When would you support impeachment?

lustylad's Avatar
The Impeachment Delusion

You know it's a bad idea when Sarah Palin and MSNBC agree.

Updated July 10, 2014 5:30 p.m. ET

One unfortunate reality of modern politics is the right-left mutually reinforcing media echo chamber. The most extreme voices on either side broadcast the most outrageous statements of the other side as a way to define their opposition and attract attention to themselves. This is the way to understand the flurry of fever-swamp chatter about impeaching President Obama.

Sarah Palin joined the impeachment calls on Tuesday, which could mean that the former Alaska Governor has been feeling neglected. She is following the talk radio hosts and obscure authors who are trying to increase audience share or sell books by posing as Mr. Obama's loudest opponents.

Mrs. Palin immediately received the media fillip she wanted, especially from MSNBC and the left-wing websites that want to portray the fading GOP star as a conservative leader. Progressives would like nothing better than for Republicans to try to impeach Mr. Obama, so they could scare up otherwise demoralized Democratic voters to come to the polls this November.

On Wednesday House Speaker John Boehner said "I disagree" with Mrs. Palin, though as usual without elaboration. What he might add is that the Constitution says a President can be impeached for "Treason, Bribery or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Bill Clinton lied under oath and Richard Nixon obstructed justice. While Mr. Obama's abuses of executive power are serious, they don't rise to that level.

Impeachment is also inherently a political process that at the current moment would backfire on Republicans. Mr. Obama is unpopular, but that is due mainly to the failure of his policies. Focusing on impeachment lets Democrats off the hook on those progressive failures and plays into their claim that GOP opposition to Mr. Obama is personal. Then there is the answer to nobody's question—President Biden? Impeachment fails to address any of the problems that Republicans are upset about.

If conservatives really want to address those problems, they should elect a Republican Senate majority. A GOP Senate could stop the President's worst appointees, including judicial nominees. It could use budget reconciliation to pass policy reforms on ObamaCare, energy and other issues that the President would pay a political price for vetoing. And a GOP Senate could add its oversight power to dig into government abuses like the IRS political targeting.

Republicans aiming to rebuild a governing majority should be making a systematic case about the failures of Democratic governance that include slow growth and stagnant incomes, fewer health-care choices and higher costs, growing world disorder, and more. Trying to impeach Mr. Obama now is firing at the wrong target at the wrong time with the wrong ammunition.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-11-2014, 11:32 AM
The Impeachment Delusion

Impeachment is also inherently a political process that at the current moment would backfire on Republicans. Mr. Obama is unpopular, but that is due mainly to the failure of his policies. Focusing on impeachment lets Democrats off the hook on those progressive failures and plays into their claim that GOP opposition to Mr. Obama is personal. Then there is the answer to nobody's question—President Biden? Impeachment fails to address any of the problems that Republicans are upset about.

If conservatives really want to address those problems, they should elect a Republican Senate majority. A GOP Senate could stop the President's worst appointees, including judicial nominees. It could use budget reconciliation to pass policy reforms on ObamaCare, energy and other issues that the President would pay a political price for vetoing. And a GOP Senate could add its oversight power to dig into government abuses like the IRS political targeting.

Republicans aiming to rebuild a governing majority should be making a systematic case about the failures of Democratic governance that include slow growth and stagnant incomes, fewer health-care choices and higher costs, growing world disorder, and more. Trying to impeach Mr. Obama now is firing at the wrong target at the wrong time with the wrong ammunition.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I been trying to tell some of these emotional like a girl Tea Skirts this for a while now.

The time to impeach is at the ballot box.
lustylad's Avatar
The time to impeach is at the ballot box. Originally Posted by WTF

Not always. Impeachment is a key part of our checks and balances. Just because we shouldn't use it at the moment doesn't mean it's never warranted. But I'm glad you want to focus instead on the failures of Obama's policies and Democratic governance.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Our founders feared the extremes of human nature. They had personally seen how a monarch could usurp the rights of the people and they wanted to prevent that from happening again. Our three branches of government was one such check. The founders did not believe in factions (political parties we would call them today) but understood that a strong man in one of the three branches could attempt to exercise kingly powers outside the scope of the Constitution. The other two branches were empowered to prevent that. Congress could shut off funding, the Supreme Court had the last word, and the Executive branch had certain powers available only to itself. Some of the founders, like James Madison and Ben Franklin, worried about one faction getting absolute control of two of the branches of government and using that power intimidate the third branch (which we are seeing now). Madison thought it could be the end of the country as we know it.
Impeachment was a remedy that was given to the Congress to keep a President in line with the Constitution. When admonishment fails then impeachment is the last recourse to an out of control President. The terms are intentionally vague and the punishment is not given. The current Congress will figure that out. Unfortunately, like the founders feared, two branches of the government have been taken over by one faction (the democratic/socialist party). The House has been rendered powerless by the intractibility of Harry Reid's slavish devotion to Obama. The Supreme Court has been corrupted with partisan appointees and the public whipping by the White House over certain decisions. The public knows that Obama is either completely incompetent or is a masterful liar who real intentions are becoming know now. The public no longer has the power to adjust Obama's attitude except by polls and protests. It is up to the Congress to do their duty to the Constitution (which they swore to do) and IMPEACH Barack Obama. Even a successful impeachment is not a guarantee as both sides of Congress would have to agree on a punishment. Obama could be impeached, found guilty by the Senate, and be let off with a warning.

This is another way, government officials (federal, state, and local) could just stop obeying any orders, regulations, or demands from the executive branch until such time as it's behavior is tempered.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You don't teach English, do you JDIdiot?
You don't teach English, do you JDIdiot? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, but JDIdiot seems to be quite fluent using gibberish.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Someday I will unfurl my literary wings and give you a complete view of what I can do. Right now, you don't rate.
Look at me, look at me , look at me, Ok Judy spread 'em. all want to see you in action.
Someday I will unfurl my literary wings and give you a complete view of what I can do. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I suspect you will spread your literary wings when your Cousin TrendingIdiot provides a link suggesting that MLK opposed illegal immigration.

On or about the 12th of never and that's a long, long time.............
I believe the Repubs should move forward with Governor Quitter's impeachment plan.

Let the chips fall where they may!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There's your problem right there. You think this is about politics (how shallow of you), this is about saving the country using the force of law. Laws that were designed for this purpose.
There's your problem right there. You think this is about politics (how shallow of you), this is about saving the country using the force of law. Laws that were designed for this purpose. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We finally agree and you then try to make it as though we don't agree enough.

If the willingness is there to move forward with impeachment proceedings, I say go for it.

Let the chips fall where they may!

I will tell you this, I am willing to wager the eventual outcome.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have no doubt it would fail in the Senate because we both seem to agree that Harry Reid and his party are corrupt beyond saving.

What I do expect from the GOP is to use every weapon in their arsenal to stop or hinder Obama's corrupt regime. Boehner suffers from Stockholm syndrome.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have no doubt it would fail in the Senate because we both seem to agree that Harry Reid and his party are corrupt beyond saving. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
To paraphrase another notorious -- pre-Old-Twerp -- New Yorker: "The only good dim-retard is a dead dim-retard." A sentiment deeply held by others -- including this Jayhawker:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
IBIdiot quoting a 124 year old tombstone.


Boy, you are reaching, aren't you?

Why not the 10 commandments?

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."

LMAO @ the Original Dipshit of the Year.