Alright, so this is an honest question not intended to be sarcastic. You are an attractive lady who has a following of clients who like you. Sometimes you say things that make me wonder, but in all you seem to be fairly smart as well. So, why is being a bitch to others a badge of honor to you? Others here I understand; they are trolls and that is all the explanation needed, but what is in it for you since I don't take you for a common troll?
Originally Posted by tracer
I enjoyed our PM's (btw, size 8.5)
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
You KILL me, I literally LOL
Reading the various threads and posts from providers (not only in this string but all the others as well), really helps me determine which provider(s) - "To" visit and more importantly "Not To" visit.
Originally Posted by SNL9933
I agree wholeheartedly, I practice this on a daily basis
Here it comes...
It's a joke...I didn't mean it...I use it to disarm my haters...I actually support other providers...
And so on...she'd actually get more respect if she just admitted she likes to clown other hookers to make them look bad, because her hobbyist WK inflated ego tells her to think she's better than all the other hookers here...
Originally Posted by Wakeup
Awwww that was actually kinda 'Dr. Philish'. BUT, no cigar lol
My arm is free of my sling now so, it's business as usual again. Have a great day!