Just like you cant prove you're actually smarter than protected classes that you exclude out of fear. It's just like sports records the majority accomplish by excluding minorities -TAINTED.I can't believe you think the passing rate of minorities in the Ivy League proves your point. The only way to fail, once you get there, is not show up and take the tests....they are famous for bragging about their graduation rates.
Personally I find that high GPA's at State and Ivy League colleges easily disproves your silly assertion of what cant be proven. It also tells me you think I took a job from you when me being smarter than you is really all that it is. ;-) Perhaps you could have made that case 30yrs ago.
Further when I delve a bit deeper from an academia perspective I find that by way of comparison Affirmative action vs. Legacy based admissions prove that affirmative action is nothing but a test that proves most people belong. I dont have empirical evidence but I dont necessarily need it. For example, kids benefitting from affirmative action not only have to get the grades but they have to keep the grades otherwise they're out. However, kids benefitting from legacy based admissions (rich family donating to their alma mater) can get poor or failing grades with no penalties.
If I'm not mistaken George Bush (who I liked in some ways) benefitted from this arrangement. My point is that despite your contentions about Affirmative action it doesn't dumb down curriculum's like donor admissions which are really prevalent.
I like chopping it up with you. To easy. Lol Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Plus, if minorities failed out at a higher rate, you would just blame racism. I'm all for eliminating legacy admissions - so why don't you then advocate for eliminating affirmative action?
The fact is very few coloreds would be admitted to the Ivy League without affirmative action. You people just can't cut it. You could prove me wrong, though. Put a bunch of black Ivy Leaguers in charge of Detroit and save the joint!!