What would you do or expect if caught?

Leaving things up to a judge.... lady, you have no idea how the family court system works. I implore you to study the broken family court system. You are buying into that lie just like the lie of marriage. You should take a look at yourself. You are ignorant. Not stupid. But naive. You've been living in a bubble. Hey... I have been there. I used to think like you. That's why I say this. If it possibly saves you and your children some grief, I'd say it a million times over.
I hope your children don't have to go through the things you talk about. It's a crap shoot. You can not predict what will happen. You are placing your children's future in the hands of a stranger who will hear a 2-3hr snippet of your family's life--then decide what's best for you, them and your husband. Do you really want to go through that?

A man can beat the shit out of their wife and guess what? They aren't deemed bad dads, just bad husbands. A judge doesn't care about your husband's sexual proclivities. A Judge's job is to make decision on what they think is best for the kids based on what's represented to them....NOT what he did or how you are hurt. They don't care about either of you. They will tell you as much.
Don't hurt your children, because their father did something that hurt YOU. Btw- judges don't like parental alienation behavior from either parent. It IS abuse. You may as well save for therapy for them now, because the way you talk that's where they are headed.

I know I sound really cruel, but honey this is reality. Your husband cheated on you. Welcome to the real world. It fucking happens. Okay fine hate him, but the truth of the matter is you will deal with him for the rest of your life. You think marriage is hard? Divorce and Co parenting with the bastard is sometimes worse than staying married! You can divorce, but you will never really escape him nor him you. Be the bigger person. Think about your children before yourself. You will thank yourself later and save your family from bunch of misery.
Men are what they are sexually. IT'S NOT PERSONAL. He did NOT do it to hurt you. I can guarantee you that.

End of my soapbox. Alot of us deviant people here have given you some great advice. I hope you take it. If you are, in fact, real.

Scarlett Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
Solid, real world advice that actually matters. Nice one!
One of the best threads I have read here. I've been on the getting caught side and survived. Still married.
nuglet's Avatar
Ya'll are fools if you can't see that this is Whispers. Originally Posted by FGarvin
Oh... if only.. lol
The Allnighter's Avatar
I have read this thread several times, and repeatedly come away struck by the incredibly empathetic, sympathetic and insightful comments made by the Ladies of this Board.

After being attacked, slandered and demonized by faithfulforyears, how do they respond? Defensively? By counter-attack? By reciprocal slander?

No. They offer heartfelt, meaningful, practical advice, straight from the shoulder, or straight from the heart -- on the off-chance that faithfulforyears is really real.

No wonder I like some of you so much.

So to Ebony Jasmine Love, Scarlett De Rossi, Miss V, Kitty Bunny Fuck, Claire She Blows, Jenns Lolli, Victoria Lyn and Aphrodite...

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
My guess is tomorrow will come and go, the OP will choose to not do anything and plan her attac while the dude keeps Hobbying. Meanwhile keeping this thread going.....and going.........and going.

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-16-2015, 06:34 PM
Don't blame us for your guy cheating on you, look inward, ask what you weren't doing that he had to go elsewhere to find?
As for your question the answer is I would probably want a chance to explain, however I'm not a cheater so it really doesn't apply to my case. Originally Posted by SOULFLY
That's not fair. It's not her fault that he patrons providers. There is probably nothing wrong with her whatsoever. That's just rude and unnecessary. She is already hurting and you just assign blame. You think she's not already blaming herself?
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 07-16-2015, 08:10 PM
That's not fair. It's not her fault that he patrons providers. There is probably nothing wrong with her whatsoever. That's just rude and unnecessary. She is already hurting and you just assign blame. You think she's not already blaming herself? Originally Posted by Seabound
Yep, sure do...she sounds just like my mom...if my dad had of been caught fucking hookers, I'd have said "Go Dad! Way to show the Harpy that she didn't get the balls along with the ring!"

I am just going to sit back and wait for the show to start. What's it been what, six weeks since...
fun2come's Avatar
Wonder if our "caught" Hobby Monger friend also took it up his ass....

Now that would explain everything ....
My children have to finish school so it's a few years before I do anything for myself other than rid our home of an extremely poor example of a man that pretended to be a father.

You are all so far off of the reality of the situation. It is no surprise to see the quality of people he chooses to associate with these days. Should he choose to do anything other than crawl away and try to keep his family and coworkers from knowing anything more than we split up perhaps it will be something you read about somewhere else.

I have absolutely no intention of being bitter about any of this. I am looking forward to resolving it all. When it is done it is done and whatever relationship he chooses to have with his children will be what the court allows and what they make of it. They are old enough and mature enough to judge for themselves as well as decide what they want.

I know how they were raised and believe I know how they will react.

In the long run perhaps he will have what he wants with all of you here although he will probably not be able to afford it as he has. Originally Posted by faithfulforyears
Mrs. Significant Other (if real),

I know u r in pain and that this is a horrible experience for u but just think how much more pain ur daughters will be in if u start slinging mud and airing dirty laundry to the whole of ur community.

Just an FYI, most men cheat JUST for sex. Especially if he is on here, then that is what its about. Nothing more, nothing less. Sex.

As an adult, u should know that sex doesn't equal love. For most woman it may feels like that but men r diff. They need sex. ALOT. So, plz try to understand where he is coming from. Its always been very easy for me to put myself in someone elses shoes but i know its not like that for everyone.

U dont immediately have to go the divorce route. There are all sorts of great counselors out there. Ur best bet is to try to work it out especially since u seemed pretty happy with ur life before hand.

Just think things out and figure out the best possible solution for everyone involved. Ur life will be happier and go smoother if u dont try to be so vindictive or lash out so much. That does no good for anyone and u will eventually regret it. Ur conscience WILL eat away at u and u WILL become a bitter old woman if u keep going the way u r going.

I really hope things go ok for u and ur family. During this process, just keep thinking about harm reduction and how best to keep ur children from getting hurt. Divorce is very ugly and definately has an everlasting effect on kids.

So good luck with all this! Sounds like u r definately going to need it hun. 💗
Regardless of if the OP is real or not, I don't mind one bit having an archived response to scorned wives. I'm sure one of them will find this thread at some low point.
Regardless of if the OP is real or not, I don't mind one bit having an archived response to scorned wives. I'm sure one of them will find this thread at some low point. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
+ 1.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-17-2015, 05:50 AM
I know when I was married if I dallied with Hoogars it wasn't to scorn my wife. It was more about finding a quick, disposable piece of ass to tap for some variety & fun.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I know that if I knew abou this place when I was maired it would be very hard to not enjoy a lick from time to time, licking is not sex right so I would not be cheating.

quote, provider, "so you just want to lick me, eat my pussy, no sex? "