Enough is Enough

Wakeup's Avatar
I love Sonic...Route 44 Cherry Limeade FTW...
I personally think people need to get thick-skinned and stop whining. You can be nice to nice people and an asshole to assholes. My suggestion was simply to accommodate those that can't take a little constructive or destructive criticism. If you are looking for some sort of validation for your life, this is probably not the best place to get it. OP, use the ignore option or learn to dish it out to those you feel deserve it!
Sarunga's Avatar
Eccie Addict's Avatar
OP I'm still interested in your signature. You find it funny yet I can assure you that it offends someone. Guess being offensive is ok if it's considered funny by you
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 09-12-2013, 07:31 AM
I love Sonic...Route 44 Cherry Limeade Originally Posted by Wakeuр
My fav.
boardman's Avatar
Ada, this site allows members to post "freely", in forums which they are allowed to post in, as long as they are within the guidelines listed on the site.

If any member feels that a specific post does not fall within those guidelines, hit the RTM button, and your local Moderator will take a look at it.

Also, members as a whole, WILL NOT know what action has been taken, or if ANY action has been taken towards that specific RTM...unless that individual poster feels the need to say so.

As has been said before, the ignore function works well Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Aw fuck adabear, you've gone and done it now. You made DeD have to actually do some mod shit. Tebow help your ass.
Thank you for your comments. I have answered the best I can below. I am sorry I will not be able to count on you as someone who would like to see a nicer tone.

Hope you have a wonderful day as well.

WU - Yes, I am fat. If I were sensitive, your words could have hurt. You should really think about that in the future before posting comments. There is no need to blow someone's candle out just to make yours look brighter.

To the supporters - Thank you. If you want to help, feel free to let someone know when they are crossing the line. If not, that is ok. Just having you post on the thread helps show that there are many of us who would like to see a change. After two years of ignoring, I think it is time for a change. Originally Posted by Adabear

Did you just really tell WU to think about things before posting comments?

You seem sensitive without WU I won't get my morning chuckle... He is the funny just relax and join the smartass committee you will feel better...ijs Only the Strong Fucktards will prosper
dearhunter's Avatar
dammit........and here I thought we had found the rising star to rid us of Wakeup and his ilk
Champagne Brown's Avatar
chicagoboy's Avatar
... just relax and join the smartass committee you will feel better...ijs Only the Strong Fucktards will prosper Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Better a smart ass than a dumb ass.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Well I don't think he's on the ( Smart Ass) Committee so what does that leave?

Dum dum dum
Polar Bear ... man o' man! I can't stop laughing B!

You expecting Whores and Men Who Fuck Whores to be polite! Don't worry the ladies in this business have dealt with every type a asshole on the planet. They can take care of themselves.

B, you need a sense of humor, my man. This site be boring without them assholes and drama queens. Lord Have Mercy!
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 09-12-2013, 09:23 AM
Dam 132 post's and no one has got banned yet.
Adabear's Avatar
Wow, so many comments...where to start.....

First, I do not care if people bicker back and forth. This is simply about not taking cheap shots strictly to hurt someone, flame them out, or anything else that has no direct context.

Second, I know people can ignore posts and people. I know there is a RTM button. However, with the name calling that happens every day, I am sure ever the mods see it without it being called to their attention. Yet, people are still here. How many times has whale, fat or something like that been posted and no one has said a word. How many times have we seen ladies take a shot at other ladies or guys on the board. Business just continues. I do not think there is anything wrong with asking people to be more civil towards each other. They have a choice not to but, I am also allowed to ask.

Again, this message is not about WU, though it does apply to him at times. Not sure why people seem to want a showdown but, this is bigger than any one person. As stated earlier, I think he has actually be very helpful at times on the site. I do believe he would be more effective and have more people pay attention if he toned down some of the cheap shots. I actually think it is good that we have someone that calls Bullshit when they see it, regardless of who does it (ladies, gentlemen or mods)

EA - Not sure which part of my sig line you or others may find offensive. Regardless, this is not about making the site lily white and not offending anyone, it is about being mean towards someone directly just to be mean.

I guess my biggest surprise of the thread is how hard people are fighting for the right to bash someone unconditionally. Why they have the right to have their opinion, it is a very sad thought how upset people get when they are asked to be a little nicer. When you stop and think about it, I have not once said people should not post, I have not said you can;t disagree, I have not even said that you can not call someone out if they are talking shit, and I even specifically said that if a date goes bad because the woman in question does something bad or has poor hygiene, then you should definitely say something. I guess I am just a little surprised that anyone would get so mad about being ask not to be cruel for no reason. Then again, I also get pissed off every time I see an American burn the flag even though I know that they have that "right"

Finally, Humpty Humper - drama can still happen without purposefully being mean. I also know that ladies can take care of themselves (and a lot of guys have thick skin also), this is more like telling someone not to walk down the street, grab the first person they see and call them an asshole when that person has not done anything to them.

I think I covered most of what I missed while at work. If not, I am sure I will be reminded.

PS - I wonder what the record is for # of posts on a thread without points of banning. While I do not know, I will say that I appreciate the comments and they way most people have stayed on topic and not resorted to name calling.
If we write "Ataboy Atabear!" will you go away?

Lyrics for Atabear, colors for Rockerrickey:

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some but for everyone.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.

Lord, we don't need another mountain,
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross,
Enough to last till the end of time.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some, oh, but just for
Every, every, everyone.

Old Dingus