Bill Clinton's Worst Nightmare - Monica Is Writing A Book

Bill Clinton has Peyronie's disease; that means a severely bent penis. That came out in Paula Jone's law suit. In an earlier day, Clinton would have spent the rest of his life in hiding, out of sheer embarrassment; instead he becomes a rock star. He's the perfect icon for the modern day Democratic party.

Another interesting fact, that was revealed in the Starr Report, was that Monica didn't just give Clinton blowjobs in the oval office. She also gave him *rimjobs, or as the Starr Report calls it "oral-anal contact".

* Footnote 220. Originally Posted by joe bloe
The correct footnote is 210.

Here is the Starr Report:

The footnotes are at the end. Scroll down.
LexusLover's Avatar
Cherry picking?

You didn't refute a single thing I said. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You are cherry picking and you are wrong on the law. Period. I don't have to "refute" what you said. You can take the facts and polish them up to avoid the consequences all you want .... it doesn't matter whether someone files a lawsuit or not .... that is not what decides if it is "sexual harassment" or not.

That's like saying someone has never driven while intoxicated, because they have never been charged with it. Borders on ridiculous.

Monica was transferred away from the White House? Why? After the revelations!
You dumb fuckers still don't understand that the American people don't give a shit about a guy lying about a blow job so long as a guy can do his day job. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Aah, but he lied about so much more, didn't he? He lied about the Rusty Trombone, too:

Heh. Priceless video shot of the guy in the pickup truck with his face smooshed up against the window.

If someone doesn't get the Rusty Trombone reference, look two posts up where I posted about footnote 210 of the Starr Report.

Nobody hires a President to be a role model. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
On the other hand, they don't expect to hire Caligula, either.

They hire him to run the country competently. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
So, why would we re-elect Obama? Because he is the lesser of two evils with respect to Romney, apparently.

That's the best reason I can think of.

I hate this election.
joe bloe's Avatar
The correct footnote is 210.

Here is the Starr Report: Originally Posted by ExNYer
I stand corrected.
joe bloe's Avatar
You are cherry picking and you are wrong on the law. Period. I don't have to "refute" what you said. You can take the facts and polish them up to avoid the consequences all you want .... it doesn't matter whether someone files a lawsuit or not .... that is not what decides if it is "sexual harassment" or not.

That's like saying someone has never driven while intoxicated, because they have never been charged with it. Borders on ridiculous.

Monica was transferred away from the White House? Why? After the revelations! Originally Posted by LexusLover
It's like saying OJ didn't commit murder, just because an incredibly stupid jury let him get away with it.
joe bloe's Avatar
Nope. Wrong again.

What Clinton did was illegal sex, and you are livid about it. What most reviewers here are writing about is illegal sex, and there is no such outrage. That is what I see as hypocritical ABOUT THOSE POSTERS.

The fact that some teachers, bosses, etc are prosecuted and some are not is wrong in my mind--I never once said it wasn't--but that is the hypocracy of the legal system--it doesn't make the posters here any less hypocritical.

If you have had illegal sexual encounters and are bashing someone else for also having illegal sexual encounters that is the definition of a hypocrit. No sense compounding your guilt by lieing as well. Of course we all know most who are bashing Clinton for his sexual antics are really doing it for very different reasons. If he was a conservative senator from Louisiana, or a right wing preacher they would be so increadibly willing to forgive and forget (and if "she" was hot they would be jealous). Yet more hypocracy FROM THOSE POSTING HERE.

PS: I most certainly have a grip...unlike so many on here. Comment on what I said, don't rerun your prepositioned Anti-Clinton Script #628. Originally Posted by Old-T
The critical distinction between Clinton's behavior and hobbiest behavior is not legality. It's the question of consent. Many people believe that prostitution should be legal, myself included, because it's private behavior between consenting adults.

No sane person argues that non-consensual sex should be legalized. Equating, the frequenting of prostitutes, with rape and sexual assault is just stupid.
I say good riddance, Monica did get screwed over by the whole situation and was unjustly demonized and labeled as a whore by media. Bill Clinton should have been honest and straightforward about the affair, but he was only thinking about himself and wasn't thinking about the life he would ruin by denying what actually happened. And when it was all over he didn't think he would at least pay her off to keep her quiet and help her out a little bit since I know it was probably really hard to find a job when you are infamous for having sex with your boss.

So I say more power to her.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I say good riddance, Monica did get screwed over by the whole situation and was unjustly demonized and labeled as a whore by media. Bill Clinton should have been honest and straightforward about the affair, but he was only thinking about himself and wasn't thinking about the life he would ruin by denying what actually happened. And when it was all over he didn't think he would at least pay her off to keep her quiet and help her out a little bit since I know it was probably really hard to find a job when you are infamous for having sex with your boss.

So I say more power to her. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Don't forget about Paula Jones whose life Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer consciously and intentionally set out to ruin and deny justice.
Don't forget about Paula Jones whose life Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer consciously and intentionally set out to ruin and deny justice.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I think those who aren't smart enough to cover their tracks should get the shaft. But didn't Paula Jones accept a settlement to drop her case? I would have asked for millions, once the lawyer takes his cut a couple hundred thousands seems great but unless you knowledgeably invest that money you can run through it really fast. I wonder how far that money carried her anyways. But I would negotiate so I could be set up for life, not just for a few years, especially when it destroys your image and makes you the butt of jokes in pop culture.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-23-2012, 05:06 PM
Somebody has "morphed" (again) what I said in an effort to make their point ... it went from a CEO getting canned for having sex with a subordinate to its "illegal sex" .... and equal to prostitution. So, I'm hypocritical??????
No, I think you were late to the party.

That's the issue with a blog, board, and anonymous postings ... no accountability for the bullshit.There is as much accountability here as any such board. At least this one doesn't let folks post under a dozen different aliases. You can check every one of the posts I've made.

Let me be perfectly clear ... I said Bill Clinton committed perjury Agree, but that wasn't the point of my post that you were responding to. I never defended that part of what he did.

and he is a sexual predator..... Agree, but that wasn't the point of my post that you were responding to. I never defended that part of what he did.

I also said that a CEO would have been canned for what he did. It's sexual harassment, because he was a "superior" in the same outfit. Yes, legally I agree. IF it was non-consentual. As as I already responded we may know more later. Of course you and the others of your belief don't need to see what comes out because it's another case of you believe what you want because of who it is.

He did it in the Governor's Mansion in Arkansas and he did in the White House.Not arguing your point, but what does the location have to do with anything? Not much.

Now twist those statements to make "Your" point? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't need to. Your facts--while mostly true--have nothing to do with my point that you were supposedly responding to.

Admit it--since he was let go on the perjury charge (for which he SHOULD have been convicted and removed) you go completely wacko about the sex charge. If some were rape, go after him. If some were pressured and threatened, I'm all with you. But until that is shown to be true with ML you are all hypocrits--which is all I said. You and the others have twisted yourself so badly by hating Clinton, Clinton, and Obama that you can no longer differentiate between valid arguments and stupid ones.

Now what was it I supposedly twisted, especially since YOU were criticizing MY post? Did I preemptively twist what you had not yet posted? I didn't realize I'm quite that good.
joe bloe's Avatar
I say good riddance, Monica did get screwed over by the whole situation and was unjustly demonized and labeled as a whore by media. Bill Clinton should have been honest and straightforward about the affair, but he was only thinking about himself and wasn't thinking about the life he would ruin by denying what actually happened. And when it was all over he didn't think he would at least pay her off to keep her quiet and help her out a little bit since I know it was probably really hard to find a job when you are infamous for having sex with your boss.

So I say more power to her. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
She's lucky she kept the infamous blue dress. Otherwise, Clinton would have just said she was crazy and gotten away with it. Clinton would have tried to destroy her, the way he and his people tried to destroy Paula Jones.

"Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find. ”
James Carville
I B Hankering's Avatar
I think those who aren't smart enough to cover their tracks should get the shaft. But didn't Paula Jones accept a settlement to drop her case? I would have asked for millions, once the lawyer takes his cut a couple hundred thousands seems great but unless you knowledgeably invest that money you can run through it really fast. I wonder how far that money carried her anyways. But I would negotiate so I could be set up for life, not just for a few years, especially when it destroys your image and makes you the butt of jokes in pop culture. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
The settlement was Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer's last recourse short of going to trial, and it doesn't mitigate his criminal actions and his purposeful intent to defame Ms Jones and deny her justice.
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=Old-T;3230019] ... you go completely wacko about the sex charge. [/QUOTE]

You got me confused with someone else. Not "wacko" for sure. I have said all along it was not about fucking and blow jobs ... it was about lying about it. I have said he was a "sexual predator" and when one preys on subordinates and thereby taking advantage of their superior position in the organization to get a piece of ass ... or any "authority" position .. and does so on a repeated basis ... they are predators!

.. and when it involves sexual activities .. they are "sexual predators" ... simple to me when he is taking advantage of the subordinate. It should really be called for what it is .... taking advantage of someone in a weak, vulnerable position.

CEO's of stockholder entitles who screw their employees get canned.... and Congressmen who can't keep their pants zipped up are forced to resign.

But not good ole "Bill" the shining light of all beings!

Oh, ... you all ... I saw somewhere that Paula got $850,000 .. don't know how much of that her attorneys got. But Federal judges watch that stuff close.
The settlement was Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer's last recourse short of going to trial, and it doesn't mitigate his criminal actions and his purposeful intent to defame Ms Jones and deny her justice. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If anything it just makes Bill Clinton look more guilty, no one offers a settlement unless there is something they don't want to get out to the public.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
good old slick willie