Why do we Play the way we do? Independent Providers vs Agency Girls vs Dancers that P4P vs Civiliains that P4P vs Sugarbabies

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
The word symbiosis comes to mind.

When it is all said and done, hobbyist don't care about providers and providers don't care about hobbyist. It is all business.
. Originally Posted by ibechill

I think that is very untrue atleast here in austin
The NCNS for traveling providers being linked to Austin Providers was discussed on more than one occasion on ASPD.... A couple of the Houston girls brought it up...... I'm sure a little research and you can dig it back up...... Some of it came to a head after a ladies last trip to a Social here a little over a year ago....

There are always rumors... always back channel talk..... The latest talk is of exactly that.... A group of ladies that have banded together to only provide references to each other while undermining anyone's business that does not join their little group...... That's just the surface of the rumors surrounding them... add manipulation, control coercion and threats of reprisals should someone want out......

Seems to me like some of the ladies found themselves a new PIMP that just seems to be a female this time.....

There are always cliques.....

But it does seem to occur here a bit more........ I spoke to a San Antonio lady that is fed up with having her time wasted here in Austin...... She has no problems making ends meet on trips to Houston and Dallas but coming here is just not worth the effort lately.....

Deny it all you want... There is no way your not away of it if you are a regular female poster in the Austin area.....

I discount anything I here once, twice sometimes even a third time..... but when it comes from multiple people, both male and female......

I start to give it a little weight......

The names are known and shared and many of the guys will have nothing to do with any in the group as well as make sure they share the information with any guys inquiring to make sure others are aware..... Originally Posted by Whispers
I personally, being new to both this board and only recently becoming an Indie after working at an agency since I was 19 experienced this Austin "clique" attempting to recruit me more or less. I recognized it for what it was within the first couple conversations (manipulative females with an eye on MY money) and didn't take their bait and PERHAPS it's just a coincidence but my number of NCNS did increase right after that. The atmosphere in this business as an Indie is a lot more shady than it needs to be and I'm considering just going back to an agency or leaving Austin after my current SD/SB contract is up in October.
To clarify...the "clique" I'm referring to didn't have an actual name that I know of and I don't know if they are or aren't affiliated with past members of the atta girls networking thing. Ha, it's all a moot point anyway I guess so I should just STFU now!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
To clarify...the "clique" I'm referring to didn't have an actual name that I know of and I don't know if they are or aren't affiliated with past members of the atta girls networking thing. Ha, it's all a moot point anyway I guess so I should just STFU now! Originally Posted by EroticEmily
Thank you for sharing your experience. I am sure that shed some light on some things for people who were looking for some proof. It's a shame that anyone would be so cruel, then claim "sisterhood".
Skip_8's Avatar
I personally, being new to both this board and only recently becoming an Indie after working at an agency since I was 19 experienced this Austin "clique" attempting to recruit me more or less. I recognized it for what it was within the first couple conversations (manipulative females with an eye on MY money) and didn't take their bait and PERHAPS it's just a coincidence but my number of NCNS did increase right after that. The atmosphere in this business as an Indie is a lot more shady than it needs to be and I'm considering just going back to an agency or leaving Austin after my current SD/SB contract is up in October. Originally Posted by EroticEmily
Very interesting. Yes, kinda like some one telling you, "let me be your friend *cough, pimp* and help you*cough, me* make more money." Sorry to hear that. I would love to hear that machinations they tried on you.

Also, I am wondering what the reason is that you feel more secure working for an agency than being independent? What does an agency offer that you can't give yourself?
sixxbach's Avatar
The P4P world is a total competition. Dollars that have gone to Provider A could have went to Provider, B, C, or D. Are there cliques? I am willing to bet so. There are in the real world why not the P4P world? Their "strength" and "influence" are open to debate. Nothing at all surprises me in this biz. All a hobbyist can do is vote with their wallet.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
by Emily
I personally, being new to both this board and only recently becoming an Indie after working at an agency since I was 19 experienced this Austin "clique" attempting to recruit me more or less. I recognized it for what it was within the first couple conversations (manipulative females with an eye on MY money) and didn't take their bait and PERHAPS it's just a coincidence but my number of NCNS did increase right after that. The atmosphere in this business as an Indie is a lot more shady than it needs to be and I'm considering just going back to an agency or leaving Austin after my current SD/SB contract is up in October.

To clarify...the "clique" I'm referring to didn't have an actual name that I know of and I don't know if they are or aren't affiliated with past members of the atta girls networking thing. Ha, it's all a moot point anyway I guess so I should just STFU now!
I just had make sure that it was CLEAR that her experience was NOT affiliated with the former ATTA Girl yahoo group. I don't need another month of dealing with the FALSE accusations of pimping streetwalkers, organizing price fixing amongst providers, brainwashing the providers and hobbiests respectively, using men behind the glory hole and advertising them as a woman, (did I miss anything?) etc. from men who think we're overpriced and have no worth anyway. Just wanted to clear that up. Thanks.
Jesus, I talk too fucking much apparently! However, I'm not going to deny my experiences, be intimidated or less than honest PERIOD!
To make sure everything is super duper drama free let me STATE FOR THE RECORD that Taylor Maiden sent me a list of all the girls in her group and of the girls listed I have no issue with any of them and in fact have had brief pleasant exchanges with a couple of them online.
With that being said, I do believe that a girl on the fringes of that group(but not mentioned as a member) IS 100% BATSHIT CRAZY and although I am not going to name names because believe it or not I am NOT trying to stir shit as some might think and this batshit crazy girl is not even the one I was referencing when I talked about predatory females BUT she is on my mind since she imed me a long, semi-threatning im accusing me of stirring up shit and telling me I've been "caught" whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. She and I agreed not to ever speak again after a few weird ims and I have happily held up my end of that arrangment and I am now publicly begging(she knows who she is) for her to simply do the same. I'd also ask that people judge ME by only THEIR experiences with me and not blindly take the word of some batshit crazy girl who surely has her own twisted agenda.

As for why I prefer agencies...this thread is as good an indicator as any as to what agencies have to offer that being an indie doesn't if you are picking up what I'm putting down.
sixxbach's Avatar
Erotic Emily you kind of remind me of me???!!
Erotic Emily you kind of remind me of me???!! Originally Posted by sixxbach
So does that mean if you saw her BCD you'd be fucking yourself???

Couldn't resist...

sixxbach's Avatar
hahahahahah LAP................. you know what I mean.........
Trying to find the right funny picture is proving difficult so I'll go with this one.

Whispers's Avatar
So does that mean if you saw her BCD you'd be fucking yourself???

Couldn't resist...

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus

I think his standards have slipped a lot in what he wantsservice wise and took it to mean he would be happy if she gave him a hand job and kept his money.....
sixxbach's Avatar
I think his standards have slipped a lot in what he wantsservice wise and took it to mean he would be happy if she gave him a hand job and kept his money..... Originally Posted by Whispers

not at all........ well the CBJ with a gal but she was pretty nice looking spinner
ha, I think sixxx meant that I place an emphasis on the truth like he says that he does so he thinks that we are similar in that respect?