If your alleged "German leftist voters DID vote for the Nazi Party," does that also mean Phil Gramm is a "closet nazi" when he started voting Rebublican? One needn't "fantasize" to know that George Soros -- a major Hildabeast supporter -- is a known Nazi collaborator..
And virtually all reputable historians agree that Hitler had adapted his "racial" concepts as a means to his internationalist vision of a united Germanic Aryan people. Maybe you should read Engels' racist diatribe entitled “The Magyar Struggle” for an introduction to the incipient racism vocalized by the left against the Slavs -- words and thoughts Hitler would reiterate some eighty years later; as well as Hitler's admission that, “I have learned a great deal from Marxism, as I do not hesitate to admit" (p. 186, Hermann Rauschning, The Voice of Destruction, 1940).
That's the right-wing nationalist fervor Hitler had utilized to his great advantage when he moved into the Rhineland, annexed Austria and the Sudetenland, and legitimized his claim on Polish Danzig, a city with predominant ethnic Germans. Marx wrote his little pamphlet in 1848. Germany became a nation in 1871. So, which tradition is older: German socialism or German nationalism? How can you possibly argue that the newer tradition is "conservative" or "right-wing"? Hitler told Otto Wagener, “What Marxism, Leninism and Stalinism failed to accomplish, we shall be in a position to achieve.”
FDR knew what he's doing. On the other hand, Hindenburg and his conservative allies were duped by Hitler's pledge to "make Germany great again." You're ignoring that it was Hitler who knew what he was doing when he played Hindenburg, just like he would play Chamberlain, the Pope and Stalin.
You seem to have quite a bit of knowledge about history, but this time you are schooled, Little Hans. FYI, Andy the little Nazi boy, Gerhard L. Weinberg, Peter Fritzsche and Harold James are considered reputable historians, and they clearly do not wholly buy into the notion that the Nazis were an unadulterated right wing movement. In his book The German Slump, James writes, "Hitler came to power without the backing of big business" (pp. 186). Weinberg, in his book, Germany, Hitler, and World War II: Essays in Modern German and World History, states that many Germans who were anti-Semitic, anti-French, anti-American, anti-Parliamentarian and opposed racial equality for the Jews, i.e., Nazis, self-identified as being on the left rather than on the right (pp. 60-61). Fritzsche, in his book Germans into Nazis, writes, “To regard, as so many observers still do, the Nazis as conservatives or reactionaries or ‘petit-bourgeois’ shock troops of big capital is to miss the destruction they wrought on the traditional parties and the insurgent forms of political legitimacy they validated. Their aggressive nationalism and their virulent anti-Semitism and their elitist conception of leadership did not erase their populist and anti-capitalist appeal” (p. 210). In that same vein, Fritzsche later writes, the Nazis "repudiated the legacy of German conservatism as thoroughly as it rejected the promise of Social Democracy.” The Nazis “thus twisted together strands from the political Left and the political Right without being loyal to the precepts of either camp” (pp. 213-4). Fritzsche concludes, “It is important to take seriously National Socialist claims to be a revolutionary movement that did not seek legitimacy from the past… [T]he Nazis repudiated older, purportedly less forthcoming political traditions ... [A]ttacks on conservatives as well as Marxists, denunciations of local power arrangements as well as the national parliament, and an affirmative vision of a prosperous, technologically advanced nation gave the Nazis a sharp ideological edge” (pp. 233-34). “The date was 16th June 1941, five days before Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, and [Joseph] Goebbles in the privacy of his diary exulted in a victory over Bolshevism that he believed would quickly follow. There would be no restoration of the Tsars, he remarked to himself, after Russia had been conquered … But Jewish Bolshevism would be uprooted in Russia and ‘true socialism’ planted in its place” (p 83, Lost Literature of Socialism, George Watson).
http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar...tler/named.htm Originally Posted by andymarksman