The GOP shows it's stupidity once again.....

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you even aware of what you just did? The whole idea of both sides doing something bad and you end by saying Fox News sells to the simple minded. You're a hypocrite of the first order. Why not say that MSNBC and Fox News sell to the simple minded. At least you'd be half right because a lot of polling has taken place and it shows that Fox News is more well rounded in both stories and reporters than any, ANY, of the other network or cable news shows.

Why do you defend the idea of lying to the American people anyway? You do when you have to deflect by bringing Bush back into the conversation. It shows that you don't want to talk about the current administration and their lies. Bush can't change my life or your life anymore, get over it by all means. The latest big lie is this, "the GOP is playing with national security by not funding the DHS". Do you buy into that lie? The real truth is different. DHS is funded except for 30,000 non-essential personnel for the near future IF the democrats in the Senate will allow the bill to be debated and then voted upon. The House has already passed their bill and now it sits in the Senate. The dems refuse to talk about the bill and the illegal actions taken by Obama. How do we know that they were illegal? Because Obama said so 22 times before he did it. So why is the democratic party defending an illegal action? And why are you defending their lie?
southtown4488's Avatar
Lethal quantities of WMD were found in Iraq, and it's you and your ilk that need to pull your heads out of you asses and admit it.

Since when is Robert Kennedy Jr. -- a dim-retard radio host -- not a leading dim-retard voice? And your response that CNN is irrelevant except when it supports your POV is a typical lib-retard ploy and pure BS deflection.

Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator assaulted women, and Broaddrick maintains she was raped: such physical incidents transcend in vulgar brutality any 'voiced opinion' on any subject.

And you are a "#Grubered", Kool Aid sotted dim-retard with your tiny, pin head childishly stuck in the sand if you cannot admit that it was Odumbo who first claimed he was born in Kenya:

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
such anger and ignorance, keep hating. . . if it makes u fell better. ive learned not to hate folks like u, I feel bad for u. this type of unreasonable hatred is unhealthy and sad. Good day.
southtown4488's Avatar
So a republican made a ridiculous statement. I am so glad the dems are immune from making stupid statements.

My fear is that the whole island (of Guam) will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize. -- Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson

Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. -- Barack Obama

Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs. -- Nancy Pelosi

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. -- Al Gore

A good place to start a more civil dialog would be for my Republican colleagues in the House to change the name of the bill they have introduced to repeal health care reform. The bill, titled the “Repeal the Job Killing Health Care Law Act,” was set to come up for a vote this week, but in the wake of Gabby’s shooting, it has been postponed at least until next week. Don’t get me wrong — I’m not suggesting that the name of that one piece of legislation somehow led to the horror of this weekend — but is it really necessary to put the word “killing” in the title of a major piece of legislation? -- Chellie Pingree, Congresswoman (D-ME)

The number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S. -- Joe Biden

Seniors love getting junk mail. It’s sometimes their only way of communicating or feeling like they’re part of the real world. -- Harry Reid

If I'm not mistaken these are all elected democrats. Originally Posted by Budman
horrible comparisons, sure u can find examples of absurd statements made by dems. . . but the difference between the two groups is clear. . . Republicans consistently have larger numbers of dumb, hateful, racist, sexist statements compared to dems. . . its like saying well, a housecat can bite. . . and a mountain lion can bite u. . .so theyre equal. ur compating Biden missing a letter in the word JOBS and Al Gore correctly stating he helped create the interenet (while in office he voted to fund the militarys Arpanet which was the foundation of the internet) comparing that to stating women cant get pregnant from rape is completely absurd. anyone with common sense and fundamental morality can see that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
such anger and ignorance, keep hating. . . if it makes u fell better. ive learned not to hate folks like u, I feel bad for u. this type of unreasonable hatred is unhealthy and sad. Good day. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Thus you remain a "#Grubered", Kool Aid sotted dim-retard with your tiny, pin head childishly stuck in the sand since you cannot admit that it was Odumbo who first claimed he was born in Kenya.

horrible comparisons, sure u can find examples of absurd statements made by dems. . . but the difference between the two groups is clear. . . Republicans consistently have larger numbers of dumb, hateful, racist, sexist statements compared to dems. . . its like saying well, a housecat can bite. . . and a mountain lion can bite u. . .so theyre equal. ur compating Biden missing a letter in the word JOBS and Al Gore correctly stating he helped create the interenet (while in office he voted to fund the militarys Arpanet which was the foundation of the internet) comparing that to stating women cant get pregnant from rape is completely absurd. anyone with common sense and fundamental morality can see that. Originally Posted by southtown4488

"My fear is that the whole island (of Guam) will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize." -- Dim-retard Congressman Hank Johnson

"Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs." -- Nancy Pelosi

"The number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S." -- Joe Biden

"Seniors love getting junk mail. It’s sometimes their only way of communicating or feeling like they’re part of the real world." -- Harry Reid

"Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go." -- Odumbo [who was purportedly born in and educated in the 50th state to be admitted to the union.]

“Let’s not play games. I was suggesting – you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.” — Odumbo

“I can no more disown (Jeremiah Wright) than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother – a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.” — Odumbo

Sheila Jackson Lee once visited the Jet Propulsion Laboratory - NASA and asked if the "Mars Rover" would be able to show “the flag the astronauts planted there before”. Sheila Jackson Lee sits on the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics.

Are you even aware of what you just did? The whole idea of both sides doing something bad and you end by saying Fox News sells to the simple minded. You're a hypocrite of the first order. Why not say that MSNBC and Fox News sell to the simple minded. At least you'd be half right because a lot of polling has taken place and it shows that Fox News is more well rounded in both stories and reporters than any, ANY, of the other network or cable news shows.

Why do you defend the idea of lying to the American people anyway? You do when you have to deflect by bringing Bush back into the conversation. It shows that you don't want to talk about the current administration and their lies. Bush can't change my life or your life anymore, get over it by all means. The latest big lie is this, "the GOP is playing with national security by not funding the DHS". Do you buy into that lie? The real truth is different. DHS is funded except for 30,000 non-essential personnel for the near future IF the democrats in the Senate will allow the bill to be debated and then voted upon. The House has already passed their bill and now it sits in the Senate. The dems refuse to talk about the bill and the illegal actions taken by Obama. How do we know that they were illegal? Because Obama said so 22 times before he did it. So why is the democratic party defending an illegal action? And why are you defending their lie? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Jesus Christ, all the news media pander to the simple minded of their own ilk. That do it for you? You're so fucking caught up in trying to peg me down that you're willing to take what I say and assume that because I say it, the exact opposite of what I say is what I don't believe. It's simplistic. What I buy is that the GOP saw a chance to further their cause by attaching the defunding of immigration to the DHS funding and as we see now, it's backfired on them. The democrats were perfectly willing to pass the DHS as is. Republicans attached the provisions. They're separate issues. They only did it because it feeds their base and the anti-obama frenzy they feed on daily. The fact of the matter is neither you or I are experts on constitutional law. The administration obviously feels it has legal precedent to take this action. I don't defend the idea of lying. Lying to the people by politicians is going to happen, whether I agree with it or not, whether I defend it or not. I'm not sure how bringing Bush up is somehow defending lying. He lied, I'm just pointing it out. Has Obama ever lied? Sure, he said this administration would be the most transparent ever and it's been business as usual. So what? The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Politicians lie. Where's the news?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stop the lying, and shut it down!
Stop the lying, and shut it down! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I wonder what your attitude would be if it were the democrats who were trying to shut down DHS. You would be losing your shit about now.
Budman's Avatar
horrible comparisons, sure u can find examples of absurd statements made by dems. . . but the difference between the two groups is clear. . . Republicans consistently have larger numbers of dumb, hateful, racist, sexist statements compared to dems. . . its like saying well, a housecat can bite. . . and a mountain lion can bite u. . .so theyre equal. ur compating Biden missing a letter in the word JOBS and Al Gore correctly stating he helped create the interenet (while in office he voted to fund the militarys Arpanet which was the foundation of the internet) comparing that to stating women cant get pregnant from rape is completely absurd. anyone with common sense and fundamental morality can see that. Originally Posted by southtown4488
No it's not. It is a perfect comparison. Whether or not the right have more dumb, hateful, racist, sexist statements is purely partisan. IMO it's not even close. The left is filled with complete morons. Not all but a much higher percentage than the right. You really need to climb down off of your high horse and realize that both sides have an abundance of idiots. The difference in us is that I recognize the idiocy of many on the right and you make excuses for or try to explain away the morons on the left. I am so sick of hearing "Oh, that's just Joe being Joe" every time Joe Biden makes a stupid racist comment. Get over your moral superiority. It isn't working.
Budman's Avatar
I wonder what your attitude would be if it were the democrats who were trying to shut down DHS. You would be losing your shit about now. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
It is the dems that are trying to shut down the DHS. The DHS can be fully funded if the dems agree to stop Obama's executive order on immigration. The same executive order that Obama has stated that he does not have the authority to do on numerous occasions.
Don't they have two separate bills now? Or is it better to insult each other?
It is the dems that are trying to shut down the DHS. The DHS can be fully funded if the dems agree to stop Obama's executive order on immigration. The same executive order that Obama has stated that he does not have the authority to do on numerous occasions. Originally Posted by Budman
You made my point for me. The repubs are hamstringing the proceedings by demanding the funding be cut from immigration as a stipulation to passing DHS funding. Since the dems were willing to pass DHS funding without the immigration cut, it seems the repubs are the ones with a problem.

Repubs - won't pass without feeding their base red meat
Dems - totally willing to pass DHS funding but won't be blackmailed into attaching something to it that has nothing to do with it.

Doesn't matter though, looks like you guys are caving and it's going to pass without the stupid defunding of immigration.
Budman's Avatar
You made my point for me. The repubs are hamstringing the proceedings by demanding the funding be cut from immigration as a stipulation to passing DHS funding. Since the dems were willing to pass DHS funding without the immigration cut, it seems the repubs are the ones with a problem.

Repubs - won't pass without feeding their base red meat
Dems - totally willing to pass DHS funding but won't be blackmailed into attaching something to it that has nothing to do with it.

Doesn't matter though, looks like you guys are caving and it's going to pass without the stupid defunding of immigration. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

The point is both sides are playing to their base. The dems want to fund Obama's executive order because their base is all for it. Apparently you don't have a problem with it even though Obama has repeatedly stated he does not have the authority to do it. That makes you no better than any other partisan hack. The libs idea of compromise is for the right to agree with them on every issue. Fuck that.
The point is both sides are playing to their base. The dems want to fund Obama's executive order because their base is all for it. Apparently you don't have a problem with it even though Obama has repeatedly stated he does not have the authority to do it. That makes you no better than any other partisan hack. The libs idea of compromise is for the right to agree with them on every issue. Fuck that. Originally Posted by Budman
Rights' idea of compromise is the exact same. No I don't have a problem because it gets them out of the shadows and on the tax rolls, so no I don't have a problem with it. He obviously believes he does have the authority. Oh my god, he changed his mind. Let's all lose our shit.
rioseco's Avatar
Great post, Cornholio! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Why thank you, Penis Puffer !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I wonder what your attitude would be if it were the democrats who were trying to shut down DHS. You would be losing your shit about now. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You can't be this fucking stupid. I opposed the DHS when it was formed. I don't care which party shuts it down. Shut the damn thing down now. Along with the Departments of Education, Labor, HHS, Energy, Commerce and a few more I can't remember. Oops!

I despise Democrats and Republicans equally.