Poll: Free Jon Balls

How they attain "protected status" novels could be written about. Originally Posted by GP
...or week long trips to Florida taken.
PMs sent me on Christmas Originally Posted by NormalBob
I get bored on Christmas too.., usually order Chinese food and head to the movies !! Peacin homies
You wake up at 5am to put gifts under the tree and can't fall asleep....

I love Chinese on Christmas too.

Chinese hooker I mean.
No santa claus for jewish single dads... Just warm oil and a hot towel!
Deepthinker's Avatar
I understand NB. I am out of the loop on much of what happens here and also don't have access to behind the scenes PMs. I do not mean to imply that anyone else's views are not valid. I may be working with limited info.


No. There is malice and not always intelligent.

My point may best be represented by his judgmental PMs sent me on Christmas attacking my poor performance as a husband and a father for being on ECCIE that day. At least that is easiest to encapsulate.

More broadly though was his consistent passive aggressive efforts to paint me as a "danger" to providers because he had been let in on a snippet of a false alert filed on me. He wasn't interested in the truth, just fascinated by the opportunity to be superior because he thought he had some insider info. From there he stalked me for months with little passive aggressive snark remarks.

Perhaps if he actually told us something about who he is fucking, how the quality rates and what the prices are, I'd overlook that other shit.

DT, I have deep respect for you. We disagree on this fine point my friend. Originally Posted by NormalBob
Sorry DT... guilty of drinking and posting last night.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-23-2011, 06:58 AM
Doove, a guy who always seems to present an intelligent argument , generally devoid of malice, and more well balanced than most will admit , has found so many detractors.
I will semi-agree.

Intelligent arguments? at times. I even enjoy the debate.....at times

Generally devoid of malice
? I say no way, I find most of his posts go out of the way to invoke the worst in people. A debate is one thing, if done fairly, but I find most of the time he does not fight fair. He always gets in the little shots, which in turn escalate the fight to the next level.

More well balanced than most will admit
? I will admit, that is probably true. But balanced does not make his side of an argument any more correct.

Has found so many detractors? Me being one of them. It has gotten to the point that if I don't catch myself, I will argue with him just because it is him. It is almost a knee jerk reaction. If he posts, I must post the opposite. It has become that reflexive. I actually have to force myself to stop and actually read what he says to see if it has any merit. Yesterday is a perfect example, only it was reversed. I was actually posting a compliment in his direction, but he interpreted it as the exact opposite. Maybe he is in the same boat as me. I supposed when you have two diametrically opposed super heroes such as us, that will happen. I will let you guys decide which one of us is Superman and who is Lex Luther.

hint: my cape is at the dry cleaners
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 10-23-2011, 07:13 AM

OSD hit on it when he raised the issue of the limited role the hobbyist has here. It is slightly more complex than what he led on; but, not by a whole lot IMO. This board is intended to make money for the owners and they do that by keeping the providers happy and profitable. The posters are here to chum the water for the lurker feeding frenzy. Period.

One comment by a provider and the hobbyist is fucked with the local administration. No due process. No sense of fairness. As doove said in a moment of lucidity and a lack or over-moralizing, this is a hooker board. Be nice to the women or FUCK YOU. Originally Posted by NormalBob

1. Yep. False rumors intentionally floated in the Alert room without first checking with her "dear friend" first... happens and banning follows. I know this to be true. The moderators pretend it is about the provider's safety and don't give a shit about truth.

2. A provider over time reveals herself and her character to others. She is a long-term trustworthy person or she is not. No, providers don't "know" that a rumor is untrue but when they compare what they know of the provider and know of the hobbyist, that little voice speaks to them about who they should believe.

3. Other hobbyists who know just a little about the alert and then act like they have some deep insight into the truth are delusional in many cases. This is the sort of thing that keeps this from being the team sport it could be. Originally Posted by NormalBob

But it seems only certain women. Others not so much. How they attain "protected status" novels could be written about. Originally Posted by GP


No. There is malice and not always intelligent

More broadly though was his consistent passive aggressive efforts to paint me as a "danger" to providers because he had been let in on a snippet of a false alert filed on me. He wasn't interested in the truth, just fascinated by the opportunity to be superior because he thought he had some insider info. Originally Posted by NormalBob

WOW Originally Posted by cnym
Shit happens. I ought to let it go.
Deepthinker's Avatar
Ok , maybe I need to withdraw the "devoid of malice" part of my statements since all parties , including Doove himself, seem to agree that there may be some malice. However, it seems to have worked out as I managed to find something that you all agree on- now isn't that nice?

I'm just happy not to be on any of youall's bad side as I am sure that I could not keep pace.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-23-2011, 07:20 AM
Shit happens. I ought to let it go. Originally Posted by NormalBob
Truth, Justice and the American Way. Sounds like you need a superhero!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-23-2011, 08:28 AM
My point may best be represented by his judgmental PMs sent me on Christmas attacking my poor performance as a husband and a father for being on ECCIE that day. Originally Posted by NormalBob
I'll plead guilty to being a bit judgmental. Perhaps even overly so. However, you weren't on ECCIE simply fooling around and wishing people a Merry Christmas in the co-ed section. You were looking for advice on yet another of your many hookups and attempting to get others to "recruit" an escorts.com girl to ECCIE - seemingly to increase your options. On Christmas Morning. Now, I'm a live and let live kinda guy, but when a family man is doing that on Christmas Morning, with his wife and kids in the other room, i find it more than a bit unseemly. If nothing else, it indicates that this hobby to you is about a bit more than simply compensating for what you lack(ed) at home.

Am i proud of my PM to you that morning? I don't know, i haven't really thought about it to be honest. At the very least i should have waited a day or two to express my distaste. Nevertheless, this was the first and only PM conversation i ever initiated with you.....and if it weren't for the 6 or 7 you initiated with me, cursing and calling me names like a 13 year old, i may have been able to keep my fat mouth shut that morning.

As i've stated to you and others, the extent to which you had immersed yourself in the hobby, acting like a kid in a candy store, using absolutely zero discretion in flaunting your activities for the entire world to see right under your family's nose, because of all that the one person in this hobby whom i actually had empathy for was your wife. And that was the impetus for my comments to you that day...unfortunate as you may have found them to be.

To your credit, i will add that you seem to have greatly toned things down a bit.

More broadly though was his consistent passive aggressive efforts to paint me as a "danger" to providers because he had been let in on a snippet of a false alert filed on me.
Every alert is false to the person it's filed against. Is it possible that a well respected provider, one whom you provided a steady source of income to, one whom you were good enough friends with off the board to loan money to, is it possible that she would turn around and file a false alert on you? I suppose. But since that's not the only provider you seem to have had issues with, and since i'm not the only one who believes her side of the story, i won't apologize.

From there he stalked me for months with little passive aggressive snark remarks.
Stalked? Really? I bet over the course of the ensuing 6 months i responded to maybe 10 or 15 of your posts. Even fewer relative to the issue you're referring to. And how about we compare my comments to you with your PM's to me.

Perhaps if he actually told us something about who he is fucking, how the quality rates and what the prices are, I'd overlook that other shit.
Oh my God, you're not going to fall back on that pathetic line of attack, are you?
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-23-2011, 08:53 AM
I'll plead guilty to being a bit judgmental. Perhaps even overly so.
Now, I'm a live and let live kinda guy, but when a family man is doing that on Christmas Morning, with his wife and kids in the other room, i find it more than a bit unseemly. If nothing else, it indicates that this hobby to you is about a bit more than simply compensating for what you lack(ed) at home.
I think this was a tad bit overly so. ie: none of your business
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 10-23-2011, 08:59 AM
I think this was a tad bit overly so. ie: none of your business Originally Posted by GP
Sorry Doove, but after your post #132 attacking NB and claiming to know the truth because you believe a hooker can not tell lies. I will take everything you say from now on with a huge grain of salt.

And attacking NB like you did was way out of line.
Because I'm a stickler for truth, my family wasn't "in the other room", they were asleep. I had finished putting the Santa packages out and couldn't go back to sleep

I take care of my family first and they are taken care of well enough.

My wife also knows about my hobby life at a high level so unless you've told your mom you date prostitutes, be careful throwing your stones.