Mission Accomplished!

It's one thing for the president to have a picture taken with something in the background, but it's quite another thing to claim "he put it there." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IBIdiot, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following mistake?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

I B Hankering's Avatar
If Shrubbie didn't "put it there," why did he openly admit to the following?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.
Originally Posted by bigtex
You have completely failed to prove that Bush, et al, had a damn thing to do with ordering the banner or purposefully hanging it for his visit, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat. The Navy pointedly stated the ship ordered and displayed the banner -- with no regard for W's plans -- BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, and the comment from Bush you are currently citing in no manner changes that fact, you Kool Aid sotted jackass.
IBIdiot, you failed to answer the question. I repeat, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following mistake?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

I B Hankering's Avatar
IBIdiot, you failed to answer the question. I repeat, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

Originally Posted by bigtex
Note to BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat: it is very obvious that the quote you are citing doesn't have Bush "claiming" that he or his team had anything to do with hanging the banner.

Nor, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, does that quote abrogate the Navy's claim that the ship ordered and displayed the banner.
IBIdiot, you failed to answer the question. I repeat, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following mistake?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

I B Hankering's Avatar
IBIdiot, you failed to answer the question. I repeat, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following mistake?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

Originally Posted by bigtex
It must be the water on your brain you suffered from your missed LZ in Panama, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, because you continue to erroneously project your fallacious beliefs into an otherwise innocuous statement, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
IBIdiot, you failed to answer the question. I repeat, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

I B Hankering's Avatar
IBIdiot, you failed to answer the question. I repeat, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

Originally Posted by bigtex
You keep vomiting the same tripe, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, which reflects the seriousness of your condition: "water on your brain", or is that "Kool Aid on your brain", from your missed LZ in Panama, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat. Further, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, your condition has you erroneously projecting your fallacious beliefs into an otherwise innocuous statement.
[COLOR="Black"][SIZE="3"] Ikeep vomiting the same tripe. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
More of the same from the Idiot Klan, errr Clan, along with their entire Klan, errr Clan of In-Bred, Idiot Family illiterates.

IBIdiot, while on the subject, you failed to answer the question. I repeat, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

I B Hankering's Avatar
More of the same from the Idiot Klan, errr Clan, along with their entire Klan, errr Clan of In-Bred, Idiot Family illiterates.

IBIdiot, while on the subject, you failed to answer the question. I repeat, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following?

"Clearly, [the Lincoln's] putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

Originally Posted by bigtex
FTFY, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
IBIdiot, you failed to answer the question. I repeat, if Shrubbie's Administration wasn't involved, why did The Shrub openly admit to the following?

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Same challenge Tampon, show me where Bush said that (in his exact words) that the banner was HIS mistake as you have been saying for years now. Time to put up or shut up!
They really keep going back to Bush on this. I guess since Obama tried it that they can too. Obama is never done anything wrong according to the left. Then again, Obama has NEVER succeeded in anything other than to fool people into voting for him. He failed at college, he failed at law school, he failed as a community organizer, he failed as a state senator, he is failing at being president.

The difference is (not that they really care) that Bush did not put up that banner. That was the Welfare and Rec fund on the USS Lincoln that put it up. Typical for the navy to do that when arriving back home. You can keep up the lies but historians will know better. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Liberals will ALWAYS go back to Bush because they can't face the reality of the present. They don't want to believe OBama is a total failure and the most incompetant president in our history. Hey, even Hillary knows he's a failure.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Same challenge Tampon, show me where Bush said that (in his exact words) that the banner was HIS mistake as you have been saying for years now. Time to put up or shut up! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
+1 BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat is spluttering in the drink ... Kool Aid drink, that is!
JCM800's Avatar
Really? How to respond to this stupidity? You seem to think that the banner just sprang up out of the deck and attached itself to the superstructure above the bridge? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, I'm certain that the banner was created and indeed planned for the very specific reason that Bush was visiting the ship on a very specific day.

And that the banner was placed in the exact spot behind the podium where it could be seen by anyone watching the speech.

IB and his Wikipedia link are the one's still convinced that the whole thing was completely just a coincidence.

It's one thing for the president to have a picture taken with something in the background, but it's quite another thing to claim "he put it there."

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Probably the dumbest example I've seen yet.

But it's coming from IB.

So not much is expected.