There is no war on cops

Wrong AGAIN GLORYHOLE GURU ! Once AGAIN, you try to read into someone else's statement what YOU want it to say. Back to the 'holes with you, EUNUCH ! Go practice your rimming and rusty trombone playing ! You're so fucked up in your feeble cum drunk mind, that you'll probably advertise your rusty trombone playing as a jazz concert ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're angry with all whoores because they're "competition" for all of those ropey loads that you so love for your facials and think that any load going to them is a waste and should go to you as another liberal "entitlement" program ! Talk to your fellow swishy walker in the White House about making it an executive order that from here on, ALL cumshots are the property of you swishy walkers ! And he can get his Department of Injustice to prosecute anyone not "face painting" you swisher sweets ! You won't have to "strain" so much to get your facials woomby ! Must be a hell of a strain your under to keep the 'holes a Talleywackers staffed and operational and all of those at your franchises too ! Just get some of that ATM from Big Sir that you like, then you can chill out !
MODS, please shut this thread down. It's been a total waste of time, thanks

Dindunuffins was framed for shooting a racist cop, again...
Dindunuffins was framed for shooting a racist cop, again... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Must be more of odummer's "sons" doing their "community service" .
Here's a white cop harassing an old black veteran for no reason.
Here's a white cop harassing an old black veteran for no reason. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So what. He wasn't walking with a traditional cane. Instead he was using a Golf club. She apparently found that to be a bit unusual and regarded the sporting implement as a potential weapon. Although she didn't handle the situation with any tact, she later realized that and made a public apology. We get our Police Officers from the human race and the human race happens to be greatly flawed. At least she recognized her mistake and acknowledge it. Most people won't even do that. They'll dance through hoops to justify themselves.

LexusLover's Avatar
At least she recognized her mistake and acknowledge it. Most people won't even do that. They'll dance through hoops to justify themselves. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That concept falls on deaf ears as far as Want-a-be-a-Womb is concerned.
That concept falls on deaf ears as far as Want-a-be-a-Womb is concerned. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The concept of answering a "simple" question "falls on deaf ears as far as" LLIdiot "is concerned."
The concept of answering a "simple" question "falls on deaf ears as far as" LLIdiot "is concerned." Originally Posted by bigtex
A simple question like, " Have you and Slick Willy ever figured out what the definition of "is" is ? THAT simple question ?
So what. He wasn't walking with a traditional cane. Instead he was using a Golf club. She apparently found that to be a bit unusual and regarded the sporting implement as a potential weapon. Although she didn't handle the situation with any tact, she later realized that and made a public apology. We get our Police Officers from the human race and the human race happens to be greatly flawed. At least she recognized her mistake and acknowledge it. Most people won't even do that. They'll dance through hoops to justify themselves.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Do a little research. She made racist rants on her personal facebook page. He'd been using the golf club for years and apparently everyone knew this, so your weapon angle is bullshit. She really feared a man twice her age, using a walking instrument? C'mon man, that requires more mental hurdles than one of your crazy propaganda stories. Don't apologize for racists. Racism is not a flaw. It's a disease. You're jumping through hoops to justify her, ironic, because that's what you accuse others of doing.
A simple question like, " Have you and Slick Willy ever figured out what the definition of "is" is ? THAT simple question ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Still butthurt after 20 years? Bill's cock isn't THAT big.
Still butthurt after 20 years? Bill's cock isn't THAT big. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And YOU would know, him being from Arkansas and all ! So did he ask YOU to dress up in a blue dress and high heels and wear a black wig while he packed your fudge and then YOU rimmed him down at Talleywackers, or was it one of your franchise 'holes ? Are YOU still butthurt from him packing your fudge ? Was that what you had to do to get your 'holes franchise there at the U of A's Slick Willy Presidential LIE-berry and massage parlor ? Did you find out the definition of what " is " is ? Tell us, woomby, how YOU KNOW that " Bill's cock isn't THAT big." and like you tell everyone else, Mr. Gloryhole Guru of Arkansas, provide a link (other than your typical lib BS sites ) or photos that YOU took betweens puffs, so we know that your claim is true !!! Was your Daddy / brother and Momma SEEster proud of you puffing that peter-puffin and having your fudge packed by the " Disbarred attorney, close friend of a convicted CHILD molester and former Ag and Governor of Arkansas " ? SOO-EEY, probrcita puta ! YORE SHORE SUGGING SOME " HIGH DOLLAR " COCKS NAY-OW !!! GUESS THIS MEANS YER DAYS OF BEIN ON YER KNEES FOR THEM PACHUCOS AND MOJADOS IS FINALLY OVER ! WHUT ARE THE "GENTE" GONNA THINK OF YEW NAY-OW ? !!! (Pinche traitor para tu RAZA, culeta ! ) IT'S ONLY WHITE BOY COCKS FOR YEW FROM NOW ON ! YEW AURTA BE ABLE TA GIT THEM THAR FRANCHISES ALL ACROST ARKANSAS NAY-OW !!! THA PROFESSOR OF PETER-PUFFIN FINNALY GITS TA LIVE HIS LIFE'S DREAM !!!!! :Sne aktongue:NOW YOU CAN GET SOME " PRE-CRUSTED "BROWN SHEETS, WOOMBY !! BIG SIR SHOULD MARRY YEW AFTER THIS ,FOR SURE !!! And, buy the way, how'd the razor backs do agin the TEXAS Tech Red Raiders ? "Reckon" all of them hillbilly's on that team will be a-needin some of that "relaxation therapy" that only " The Gloryhole Guru of ArkansASS " can provide !!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Still butthurt after 20 years? Bill's cock isn't THAT big. Originally Posted by WombRaider
woomby you are truly an impressive idiot. so you admit you've seen the Blythe cock up close and personal? sorry it didn't measure up to your standards but maybe a trucker can shove a big one into your glory hole and give you a thrill.

woomby found his thrill on gloryhole hill.

And YOU would know, him being from Arkansas and all ! So did he ask YOU to dress up in a blue dress and high heels and wear a black wig while he packed your fudge and then YOU rimmed him down at Talleywackers, or was it one of your franchise 'holes ? Are YOU still butthurt from him packing your fudge ? Was that what you had to do to get your 'holes franchise there at the U of A's Slick Willy Presidential LIE-berry and massage parlor ? Did you find out the definition of what " is " is ? Tell us, woomby, how YOU KNOW that " Bill's cock isn't THAT big." and like you tell everyone else, Mr. Gloryhole Guru of Arkansas, provide a link (other than your typical lib BS sites ) or photos that YOU took betweens puffs, so we know that your claim is true !!! Was your Daddy / brother and Momma SEEster proud of you puffing that peter-puffin and having your fudge packed by the " Disbarred attorney, close friend of a convicted CHILD molester and former Ag and Governor of Arkansas " ? SOO-EEY, probrcita puta ! YORE SHORE SUGGING SOME " HIGH DOLLAR " COCKS NAY-OW !!! GUESS THIS MEANS YER DAYS OF BEIN ON YER KNEES FOR THEM PACHUCOS AND MOJADOS IS FINALLY OVER ! WHUT ARE THE "GENTE" GONNA THINK OF YEW NAY-OW ? !!! (Pinche traitor para tu RAZA, culeta ! ) IT'S ONLY WHITE BOY COCKS FOR YEW FROM NOW ON ! YEW AURTA BE ABLE TA GIT THEM THAR FRANCHISES ALL ACROST ARKANSAS NAY-OW !!! THA PROFESSOR OF PETER-PUFFIN FINNALY GITS TA LIVE HIS LIFE'S DREAM !!!!! :Sne aktongue:NOW YOU CAN GET SOME " PRE-CRUSTED "BROWN SHEETS, WOOMBY !! BIG SIR SHOULD MARRY YEW AFTER THIS ,FOR SURE !!! And, buy the way, how'd the razor backs do agin the TEXAS Tech Red Raiders ? "Reckon" all of them hillbilly's on that team will be a-needin some of that "relaxation therapy" that only " The Gloryhole Guru of ArkansASS " can provide !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Wouldn't know. Don't give a shit about college football, pervert. I'm already living the dream, shitstain. You wouldn't know anything about it. Go find some leaves to rake. It's getting about that time.