Providers against all AA? Let me know

greenraven's Avatar
Yea right i bet you wouldnt tell her that and why do you like your own post its kinda creepy
Muscleup is trying to get himself banned. I've noticed this type of behavior from other guys in the past. They become addicted to certain online discussion forums/websites and realize they're spending way too much time on that site everyday. Yet they're not able to stop themselves from visiting those sites. So they post outrageous stuff so they can get banned. Only after getting banned do they finally have time to do productive tasks like exercising, earning money etc.

It's like how some people realize they don't have the self-discipline to hack it in life. So they commit a crime on purpose so they will be locked up in prison and forced to sleep at a certain time, bath at a certain time, exercise at a certain time etc. They need others to discipline them.
greenraven's Avatar
He wants attention i dont mind giving it too him its weird that he sleeps with black women but then goes on rants against aa women. i would be worried about him if i knew him personally i knew a guy that did the same thing then we all figured out he just lost his house so he might be going through real world problems and doesnt have anyone too talk too about it
TheOracle's Avatar
He wants attention i dont mind giving it too him its weird that he sleeps with black women but then goes on rants against aa women. Originally Posted by greenraven
Fucking "black" or "african american" women doesn't mean you can't be racist. In fact, it can actually be quite the opposite depending on how you look at it. It can be seen as an act of dominance. Slave owners having sex w/ slaves is a well documented phenomenon.
He wants attention i dont mind giving it too him its weird that he sleeps with black women but then goes on rants against aa women. i would be worried about him if i knew him personally i knew a guy that did the same thing then we all figured out he just lost his house so he might be going through real world problems and doesnt have anyone too talk too about it Originally Posted by greenraven
greenraven's Avatar
Fucking "black" or "african american" women doesn't mean you can't be racist. In fact, it can actually be quite the opposite depending on how you look at it. It can be seen as an act of dominance. Slave owners having sex w/ slaves is a well documented phenomenon. Originally Posted by TheOracle
Lol okay idek im not gonna try too diagnose the method to his madness he just seems like a time bomb at this point something happened too him in the real world that has him very distraught
greenraven's Avatar
Originally Posted by Muscleup
You probally banged his sister already
greenraven's Avatar
Muscleups review of misty was a great read

Next time you need get the hour and really soak in the juices

And you tipped her so you must of had a good time
hurricane786's Avatar

Not this again lol.

Tcooler, there are discussion threads started in ECCIE all the time about providers not meeting AA or black men. If you use the search engine for Dallas ECCIE coed and search for "AA men" or "NBA providers" or "black men", you will see that there are thousands of past threads that ask the same exact question you're asking. You're beating a very dead horse by starting this thread.

If you find a provider you like and you know she doesn't see black men, your best bet is to send her an ECCIE private message or email. In that message or email, explain that you're a clean decent black guy with a house, car etc. Give her your references. If she then agrees to meet you, cool. If she still says No, respect her decision and move on. Don't try to persuade her to meet you after she's said No. That's a waste of your time and disrespectful to both you and her.

There are plenty of providers in Dallas who do meet black men. Focus on them. Don't waste your time, energy, or money on the providers who don't want to see you. I know this isn't the answer you want to hear but this is the best answer you will get. If a provider for whatever reason doesn't want to meet black men then you starting a discussion thread here won't make her change her mind. Doesn't matter if her reasons for not meeting black men are silly or irrational or racist. In the end, it's her body & her business and we can't argue with her reasons whatever they might be. Best of luck to you, Tcooler. Originally Posted by VeryClean
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-22-2019, 08:45 PM
Muscleups review of misty was a great read

Next time you need get the hour and really soak in the juices

And you tipped her so you must of had a good time Originally Posted by greenraven
You her pimp? You been posting the exact same thing in multiple threads, darn 2015 review btw, a lot changes in 3 months, imagine almost 5 years. Yikes!
greenraven's Avatar
You her pimp? You been posting the exact same thing in multiple threads, darn 2015 review btw, a lot changes in 3 months, imagine almost 5 years. Yikes! Originally Posted by BLM69
The bite dog barks huh you must be sticking your dick in things you regret too. Your bf can talk for himself tho buddy.
texassapper's Avatar
Yes, I was curious.
But GAWD the stink!!! Originally Posted by Muscleup
Yeah you’re just a piece of crap not fit for scrapping off the bottom of a shoe. I get if you attribute cultural influences to a skin color. But to write such a filthy thing says far more about you than those you claim to be superior to.

We get it, you have a small dick and the only way you feel adequate is to neg others... preferably by skin color apparently. You are simply a coward and we all know you wouldn’t have the balls to say what you’ve written to anyone’s face... white or black.
Tx Noob's Avatar
Jeezum crow, are we doing this again? You know you can always go on Adult FriendFinder; half the women on there want AA and won’t see anyone else, and the other half is fake!
About time that lame got banned. Low life ass dude.
TheOracle's Avatar
For all those that have been whining and complaining about these hookers that won't take black men's money for their ran through vagina, there's a couple who just posted threADs today who have "No AA" policies and are actively responding. Why don't you ask and see if you can get the answer directly from the horse's mouth instead of all this silly back and forth and virtue signalling among girls who don't have such a policy or guys who obviously are not the ones selling pussy.

Of course, they (or their pimps) will probably ignore you and/or nothing will be accomplished, but at least you'll be begging and pleading and bowing down directly to the source instead of people who are just sideline spectators on the subject.