Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

I B Hankering's Avatar

Your last comment about adult films is too stupid to reply to. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You obviously have no sense of humor, flighty.
LexusLover's Avatar
You obviously have no sense of humor, flighty. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
May be he thinks "adult films" are the non-cartoon type. He ain't there yet.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
HUH? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You made a reference to Coca Cola Classic and then removed it after I commented.

sneaky little bastard aren't you? Flat out outfoxed us, Simple Jack!

LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1054231890 .... applied, been accepted and enrolled after a long and frustrating episode. Picked our BCBS PPO plan, pulled the trigger and ...

This afternoon, we got the call from BCBS to go over the policy and answer the questions we might have.

New policy saves us a lot of money, but mostly drastically lowers our deductible and drug costs and covers a bunch of new stuff that we had been denied for 20+ years.



1. Have you gotten your policy yet?
2. Have you gotten a "manual" of your coverage and provider choices?
3. Do you have a "portal" yet for monitoring your claims yet?
4. Do you have a "portal" through which to order mail order prescriptions?
5. Do you have access to a website to find providers and review their qualifications?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't tell FuckZup but so few people have actually signed up for Obamacare that if he really did (doubtful) sign up then he has outed himself if anyone cares to go looking. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Go looking for what, JDIdiot? Please, try and out me. It'll be the end of your visit here. But how would you do it? Where would you look? (You really are a fool.)

Bring it!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

1. Have you gotten your policy yet? Policy will arrive by mail in Dec., with my first bill. It goes into force Jan. 1.
2. Have you gotten a "manual" of your coverage and provider choices?network available online. manual will arrive in December... Who uses manuals anymore?
3. Do you have a "portal" yet for monitoring your claims yet?not for the policy that begins in two and a half months. Can't make any claims, douchebag. I assume BCBS will use the same one they alway have. Been a customer for 20+Years. They've got that part down.
4. Do you have a "portal" through which to order mail order prescriptions. not for the policy that doesn't begin for TWO AND A HALF MONTHS. Don't have one now that's provided by BCBS... Goes through a different carrier... Is this a test?
5. Do you have access to a website to find providers and review their qualifications? Provider network is online... Reviewing their qualifications? that would be a new service for any plan. I don't think that would be legal. But the same review websites available now are still online. Originally Posted by LexusLover
what's your point LL, other than to make yourself look like an ass.

Like I said. You guys don't have to believe anything. I don't really give a fuck. I have no reason to lie about this. But I am REALLY happy with what I bought for myself and my family.

Meanwhile, I take seriously JD's threat to out me, and will now NEVER show him my JUNK!
I B Hankering's Avatar
You do realize that you already are paying for people without insurance? Obama is trying to make those folks buy insurance. With insurance , maybe they won't wait to go to the ER for care and thus drive the costs down long term. Originally Posted by WTF
+1 Originally Posted by flghtr65
Odumbo actually campaigned against a mandate requiring individuals to buy insurance:

"A mandate means that in some fashion, everybody will be forced to buy health insurance. ... But I believe the problem is not that folks are trying to avoid getting health care. The problem is they can't afford it. And that's why my plan emphasizes lowering costs." Odumbo (2008).

And, until recently, Odumbo was promising "free healthcare" -- with no out of pocket expenses required!

Obamacare Website Quietly Deletes Reference to 'Free Health Care'

From at least June 26, 2013 to as recently as September 15, under the topic, "Where can I get free or low-cost care in my community?" the following statement appeared: "If you can't afford any health plan, you can get free or low-cost health and dental care at a nearby community health center."

BTW, Odumbo also promised:

“In an Obama administration, we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.”

And that ain't happening either. Odumbocare is the product of outlandish lies, deceit and the lib-retarded inertia of the beguiled and ill-informed, Kool Aid sotted Odumbotrons.
LexusLover's Avatar
what's your point LL, .... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You just made it ... grab-bag insurance coverage ... you don't know what you got!

BFD .. you put your name in the pot ....

........ I'll do that this evening for Power Ball !!!! ........ I've already WON, I signed up!!!!

But if it makes you fell like YOUR MAN is taking care of you, ....

.. a false sense of security is good too .. at least emotionally until "judgment day" comes!

Oh, did your ace rep tell you ... you can sign up NOW for temporary coverage until January>?

As the ole trite saying goes ... I got some land ... and a bridge on it ... OH .. here's the link ...

14.6 million people have visited the insurance exchange, but "just a trickle" have been able to enroll in insurance plans. "And some of those enrollments are marred by mistakes," the Times reported. "Insurance executives said the government had sent some enrollment files to the wrong insurer, confusing companies that have similar names but are in different states. Other files were unusable because crucial information was missing, they said."

"A "round-the-clock" effort is underway to fix the website in time for the Dec. 15 deadline to register for insurance that begins Jan. 1, the date the individual mandate takes effect." (by Jon Brodkin - Oct 13 2013, 12:44pm CDT)

When did you "sign up"?

Do you remember that video the General showed and narrated of the guy running across a bride and "smart" bomb hitting the bridge right behind him ... The Beginning of the Iraq War in the early 90's ...?

"Luckiest guy in the World" .. was the quote I think. ... That would be YOU!

...........If you have insurance!!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Odumbo "A mandate means that in some fashion, everybody will be forced to buy health insurance. ... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Psssst ... there some posters on here who still believe that shit !!!!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Psssst ... there some posters on here who still believe that shit !!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hell the libtards have been lying most of their lives.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You just made it ... grab-bag insurance coverage ... you don't know what you got!

BFD .. you put your name in the pot ....

........ I'll do that this evening for Power Ball !!!! ........ I've already WON, I signed up!!!!

But if it makes you fell like YOUR MAN is taking care of you, ....

.. a false sense of security is good too .. at least emotionally until "judgment day" comes!

Oh, did your ace rep tell you ... you can sign up NOW for temporary coverage until January>?

As the ole trite saying goes ... I got some land ... and a bridge on it ... OH .. here's the link ...

14.6 million people have visited the insurance exchange, but "just a trickle" have been able to enroll in insurance plans. "And some of those enrollments are marred by mistakes," the Times reported. "Insurance executives said the government had sent some enrollment files to the wrong insurer, confusing companies that have similar names but are in different states. Other files were unusable because crucial information was missing, they said."

"A "round-the-clock" effort is underway to fix the website in time for the Dec. 15 deadline to register for insurance that begins Jan. 1, the date the individual mandate takes effect." (by Jon Brodkin - Oct 13 2013, 12:44pm CDT)

When did you "sign up"?

Do you remember that video the General showed and narrated of the guy running across a bride and "smart" bomb hitting the bridge right behind him ... The Beginning of the Iraq War in the early 90's ...?

"Luckiest guy in the World" .. was the quote I think. ... That would be YOU!

...........If you have insurance!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're a fucking idiot. I already have insurance. I have never been without. Just have been bent over by the insurance companies my whole life. I get to buy decent coverage now and did.

apparently you haven't looked at any of these policies either on the exchange site or with the private companies. Or you wouldn't be bloviating so.

The only thing they don't spell out is historical performance because they're all NEW. I know exactly what I'm getting with my BCBS PPO.

Nice meltdown, dipshit.

I repeat. You're a Fucking idiot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hell the libtards have been lying most of their lives. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
and you're a fucking authority? why? Because you moderate a whooker board?

Nope, no CRED here!
flghtr65's Avatar
Really? More snake oil?

If only those "left-wingers" who own controlling interest in all those insurance companies who hire those "left-winger" underwriters to evaluate cost/risk standards and REQUIRE their EMPLOYER to only insure the YOUNG, HEALTHY APPLICANTS, would get it ....

so that after those "left-wingers'" insurance companies go bust ...

...we can all be receiving the "national health insurance policy" .. aka MEDICARE ...

AND IT WON'T COST US A DIME! IT'S FREE!!!! REMEMBER ... Obaminable said so!

That's why the socialistic-communistic model in the Soviet Union worked out so well ...

... finally those friggin' right-wingers go it right! Originally Posted by LexusLover
So, BCBS, Aetna, Humana, United Health Care, Wellpoint and all the others are run by liberals with liberal underwriters. Really? No snake oil. Here is simplified lesson on basic underwriting concepts from post 107 of this thread.

No insurance company, whether it's Health or Automobile, can survive if a large percentage policy holders are submitting claims. There has to be a good percentage of low risk policy holders. In the individual market health insurance companies limit their risk by simply not insuring anyone with a pre-existing condition. This and other factors have left the USA with 50 million with no health insurance. In the auto insurance industry when you call for a quote, the first question is have you had an accident within the last three years. If you answer yes you will end up in the assign risk pool, because no one will want to insure you with a standard policy.

LL, look at this way the insurance company will go bankrupt, if the amount of the claims paid out is greater than the amount of premiums collected. Why do you think that in the individual market a person with a pre-existing condition will be denied coverage?
Answer, the insurance company does not want to take the risk of insuring someone who is "already sick". They don't care if he/she can pay their premium. It's the same thing with Auto Insurance, have you had an accident within the last three years? If yes, you will not receive a quote, you will go into the assign risk pool, where your premiums will be higher. In the assign risk pool, all the auto insurance providers share the responsibility of insuring high risk drivers, the percent is spread out evenly. This is the point that WTF was making about "good drivers" are paying for the "bad drivers". The good drivers are paying premium and not submitting a claim.
LexusLover's Avatar
You're a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You bent yourself over ... and you are now on your knees taking some more .. and the best you got is to call me an idiot. At least I know Nau's drug store was NOT IN CLARKSVILLE!

Someone told you it was in CLARKSVILLE so you buy it ... just like you got insurance.

You do remember the "King Who Wore No Clothes"? That would be you.

The King who had no insurance coverage (like he WAS TOLD!).

Like I said, based on the NEWS OF THE LEFT ... it would make you the luckiest guy in the world if you were able to sign up, be vetted and approved, have a locked premium, know who your providers WILL BE IN JANUARY, and KNOW YOUR COVERAGE .... TODAY!

And all THE IDIOT OF DAY has is "you're a FUCKING idiot"?