Breaking News: Biden says he'll get "104% of the Black vote" after Superstar black entertainer's endorsement

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR- Can U disprove that an undecided voter who attends a Rally and hears a message might make a decision on voting for a candidate???

Of course Not - u are posing hypothetical argumentative nonsense.
One cannot generally prove a "negative'. Originally Posted by oeb11
No I can't. Which is EXACTLY my point. It is virtually impossible to prove whether or not a political rally does or does not influence voter preference. It is also virtually impossible to prove how many undecided voters attend such rallies. It could be done via exit polling but I don't know if it has been done.

It is easier to tell if a debate has influenced voter preferences. Millions of people will watch a debate as opposed to a few thousand watching a rally. Take a poll immediately before and immediately after the debate and ask those who watched the debate whether or not it influenced their vote.
  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2020, 06:30 AM
I agree with the first paragraph.

after 2016- I have no faith in any polls - they are all politically influenced and slanted.

The only poll that matters is Nov, 2020.

If the Radical Libs decide to let there be an election.

see the future - Seattle!!!
bambino's Avatar
Can you prove in any way that attendance at political rallies and the enthusiasm at those rallies influences undecided voters? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
When 20,000 people show up at Trump rallies and maybe a thousand show up to watch Springsteen at Hillary’s rallies and Trump won. That’s what it means. It appears Trump is going to start his rallies again. One is scheduled in Oklahoma later this month. Biden will probably stay in his basement.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When 20,000 people show up at Trump rallies and maybe a thousand show up to watch Springsteen at Hillary’s rallies and Trump won. That’s what it means. It appears Trump is going to start his rallies again. One is scheduled in Oklahoma later this month. Biden will probably stay in his basement. Originally Posted by bambino
So in other words you can't prove squat.
bambino's Avatar
So in other words you can't prove squat. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Trump won, he had huge rallies. Hillary lost, she had weak rallies.,disprove that.
LexusLover's Avatar
So in other words you can't prove squat. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What have you proven? You can't even squat!

Please vote for Biden.
  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2020, 08:09 AM
So in other words you can't prove squat. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Posting all the polls in the world proves only One Fact - SR
you are a Biden supporter.

Polls prove nothing - they are only an opinion.

The only poll that maters is NOv 3, 2020.

I encourage All to exercise their right to vote - until, after the DPST's take over, the right to Vote is no long a choice - but a requirement as in Soviet Russia - to vote for the only candidate of the nomenklatura.

Question - SR - do you believe Anti-Fa will permit conservatives on ballots in their enclaves of "socialist Rule"??
bambino's Avatar
No they did not. The last poll in Michigan in 2016 had Trump leading by 2%. The last poll in Pennsylvania in 2016 had Trump down 1 point. The last poll in Florida had them even. Polls in Ohio and Iowa and Arizona had Trump ahead. The only polling at the state level that was off was in Wisconsin. So, without looking at the detail for all 50 states, it is possible that the polls were correct or easily within the margin of error in 49 of the 50 states. And the polls nailed the popular vote nationwide.

I do agree with you that Trump and his team worked harder than Clinton and her team and deserved the win. I never made excuses for Clinton's loss. What I will guarantee you is the Democratic party will not make the same mistakes in 2020. Biden might not win but he will take nothing for granted. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The DNC has already made the same mistakes as 2016. They picked a horrible candidate. Old, white, no message no energy. What’s was Hillaeys message? Vote for me because I’m Hillary Clinton. And I’ll give you 4 more years of Obama. What’s Biden’s message? Vote for me because I’m Joe Biden and you ain’t black if you don’t for me. Promising 4 more years of Obama. Biden or Clinton didn’t have a coherent message. Like Clinton, Biden lacks the energy, stamina and charisma as Trump. The DNC can’t fix that.
LexusLover's Avatar
Polls prove nothing - they are only an opinion. Originally Posted by oeb11
I suppose he is making a feeble attempt to demoralize and/or intimidate others who oppose his view of a Biden Victory ..... so they will decide to stay at home and not vote .... for Trump.

Is that kinda like threatening to kick someone's ass from Austin to Houston?

They will be afraid to go to Austin?
  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2020, 08:24 AM
Bambino-The DNC has already made the same mistakes as 2016. They picked a horrible candidate. Old, white, no message no energy. What’s was Hillaeys message? Vote for me because I’m Hillary Clinton. And I’ll give you 4 more years of Obama. What’s Biden’s message? Vote for me because I’m Joe Biden and you ain’t black if you don’t for me. Promising 4 more years of Obama. No the Biden or Clinton had a coherent message. Like Clinton, Biden lacks the energy, stamina and charisma as Trump. The DNC can’t fix that.

Response - Does not matter - One can vote for Biden - but his VP candidate will be POTUS shortly after the election if the DPST's win. Biden is infirm and has dementia - he won't be able to serve long. SR is in serious denial as to biden's fitness for office - IMHO!

A radical socialist as POTUS - that is the aim- and might be successful.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is virtually impossible to prove whether or not a political rally does or does not influence voter preference. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
How would you know? Go powder your nose.

A laughing matter:

bambino's Avatar
Bambino-The DNC has already made the same mistakes as 2016. They picked a horrible candidate. Old, white, no message no energy. What’s was Hillaeys message? Vote for me because I’m Hillary Clinton. And I’ll give you 4 more years of Obama. What’s Biden’s message? Vote for me because I’m Joe Biden and you ain’t black if you don’t for me. Promising 4 more years of Obama. No the Biden or Clinton had a coherent message. Like Clinton, Biden lacks the energy, stamina and charisma as Trump. The DNC can’t fix that.

Response - Does not matter - One can vote for Biden - but his VP candidate will be POTUS shortly after the election if the DPST's win. Biden is infirm and has dementia - he won't be able to serve long. SR is in serious denial as to biden's fitness for office - IMHO!

A radical socialist as POTUS - that is the aim- and might be successful. Originally Posted by oeb11
I agree. If Biden somehow doesn’t implode and gets elected, he won’t serve his term. So his VP pick is their POTUS candidate. Biden has already painted himself into a corner by limiting “his” pick to a female. But it won’t be his choice. It will be Clyburns choice. Biden owes him. AOC is one of his advisors. Good luck with that.
LexusLover's Avatar
I agree. If Biden somehow doesn’t implode and gets elected, he won’t serve his term. So his VP pick is their POTUS candidate. Biden has already painted himself into a corner by limiting “his” pick to a female. But it won’t be his choice. It will be Clyburns choice. Biden owes him. AOC is one of his advisors. Good luck with that. Originally Posted by bambino
It's more nefarious and sinister than that .... 25th Amendment.

His VP partner will have to chat with Pence, who will be respectful, but direct.
  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2020, 09:58 AM
25th amendment would come into play after inauguration - if elected.
  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2020, 09:59 AM

Privileged Elitists laughing at America - whom they hoodwinked so well.