Ze Injured, Out of Work for a While, and Could Use Some Help

M_Star's Avatar
Damnit Ze, quit falling...
Grace Preston's Avatar
We're gonna have to get her a saddle
just4funindfw's Avatar
Forget saddle. Ze needs a armor suit
M_Star's Avatar
Be nice to see Ze back in the saddle again.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
There is a big question to this scenario.......It is being asked that others help out financially, yet what is not being discussed is that if Ze is helping herself. Such as taking college courses, working with others to learn a trade or sitting at home watching Oprah and waiting for the ship to come in....In life one needs to take lemons and make lemonade instead having others feel sorry for yourself and be expecting a free handout.

There is nothing wrong with helping others if they are helping themselves first......Give me....Give me...Died a long time ago.....
jimmylbob's Avatar
Wow, just wow. Haven't heard ~Ze~ ask for a thing...
muffin101's Avatar
There is a big question to this scenario.......It is being asked that others help out financially, yet what is not being discussed is that if Ze is helping herself. Such as taking college courses, working with others to learn a trade or sitting at home watching Oprah and waiting for the ship to come in....In life one needs to take lemons and make lemonade instead having others feel sorry for yourself and be expecting a free handout.

There is nothing wrong with helping others if they are helping themselves first......Give me....Give me...Died a long time ago..... Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
You my good Sir, are making a lot of assumptions
There is a big question to this scenario.......It is being asked that others help out financially, yet what is not being discussed is that if Ze is helping herself. Such as taking college courses, working with others to learn a trade or sitting at home watching Oprah and waiting for the ship to come in....In life one needs to take lemons and make lemonade instead having others feel sorry for yourself and be expecting a free handout.

There is nothing wrong with helping others if they are helping themselves first......Give me....Give me...Died a long time ago..... Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
I don't talk much on the boards, but this inspired me soooooooo... here we go. Look dude, her friends coming to her aid has nothing to do with her. This thread was created to support someone who does NEED the support, not someone who has the ability to go throw 5,000 dollars on college tuition right now. She has serious injuries, that need medical help, and I'm sure paying for a class ain't going to fix her arm. Physical therapy, treatment, surgery, and etc? Possibly. However, that shit does not come cheap. So, please if you're gonna throw a note in the suggestion box, please make it make more sense rather than suggesting college debt on top of medical debt.

If you don't want to help, move along. Otherwise, shift the ignorance to another thread.

Be well.


And Ze get better!
  • Caleb
  • 12-17-2014, 05:23 AM
There is a big question to this scenario.......It is being asked that others help out financially, yet what is not being discussed is that if Ze is helping herself. Such as taking college courses, working with others to learn a trade or sitting at home watching Oprah and waiting for the ship to come in....In life one needs to take lemons and make lemonade instead having others feel sorry for yourself and be expecting a free handout.

There is nothing wrong with helping others if they are helping themselves first......Give me....Give me...Died a long time ago..... Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
Astounding level of arrogance in this drivel. This thread is not about someone expecting a handout. In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth.

This is about an old school feeling of community where friends help friends. I realize it's difficult to recognize since it is so rarely seen here.

Thanks to Grace and Jules for your efforts.

And ~Ze~, we'really missing your muchness around here. Hope that wing mends quickly!
Grace Preston's Avatar
There is a big question to this scenario.......It is being asked that others help out financially, yet what is not being discussed is that if Ze is helping herself. Such as taking college courses, working with others to learn a trade or sitting at home watching Oprah and waiting for the ship to come in....In life one needs to take lemons and make lemonade instead having others feel sorry for yourself and be expecting a free handout.

There is nothing wrong with helping others if they are helping themselves first......Give me....Give me...Died a long time ago..... Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
She has spent quite a bit of the past 2 years learning a trade. A trade that she also cannot do one handed. I cannot tell you how much time and investment she has thrown into her second trade... so perhaps before you make your grandiose statements, you should make sure you have a clue of whom you speak.

At what point has Ze ever acted like a uneducated, lazy person on this board? Just because she doesn't spend her time bragging about what she does with her life doesn't mean she hasn't been spending a great deal of time expanding her life beyond the bounds of this place....
Grace Preston's Avatar
I wish you the very best, will send and IM to Grace to see the process to help and this can be forwarded to you......Hang in there and do not ever give up.....

TexasCowboy Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
I also find this interesting, posted earlier in this very thread. I don't recall ever hearing from you after this......
TexasCowboy's Avatar
In life we all make choices where we want to be with our careers or financially. There are times when one makes assumptions or suggestions where others are offended or one catches backlash from others. Help was offered from myself yet in a different post which I made which I of seemed to upset others the question was asked what was being done with this time that is available to the individual.

Reality hurts individuals, it is noted on here that there are many women that take the income that they have and put into to good use while others are very depended on individuals no matter what they may make or how long that they are on here. Plain and simple the comments that were made about not going to college or taking on more debt needs to be looked at for a college education can be started at any time.

Coming out of the Navy I have a bad disability yet I took that as to push myself more then the next person. No one is saying that 5G in college debt is going to get a degree yet it sure in the hell is on the right path and it is able to be deducted on income tax. If there are two individuals that start out in life with the 1st one taking a job as a helper for the first couple of years he will move up in the ranks, where the second one bitches and says give me....give me all that time that outcome is different.

As was mentioned earlier an individual is always willing to help if the individual that needs it is helping themselves....So all the bashing that I may receive does not bother me at all for I have overcome a lot to prove to others that I am just like them and can perform the same job functions. Step back for a few minutes and look at all of the individuals that one may see in a wheelchair or have missing limbs from war, that are not bit**ing everyday about ther disabilities or say that I can not do something yet are staying up late at night studying or giving up time on the weekends to studying and better themselves.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
When has Ze got on here and bitched about anything? Not sure who pissed in your coffee but your logic is seriously fucked up. If you dont want to help then dont help, nobody forced you to comment on this thread. getting on here with negativity is only making you look like an asshole that wants to push someone around when they are already down

shame on you
Grace Preston's Avatar
Ok-- let me take the more calm approach.

To answer your question, yes Ze is taking steps to help herself. She has been working for the past couple of years on a secondary thing, from classes, to equipment, to time.. she has put a lot of effort into it. But, until she regains a decent level of control in her "broken wing", it is also not an option for her.

She has also looked into the possibility of school. She's a bit too late to consider going in the upcoming semester, she has been tied up with recovery, PT, doctors visits, etc.... and none of us ever expects what happened to her to happen to us.

She has always been a "responsible provider" from a financial standpoint. Under normal circumstances, she could have been just fine for a couple months with zero help. However, she had surgery this past August, then wrecked her primary vehicle in September. She had quite literally returned from her surgery and first wreck for maybe 2-3 weeks when this happened... so her normal "nest egg" wasn't there. She was prepared for 2-3 months off.. and she took those 2-3 months for surgery... not having the powers to see the future and see any of this coming.

Sorry if I approached it a bit rudely initially-- but she is my friend, and I have watched her do countless things for others without expecting anything in return. I've fielded rude messages from people who have taken great glee in this happening to her. I've fielded a lot of crap from people who have been critical of her. I've also seen some amazingly kind people, including gents of mine who have never met her who have chipped in towards helping a total stranger out.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
What was being asked is the same question that would be presented in any court of law or settlement proceedings where an award may be determined. If sure as hell is no different then the message about buying a Green Dot Card and sending money. It was stated that others are willing to help as long as the individual is helping themselves.

Volunteer a lot around the Dallas area in different charities and what I see different is that all of these individuals are trying to get ahead without the concept of I am down on my luck so support me. It looks like I am not in the good girls or good boys club yet life is what it is and free handouts are scarce......

One needs to work in life without being dependent on the free handouts.....Attending college while the time is there, where was this message missed......Joining the bandwagon to be noticed or accepted is what has been portrayed in the responses from others.....