What White America Doesn't Want to Know

Yssup Rider's Avatar
are you telling him to FUCK OFF, Corpy?
lustylad's Avatar
I'm sure it will get shit on, as any reasoned approach does. But it's not wrong. When they see violence perpetrated as a response to injustice, they ruminate on why. Never once thinking about what it would be like to be in a similar situation.

http://www.alternet.org/white-americ...t-want-know-it Originally Posted by WombRaider

Hey, did anyone notice how the linked article ends? It spills the beans on what really happened in the back of that paddy wagon. Freddie Gray wasn't killed by the po-po at all. What made him go crazy and bang his head in the wagon was the delayed, cumulative result of eating too much lead paint as a child! Now that we've pinpointed the real culprit, I guess we can expect all charges against the 6 Baltimore police officers to be dropped, right undercunt?

"Others in Baltimore.... were similarly subjected to lead paint, often without even the pretense of attempted abatement or removal. One such family settled a lawsuit.... one of the sons in that family, when tested, had levels of lead in his blood that were 2-4 times what the Centers for Disease Control considers cause for concern, and as much as twice what the state of Maryland deems official lead poisoning.

That son's name? Freddie Gray."

I B Hankering's Avatar
So this Nicodermus in Kansas is not an exception?


http://history.appstate.edu/sites/hi...%20Canaday.pdf Originally Posted by andymarksman

[I]n 1862, the Homestead Act was passed and signed into law. The new law established a three-fold homestead acquisition process: filing an application, improving the land, and filing for deed of title. Any U.S. citizen, or intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S. Government could file an application and lay claim to 160 acres of surveyed Government land. For the next 5 years, the homesteader had to live on the land and improve it by building a 12-by-14 dwelling and growing crops. After 5 years, the homesteader could file for his patent (or deed of title) by submitting proof of residency and the required improvements to a local land office.

Local land offices forwarded the paperwork to the General Land Office in Washington, DC, along with a final certificate of eligibility. The case file was examined, and valid claims were granted patent to the land free and clear, except for a small registration fee. Title could also be acquired after a 6-month residency and trivial improvements, provided the claimant paid the government $1.25 per acre. After the Civil War, Union soldiers [including tens of thousands of colored troops] could deduct the time they served from the residency requirements.

[M]ilitary records show that Hogan served in the Union Army from 1863 to 1865. He was a private in Company B of the 83rd Infantry Regiment, which was reorganized into the 2nd Regiment of the Kansas Colored Infantry...

[M]ore than 90 black Civil War veterans are buried throughout Nebraska...

"After the war, lots of veterans were given land grants to homestead, so that might have brought (Hogan) here."

By the 1860 census, there were still fewer than 30 African American individuals in Nebraska. That was about to change.

A movement of African American settlers began moving into the plains states. They began in Kansas, and were known as the “Exodusters.” During the early summer of 1879, a small group of exodusters arrived in Lincoln. Others moved to Omaha and Nebraska City.
Detail from, Bunch of genuine old time
cowboys and bronco busters at Denver,
Colorado, 1905.
While many former slaves settled in Omaha and the railroad towns where jobs were available, many also settled in other parts of Nebraska. In 1870, Robert Anderson, a former slave, became the first black to homestead in Nebraska. For some of Anderson’s experiences, click here. Interestingly, in another part of the state, it was a white family, the Benton Aldrich family, who encouraged former slave families to relocate to Nemaha County in southeast Nebraska. Several black families settled near the Aldrich place in the 1870s and 1880s.

African Americans settled mainly in Custer, Dawson, and Harlan counties. Charles Meehan formed a black colony at Overton in Dawson County in 1885, which was followed by the creation of other black communities in Cherry County — Brownlee in 1905 and DeWitty in 1907. African Americans were more inclined to settle in western Nebraska, as there was more land available for them to acquire under the Homestead Act.

In 1870, there were 789 African Americans living in Nebraska. That number exploded to 8,900 by 1890.


The Town of Blackdom

Blacks did not arrive in large numbers until the passage of the Federal Homestead Act of 1862. This Act enabled over 100,000 former Black Southerners to stake a claim in lands in the West. The Act has been called one of the most important pieces of legislation in the History of the United States. Signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln after the secession of the Southern states, the Act turned over vast amounts of public land to private citizens. Two hundred seventy million acres or 10% of the area of the United States was claimed and settled under this Act.

A homesteader had to be a head of household and at least 21 years of age to claim a 160 acre parcel of land. Immigrants, farmers from the East, single women and former slaves traveled west. The one condition in homesteading was that the claimants “prove up.” This entailed living on the land, building a home, and making improvements and farming for five years before they were eligible for ownership. A filing fee of $18.00 was required.

In the 1870’s Dora, a town in the Cimarron Valley, was homesteaded by freed Blacks from Texas before the town was overrun by cattlemen. Blacks also homesteaded near Raton, Las Cruces, and Clayton.

The most famous all-Black community in New Mexico was Blackdom. The story of the settlement of Blackdom is told in detail in a “Colores” program produced by KUNM Public Television. Blackdom was a modest town on the plains of the New Mexico territory. It was the first all-Black settlement in the New Mexico territory and had its inception at the end of the 19th century. The town was located 18 miles southwest of Roswell.


LexusLover's Avatar
I didn't get that at all. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's why you should work on getting rid of your racism and try to work on opening your mind to less divisive attitudes. Hopefully by January of 2017 someone will be in place at the 'bully pulpit" to preach getting along and togetherness as opposed to whining about how bad things are because of White people ... as a justification for being incompetent as a leader.

Michelle can only make excuses for having a worthless husband just so long.
Michelle can only make excuses for having a worthless husband just so long. Originally Posted by LexusLover
There you have it folks, LLIdiot's wife name is "Michelle."

Your entire agenda was well summed up by LBJ:

""If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

^This is what you and your shithead brethren on here fall for. Originally Posted by shanm
NO, thats what LBJ and you Ozombies want us to fall for... It ain't working. chancre!

Thanks for quoting the RACIST LBJ and proving our point.
Says the guy who posts a link written by a deranged anti-white supremacist, who wants to eliminate the white race to gain racial equality. Way to go douche bag.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
None of those things are true, dickbag. He never says eliminate any race, you asshole.
That's why you should work on getting rid of your racism and try to work on opening your mind to less divisive attitudes. Hopefully by January of 2017 someone will be in place at the 'bully pulpit" to preach getting along and togetherness as opposed to whining about how bad things are because of White people ... as a justification for being incompetent as a leader.

Michelle can only make excuses for having a worthless husband just so long. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And yet we have to keep on making excuses for you... with no end in sight.
Hey, did anyone notice how the linked article ends? It spills the beans on what really happened in the back of that paddy wagon. Freddie Gray wasn't killed by the po-po at all. What made him go crazy and bang his head in the wagon was the delayed, cumulative result of eating too much lead paint as a child! Now that we've pinpointed the real culprit, I guess we can expect all charges against the 6 Baltimore police officers to be dropped, right undercunt?

"Others in Baltimore.... were similarly subjected to lead paint, often without even the pretense of attempted abatement or removal. One such family settled a lawsuit.... one of the sons in that family, when tested, had levels of lead in his blood that were 2-4 times what the Centers for Disease Control considers cause for concern, and as much as twice what the state of Maryland deems official lead poisoning.

That son's name? Freddie Gray."

. Originally Posted by lustylad

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Two minutes apart. You slimy cocksuckers almost did it. All the info about black settlers is bogus. Go look it up. Thousands were rejected and the whites were given the better more tillable and agriculturally sound land. The blacks, what few got anything, got the desert.
NO, thats what LBJ and you Ozombies want us to fall for... It ain't working. chancre!

Thanks for quoting the RACIST LBJ and proving our point. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Racist? I guess that's why he shoved the Civil Rights Act through. He wasn't perfect, but he was better than you. Haven't you ever noticed how that money never does quite trickle all the way down?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2015, 07:13 AM
I know better than to come into this forum looking for a lot of intelligent comments and deep thought--tough on occasion I am pleasantly surprised by a pearl among the swine.

However, even by the low level of expectation, this thread has fallen to horrific depths. The LWWs and RWWs are out in force making more dumb comments per square inch than almost any other thread. It is as if I am reading post after post by IB or the Anti-IB.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, Old-T, you are!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2015, 08:59 AM
Actually, Old-T, you are! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are probably correct.

I wonder: If IB and the Anti-IB actually come within close proximity, would the whole planer explode?

From some perspectives it might almost be worth it to be done with IB.
None of those things are true, dickbag. He never says eliminate any race, you asshole. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Tim Wise says he's anti racism, which really means Anti-White. What does the word "Anti" mean to you jerk off?. His target audience is suppose to be whites, but he doesn't inspire whites. No self respecting white would give this hypocritical piece of crap the time of day. Tim Wise is nothing but a phony little hack that thinks he's doing blacks a favor by speaking out. Whites will end up being even more racist because of this douche bag, but then again that's what he needs to make a living.

LexusLover's Avatar
..we have to keep on making excuses for you... with no end in sight. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Who is "we"?

You can't even make excuses for yourself, so what makes you think you are qualified to make them for anyone else. You are not.

You are Stupid.