in the mid to late 80s (think of the movie "hacker") I had to come up with handle. I chose Silverstream as I envisioned my data as a stream of light pulses running through the fiber optic.

In case anyone is wondering, I never ventured fully into that world and never engaged in any majorly criminal activities. The community was filled with a bunch of very interesting and intelligent people though.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
It was a nickname given to me back in the olden days in college. There are maybe a dozen people in the world who know me by this nickname so I am somewhat safe in my anonymity here.

Plus Captain Caveman was bad ass back in the day.
DFK Hunter's Avatar

Yes, I hunt for Kisses!

Surprisingly, I'm not that good at finding them...
I'm real good at tennis and my using boner, lol

Any ladies need some lessons? I'm certified
verygood69's Avatar
I think mine is very well suited.
I use duckman because over the years I have became an avid duck hunter and enjoy the outdoors, the numbers at the end 2921 are Kevin Harvick's raceing numbers in sprint cup and the nationwide series, as he is my favorite race car driver......

I know corny right!!!!

am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I want to make sure the provider has a good time. Focus on her the way she normally has to focus on hobbiests. Leave her with the fond memory.
I think most people know.... If you don't, the line forms here

And No, I don't eat Purple Pussies, I eat them till they are....
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
This is my 3rd name on this site .. been lurking most of the time.

My username comes from all the experiences I've had with sex. I've lost my ability to have good sex around 15 .. I don't know what's the matter with me. Just not the right woman, health .. I really don't know.

But specifically my username comes from this one experience. Found this lady on bp, got some time setup. Came to her, tried to have sex, and she cried because I sucked so bad(She pitied me). The end. ... So I gave up trying. It's funny now, mentally women doesn't scare me .. trying to please a piece of pussy does.
I was at a SC one night playing with one of the girls. She stuck her hand down my pants and exclaimed: "Man, you are packin!"