What is up with all of the broke providers?

My daddy said it best, and this applies to all:

"If your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall." Originally Posted by boo-boo bear
i like that a lot
shame he can't spell worth shit
Guest101610-2's Avatar
I need a hug too. Nicole we should hug each other before you leave. hee hee hee hee
One thing I think hobbyists should keep in mind is that providers have overhead just like any other business. This is obviously true in terms of dollars, as incalls have costs for example. But another overhead is time. For a successful provider, for each hour of appointments that are conducted, there is additional overhead time spent. Posting ads/updating web sites, answering phone calls and emails, screening, shopping/getting supplies for incall, keeping up hair/nails, etc... So I think it is a mistake to assume that a provider makes $200 for an hour's work, because in reality, it may have taken an additional hour or move of overhead just to get that one appointment!

To the hobbyists: think about all the time you spend emailing/calling providers trying to setup an appointment. The provider is very much working during this time. Now think about how often that doesn't work out because schedules didn't work, etc... That is all time a provider spent trying to earn a new client that didn't work out. That's also time that she was working but didn't earn anything.

My point is that you can't just look at the 1 hour of BCD as the entirety of the time a provider spends working.
w900l's Avatar
  • w900l
  • 02-09-2010, 07:32 PM
I think the old adage "the more you make the more you spend" applies to this thread also, which isn't all bad because you have to spend money to make money.
Get_It_Greg's Avatar
1. some women are impulse buyers
2. some women have "problems"
3. some women have a pimp to pay
4. life expenses
5. some women arent the brightest
6. women will tell you they are broke to get money out of you.

dont get mad at the messenger.
1. some women are impulse buyers
2. some women have "problems"
3. some women have a pimp to pay
4. life expenses
5. some women arent the brightest
6. women will tell you they are broke to get money out of you.

dont get mad at the messenger. Originally Posted by Get_It_Greg
1. some women aren't
2. some women don't
3. most women don't
4. life expenses
5. some women are college educated
6. some women do, that's why they get called out. but this women wants to work for hers

i'm not mad at the messenger.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Who DOESN'T have overhead?

You think we hobbyists can just TELEPORT to the ladies? You think our TIME doesn't mean anything? Think the only funds guys spend is on the actual session itself?

Everything we spend money on these days has overhead.
TexTushHog's Avatar
LOL, I figure all pride went out the window the day I showed my tits for a dollar Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Two points.

First, I'd love to hear that story. Second,where do I send my dollar to?
First off..if your a provider that is happy with her volume and finances..then this thread is not about you, an attack on you and there is no need to state "im happy with yadda yadda yadda"..this is about broke providers and bitchin about it on the boards..

Second: it truly baffles me the logic some have about certain things and the mindset that goes along with them..

to work at mcdonalds and flip burgers 40 hrs a week at $7 you earn $280 before taxes..

as a provider charging $200 you are seeing NO ONE per week- $0

you lower your rate to $100/1hr and see 3 guys per week..a total of 3 hrs earning $300 tax free or not..

I am to prideful to lower my rate, but not smart enough to see my pride is getting in the way of rational thinking in that I am working more hours at mcdonalds and earning less money. yet because I can't get the rate I THINK I AM WORTH(key words there) i will be ignorant and bullheaded and go work more hours for less money.

Its not hard to understand, there is NO PRICE on any person PERSONALLY, but this is a business, and this business and the services offer do have a price..and that price is one that the customer is willing to pay you in order for you to make a living you wish to make. This business is nothing personal, im not "deanna luv" as a person, ones that know me personally know who I am.. but as a business.and the business of "deanna luv" i am only worth what the customer is willing to pay me. There can be no twisting of that, no "i disagree".. if guys are paying you, you aren't worth it..the business of "you" is not..not you personally. Thats where to many girls get confused, it would be like being an lawyer..a lawyer fresh out of school, won NO cases, no real experience..but you want to charge what the "big time" lawyers charge..however your potential clients for whatever reason, don't see the value..that lawyer either lowers his rates or finds a new business, if he lowers his rates..he gets customers, builds a reputation, gets some "credibility" and then can raise his rates at a later time. Fact is, as providers we are like that..except our job doesn't require an education hell it doesn't even require you to be smart, we are afforded the chance to work few hours, make more money then many of our clients earn in a year, all the while we are basically running a successful business.

The guys that encourage "lower prices" aren't assholes..they are smart consumers. Drive prices down, its a win for the client.. the customer/client is not here to concern themselves whether or not we can afford a nice home, afford our manicure, child care etc.. they are and should be focused on themselves and how it benefits them. remember..to a guy who earns $25 an hour.. paying some girl that is as dumb as a box of rocks to spread her legs for $50 is quite a lot of money.. to a guy earning $100 an hour, to pay a girl $200 an hour may seem like a slap in the face.. he does it cuz he wants the service but still. The guys paying $500 for HDH's would be just as happy to pay that same girl $300 an hour..

fact is though, the point in the argument to lower prices is not to cheapen some girl, its to point out that at $50 or $100 or even $175 your still making way more than the average american per hour..the fact the money is wasted or mismanaged is no fault of any clients or this board...but lowering ones rate to gain business they don't have, well is just a smart business decision.. and sure beats the hell out of looking quite pathetic and beggin on a whore board for help.

enablers..white knights.. these guys enable girls to bitch and moan..these guys most likely are married or were married to very independent women, women that had their finances in order, lives in order..these guys never got to feel that feeling they so desperately need.. that feeling of being needed.. girls that constantly have "issues" in life are saviors, angels to guys like this.. they provide each other with what the other one needs.. the girl needs help, the guy needs to feel like he got to help.. thats why girls come here and bitch..because there is always some poor sap lookin to help..

This board, this life, this business is suppose to be drama free, personal lives non existent. Guys (except the enablers) don't care if your baby daddy didn't buy diapers, they don't care that your in love with your SO, they don't care if the wheels fell off your car, or that your heat got turned off or that you can't drive to your incall..none of that matters..

all that matters is if you can deliver the services you say you offer to a customer that has the cash ready to pay for it.. thats all..nothing more nothing less...anything that adversely effects the ability to do that shouldn't be here, doesn't matter if your freakin arm just fell off as you was driving to blow some guy.. don't post it on the board..doesn't matter if your broke, yet saw 3 guys at 200 bucks totally 600 last week..

This is all an escape from the real world, a chance for girls to offer services and guys to partake in them, just like you don't want a client calling you asking for a freebie cuz he is horny but broke..they don't wanna hear how you need money now and will make it up to everyone later.. it goes both ways..

its like a used car salesman placing a price of 5,000 on this shiny car..he says its worth that much..that car sits there for 5 years.. no he doesn't lower the price..cuz in his heart..that puppy is worth 5 g's... people come and offer 4,000 he says no..its worth this much.. yet that car never sells..he never makes any money off that car. Providers that refuse to see that no matter what they think they are worth..it only matters what the customer pays..will find themselves broke..those that want to leave..should do so quietly, quickly and without so much as a whimper..and leave the drama off the board..those that wanna stay, need to make a change to their business model in order to fix the problem..

ITS NOT THE CUSTOMER..its not that they are so stupid that they can't see your worth what you say.. they know in their mind what they expect for 200 dollars. and if you don't meet that..then your SERVICES are not worth that..remembers its not that YOU as a person are not.. but your SERVICES you offer are not
the fact the money is wasted or mismanaged is no fault of any clients or this board...but lowering ones rate to gain business they don't have, well is just a smart business decision..
I have to disagree with ya there, (you know, agree to disagree and all that jazz) and then on that note bow out of this "discussion." Y'all have fun though

<--- that's the cutest smiley!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Made perfect sense to me (DeeAnn's point). Not sure what's disagreeable about it. But since you're done with this thread I guess you can't answer.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I don't think being "broke" just applies to providers. You can find people who make good money and are "broke" in some fashion in every field. Take for example Mike Tyson he has made close to 100 million in prize fights and is financially broke. Look at former NBA player Antoine Walker- who made millions in the NBA but was sued by a Casino for owing I believe 250k. I can give you numerous examples of people who make millions and have nothing to show for it- each person's situation is different. It would be wrong for me to say that every provider who is "broke" is a shopaholic, has a pimp, drug addict, etc- everyone has their own personal reason(s) of how they manage their money and for me it's none of my business what a provider does with her money unless I am 100% sure she has a pimp or is on drugs i will not see her. Hopefully, every provider is managing their money very well.
Let's just not cast dark clouds over providers. I personally know a man driving a 80k BMW and lives in an apartment and some people will see problems with that but I mind my business what someone does with his/her money is their business.
LazurusLong's Avatar
@EmilyHemmingway AMEN!!! This job is a luxury and this hobby is a luxury. Even in times of economic instability, luxury items RARELY go down in price. Do you see Bulgari running specials? Do you see $50 Louboutins? Are there buy one get one free Hermes bags? If you do please let me know (lol). Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore
There are many men and women who must have the name brands.

But pussy is not the same as a purse that can be carried in public as a "status" symbol.

If I can't afford to rent for $300/hr, I can find a reasonable substitute for $150 and have in fact found many such opportunities. And as noted below, in many cases even less.

Here's a small real world example. I needed a new cover for my lawn tractor. Went to Sears and bought one for $60. Then had to go to Home Depot. Saw them on clearance for $12. Bought 2 and took the Sears cover back and am ahead. (Yes I know you can "un-rent" pussy that is why I research that much more).

It is why men look through the ads on here looking for the "specials" in the ads.

I'm not cheap, but I do spend money wisely when it comes to my non hobby life so why would I not shop wisely on here or another board or even CL and backpage?

I wanted to get laid the other day. Started looking at ads. Then I got an email from a escort's yahoo group. I've seen the girl several times. Full blown GFE. $80 for a half hour. Nice special. I went and got laid.

No one told her to lower her rates.

And I still have plenty of coin in my hobby budget to get laid again this weekend if I want.