I got caught in the excitement of dinner with a dime peice.

kusmaldo's Avatar
@MAX Portugal originally, are you happy?
restraining order sure.enough of this squabble chatting
with you is getting me no where.If your not part of the
solution, your part of the problem.Now run along
aint you got appts to do an incall or something?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
It's awesome you speak two languages, but it's a shame that's where your education appears to have stopped.

FYI....Writing is also a form of communication, one which you obviously could use a little help with. When writing in a forum and trying to communicate, it's always best if you at least try to use the proper grammar and complete sentences when possible. Maybe the wife can edit for you after she kisses your kids?

Anywho....off subject. The reason I asked whether you are from somewhere other than the US, is that I understand there are different attitudes about different things in different cultures. I was trying to ascertain if that might be the issue you are having.
kusmaldo's Avatar
okay ALCON again for the recorf i'm not a stalker
creep or a Fast Gunn.I was called wierd by the provder in question
but not creepy.okay.Once again the provider has ran into clients
trying to rape,beat steal, and kill her so my emails came at a time where
she was going through alot.POST TRAUMATIC STRESS.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
As stated, I see only few select gents who know the hobby. I have no need to do back to back sessions as my friends are generous when I do make a date.

Anywho, I should have known. I too am Portuguese,1/2.... on my Dad's side. :-)

I don't like him either.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... Now run along aint you got appts to do an incall or something? Originally Posted by kusmaldo
It's clear that MAX isn't paying close enough attention. How could she not know that you're originally from Portugal? And not married (you won't make it as a detective, pretty lady)? Her clumsiness is starting to get on my nerves now too.

(But I'd still like to see her with that potato sack. Probably without would be good as well.)
kusmaldo's Avatar
@MAX and I really don't like you.I would certainly screen ancestry records to see if you really are Portugese.You see only a select few.lets hope they don't lose interest.now stop hogging this thread.
its not about you,if i hadn't sent those emails this wouldn't be an issue.you offer no help whatsoever.nor have you walked in that providers shoes.so you speak for no one but yourself!now go away.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I didn't notice the not married part....thank you. However, he did have Portugal listed and plays soccer, but doesn't mean he didn't originate in the states or some other country.

I'm just kinda wondering how he feels about getting constant unwanted messages. Maybe it gives him an idea of what he's made the "dime" lady feel like. Ya know? It was actually my whole point in the constant barrage. He made her uncomfortable, as if it isn't hard enough on us to weed out the gents who might be a problem. Hopefully he's now experienced a little discomfort himself by the constant barrage and can see, it's just not a cool thing to do. I'm even getting on your nerves...so sorry.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@johnnyyanks thanks .clumsy indeed.geez acting like she the subject in this thread.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-24-2013, 12:06 PM
@MAX Portugal originally, are you happy?
restraining order sure.enough of this squabble chatting
with you is getting me no where.If your not part of the
solution, your part of the problem.Now run along
aint you got appts to do an incall or something? Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I know this is unsolicited advice, but then it is a public board and it's all about unsolicited advice and opinions, isn't it?

Kusmaldo, you seem upset, that is obvious. You came on here looking for either advice or support or explainations or some of each. A suggestion: if you didn't actually expect to HEAR other people's inputs, then you probably came to the wrong place.

Now let me point out something else that may be obvious, but you seem to be ignoring: before you start flaiming someone you might want to understand who they are and where they are coming from. MAX is one of the most real, sincere people on here. She also has TRIED to give you some advice that might reduce the frustration you obviously feel. But instead of listening to the advice and honestly assessing it, you seem to feel insulted because it isn't telling you that you are completely blaimless while the rest of the world is unfair. Keep up that reaction and you will probably continue to get the same reactions you are unhappy with.

By the way, people on here do have reputations. You insulting MAX in public does NOT make you a lot of friends, nor does it help you achieve your goal. My guess is you likely don't care--too much ego--but I thought I should at least point it out.

Good luck--if you are willing to work at it.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@ MAX I did not insult her or call her bad names!
I tried to organize a date,yeah,yeah I said couldn't wait
to see you and had a Portugese word of the day.
But not like you,and she was Traumatized.
when she said stop I stopped. Now leave this thread MAX
your services are no longer needed.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@old-t okay forum is a forum you are proboly one of her clients.
I say there are other threads i got the advice no ego here.you saying solicited and unsolicited is like i'm breaking the law.she insulted me first there buddy.this is my thread comment on it sure.
insult me if you must.retalliate I sure will.
@Johnny Yanks patience? okay but dinner I didn't think it would be this hard to do. Originally Posted by kusmaldo

Darling, it usually isn't with women who are more experienced.

You have to consider that you called the BnG girl for an extended date. Some ladies feel like you're not serious if you want to take them out in public, and are used to short incall dates. There are a bevvy of beautiful ladies that would be wonderful eye candy for you, and you wouldn't have to worry about being stood up.

Stick with girls who are looking to maintain a good reputation.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Alright, I haven't read all 132 posts in this intriguing thread due to time constraints, just skimmed, so forgive me if I being repetitive.

Not too sure how facetious you are being for entertainment, but I know that if someone was planning a nice eve out for us, being very detail-oriented, possibly expressing admiration through more emails than might be considered necessary by other ladies, I would think him very excited to see me and still be respectful. I frequently do dinner dates, but I'm already known for longer dalliances.

HOWEVER, the moment you called me a "dime piece" it would be over. Give it up, hon, and find a new crush.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

While it's flattering for a lady to get lots of attention from a gentleman, there is a line one can cross. Many gents do not seem to understand that they alone are not the only ones to contact us each day. As providers, we can give the illusion of romance and even make lasting friendships, but only once a rapport has been established and parameters have been set, if any.

You are not the only gentleman to make this mistake and who failed to understand that what we do is the most personal service one can provide. Imagine if every gentleman who contacted a lady were to totally blow up her email morning, noon, and night with declarations of "infatuation". It's not a cool thing to do. We can not possibly be expected to give that much attention to each and every gentleman who contacts us, or we would have little time to do everything else we must do in order to prepare for our meetings.

At this point, we know there would be no hope for you if you still thought you were anything other than "in the wrong". Complaining and asking for advice, among your other statements here, truly made me feel, at least in the beginning, as if this were a scripted type of thread, because most hobbyist know not to insert themselves so persistently upon a provider, nor would they encourage you to do so, as was done here. Hence the absolute hilarity I found in the thread. It's just kind of hobby common sense, I guess. While it may not make sense to you, it makes sense to those who know how to hobby. ijs Maybe think of the hobby as learning a new language and a new culture. When you're here, throw out those urges to act as if your interactions and communications are with people outside of our little world.

You were made uncomfortable by my barrage, it's obvious, and I apologize. I hope that now you more clearly understand unwanted attention. Maybe it wasn't the same kind, but I'm sure she was feeling much as I made you feel today. Again, I apologize.

Whether you're open to more advice, here it is....try to refrain from coming on a public open forum of this nature and say you did something like that and then not expect some kind of shenanigans from those familiar with our little hobby world. We can be funny, brutal, mean, and a myriad of other adjectives in order to entertain each other and to get our point across....LOL. ijs And while you can ask me to leave "your thread", please note that you may have initiated the thread, but you do not have exclusive rights on who gets to respond. nor what they say....it's public. Others might deem that somewhat arrogant of you, however, I'm gonna chalk it up to being naive. ECCIE does have private forums you can purchase and invite an exclusive audience to view and participate in if you truly need to have control over those who participate and what is stated.

There are tons of threads here that are informative and helpful for those who are not yet familiar with the hobby world. I hope you find them useful.

To everyone who participated in this train wreck.....again, thanks so much for the giggles and to the gents who know how to treat a lady. In my defense, I believe I tried to warn ya right up front that I was gonna ruin all the fun....so sorry.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-24-2013, 01:55 PM
@old-t okay forum is a forum you are proboly one of her clients.
I say there are other threads i got the advice no ego here.you saying solicited and unsolicited is like i'm breaking the law.she insulted me first there buddy.this is my thread comment on it sure.
insult me if you must.retalliate I sure will. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
Sir, if you think I insulted you you don't know my posting very well. I was providing some advice in a bit of a direct way--because you obviously have not been absorbing it when it was given more subtly. If I intended to insult you there would be absolutely no question about it; you need to read some of my posts in the Sandbox. That is where I show my curmudgeon side. I am actually quite the nice person here.

Breaking the law? No, "unsolicited" only implied that you didn't ask for my advice--but my nature is to often give it anyway.

MAX hogging the thread? No, I suspect if you count the number she posted here and the number you posted here you will find that she is not the hog.

You can always retaliate if you wish if you erroneously think I insulted your honor somehow. It may or may not turn out well for you. Personally I hope you don't go there, but I do tend to respond in kind.

Finally, as to whether I am MAX's client or not, that is between her and me. Quite honestly it is none of your business--and does not change anything I said. I obviously know the lady, and I obviously think highly of her--that was clear from my last post. She is good people, and a delightful dinner companion who has at times gone well out of her way to join me and brighten my evening.