SAY A PRAYER....for surcher!

Wayward's Avatar
Italia has always been a team player and extremely kind hearted.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Any news?
O'Mike's Avatar
I am sorry but some a$$hole from north of Porter decided to put his Dodge front license plate into my trailer hitch at about 20 mph. I will go check as soon as the adjuster gets me a rental.
Ah Mike,,, sorry to hear that.. Hope you are okay...
Wayward's Avatar
Sorry O'Mike that really sucks, hope you get everything worked out.

Did the 'a$$hole from north of Porter' at least HONK?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Sorry about your automotive bump, O'Mike. And here I was hoping you'd be bumping MY bumper next. Alas, guess I'll have to settle for bumping this thread.

I just returned from my Cozumel trip ( big snorkels and deep dives) and am a bleary, weary, Irish lass. (Hmmm, for some odd reason, my body doesn't seem to process Margaritas as well as it does Jameson Whiskey.) I will try to get by this afternoon or tomorrow. Wonder if Surcher would like a bottle of tequila?
O'Mike's Avatar
I am ok, but I will try to drive to see Surcher this afternoon. No Honk, and he claims it is my fault. Fortunately the two ladies who I probably need to see the most (for pain and frustration/stress) have chimed in already
TexasGator's Avatar

I just hung up with our friend who has been transferred to a different hospital. The good news is he was able to talk and is off the ventilator. He is, however, far from out of the woods. He is extremely weak, still in ICU, and one lung is still filling with fluids. He is eating again but unfortunately, they fear he may have pulmonary aspiration. In other words, a feeding tube is still a very real possibility, I am sorry to say. Let's hope not!

He asked me to please thank all the well-wishers for their thoughts and prayers. I told him about all of us assuming his avatar, and of course the "Boobs for surcher" campaign. He is grateful to all.

O'Mike is on his way to see him and I will see him either late tonight or over the weekend, if possible.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Cool! Thancks for the good news, TxGator!
TX Bulldog's Avatar
Thanks for the update TxGator. Here's to Surcher's continued progress.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Very good news indeed. There are a lot of worse things than a feeding tube. The main thing is he's headed in the right direction .... back down in the gutter with the rest of us....
TheDaliLama's Avatar
See what the power of Prayer Warriors can do?

Thanks TG.

Your'e a good man.
O'Mike's Avatar
Ok, just got back from spending some time with Surcher. TexasGator's update is just about the same as I have to report, however there are just a few more things to add.

He is doing remarkably better!!

While I was there they performed one test on him, and the results are that he can eat regular food!! For someone who has not had anything resembling real food in quite a while this is great news. I offered to run to the nearest steakhouse for a Rib-eye and baked potato, but he was hesitant about going too far too fast. He did mention that a slice of vegetarian pizza sounded pretty good in the near future.

He is able to talk normally now, and is very alert.

His cell phone is charging, and turned off. If you have that number, he will be checking messages later this evening.

We laughed about the avatar thing, and he can't wait to get his laptop delivered to him and get on here and see this thread among others. Expect that in the next day or so.

If you visited him in the previous hospital, he probably does not remember it.

Another good thing, forget what I said about the cards and letters previously, they have been kept and he will be getting them in the next day or so also.

I printed out the photos from the "Boobs for Surcher" thread and was able to get a few minutes with just us in the room to show him. Those he enjoyed!! TDLs boobs got a well deserved laugh from him. Some he recognized immediately, some he recognized after a minute or so, but he appreciated all of them!! Well, not real sure about the furry ones, but at least he saw them and it did not cause any issues with his heart rate

Unfortunately I was not able to leave the pictures with him, so he is expecting the real ones to visit soon. Yes, there was a couple of "Wow, she posted those?" He did notice the exceptions to normal posting practices by some, and that left a strong impression.

If you know him and want to visit, he wants to see you. Contact either TexasGator or myself and we will get you the details. (Give us a little time as I have not talked to TG in a few hours, and want to make sure he is comfortable with that) As far as the ladies head on over he is very anxious to see some of his girl friends.

Yeah, he is feeling a lot better, so ladies don't keep your distance.

It looks like big battle has been won, just finishing up on some of the little skirmishes out there.

Hopefully I will be able to see him this weekend again, and will post any news from that visit also.

TheDaliLama's Avatar

You're also a good man!
notanewbie's Avatar
Wonderful and thanks for the updates fellas.