
dirty dog's Avatar
Scoprio just how far up their TX asses are you going to put your nose.
dirty dog's Avatar
Nice try. You keep picts of Bart Simpson? And you see me as a little boy? Wow. You should change your handle to TexasSandusky. Pathetic pedophile. You guys from Texas. You remind me of little birds. Great big mouths and full of shit. Goodbye namblaposse. Originally Posted by Bartman1963

You know Bart its pretty funny to me that you got one with a cartoon obsession and the other with a Cat obsession and they want to meet me at a gay bar. Man all you can do is shake your head and laugh.
Scoprio just how far up their TX asses are you going to put your nose. Originally Posted by dirty dog
dearhunter's Avatar
I thought we had a date........you sure acted like you want one......ijs.
bp6570's Avatar
Actually, I was referring to bp6570 as the one who needs the help, and he does.... Originally Posted by scorpio31
I see the value in their discussion & participation & have appreciated what they are saying. What I don't like is the insulting & degrading manner in which they have treated some of the members here, especially ones that I respect.

I certainly don't need your help.
bp6570's Avatar
Scoprio just how far up their TX asses are you going to put your nose. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Maybe he wants to get a gig as a mod for Texas?
boardman's Avatar
Isn't telling someone that they might want to get some help what started this whole mess in the first place? Why is it now OK for one of you to suggest that a person needs help. Kinda hypocritical don't ya thinck?

Oh, and Sugar Nipples, It's not an obsession, I AM a cat....No Really!!!
bp6570's Avatar
thinck? Originally Posted by boardman
I gotta ask cuz i've noticed it in your posts and some of the others recently. Why do you spell words that end in a "k" with a "ck"?

Sugar nipples - Thats funny I don't care who ya are, thats funny.
boardman's Avatar
thinck? /quote]

I gotta ask cuz i've noticed it in your posts and some of the others recently. Why do you spell words that end in a "k" with a "ck"?

Sugar nipples - Thats funny I don't care who ya are, thats funny. Originally Posted by boardman
What? You mean that isn't right?

That's how one of the all time smartest hooktards in Houston spelled it.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Actually, it seems you're the one needing help along with many more of your colleagues of you don't see the value of the discussions that have taken place over the past few days. Originally Posted by scorpio31
True, all true. I see no value in it at all. So please spell it out here for us less informed. Please explain the value of these discussions the last couple of days and the continued antagonistic posts. Don't just hint that there is some value that only the wisest members of your inner circle can see and the rest of us don't rate receiving the information. Thanks in advance for your detailed post!
malwoody's Avatar
BP6570 stands for the number of times you hamve trolled back page..
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar

Sugar nipples - Thats funny I don't care who ya are, thats funny. Originally Posted by bp6570
I think I'd prefer bacon nipples myself!
boardman's Avatar
I actually thought this was a joke til I saw it in a Jack in The Box the other day.

bp6570's Avatar
BP6570 stands for the number of times you hamve trolled back page.. Originally Posted by malwoody

Never thought about it that way but the number may be close!! Good call woody.
Scoprio just how far up their TX asses are you going to put your nose. Originally Posted by dirty dog
You crack me up! Maybe it's because your tough guy, mafioso schtick doesn't work for you anymnore!