Kyle Rittenhouse Speaks Out About Deadly Kenosha Shooting

  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 01:32 PM
IBH - Thank you

Amazing the denial/ hypocrisy the marxist terrorist DPST's possess to keep to their marxist narrative.
Grace Preston's Avatar
And if your neighbor asked you to help defend his property, you would do what? Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I am a mother of a child who will be 17 shortly. As a mother, there is no way in hell I would have allowed my child to participate, much less DRIVEN HIM to participate in a situation that could have resulted in his death.

Frankly-- it doesn't matter whether the 17 year old wanted to help a friend or not. His parents should have been parents and not allowed a lot of what happened-- to happen. Had they been parents, their kid wouldn't have been in the streets, with a weapon, after curfew. You know-- kinda like all the kids on the other side of this as well.
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 01:40 PM
You make good sense a a parent!
Still - kyle was attacked by three or more terrorists intent on killing him ( as one admitted).

That is not first degree murder - not in a reasonable American court of law
Maybe it is murder to racist, Marxist terrorist DPST officials intent on marxist violent revolution - and who use our Court system to persecute those who stand against their Marxist revolution.
johnny cash- i miss him

for all those moms out there

a young lifeguard named rittenhouse was asked to help around

a boy filled with idealism who really meant no harm

he changed his clothes and shined his boots and combed his dark hair down

and his mother cried as he walked out

don't take your guns to town son

leave your guns at home kyle

don't take your guns to town

he laughed and kissed his mom and said, "your rittenhouse's a man"

i can shoot as quick and straight as anybody can

but I wouldn't shoot without a cause; I'd gun nobody down"

but she cried again as he rode away

don't take your guns to town son

leave your guns at home kyle

don't take your guns to town
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I am a mother of a child who will be 17 shortly. As a mother, there is no way in hell I would have allowed my child to participate, much less DRIVEN HIM to participate in a situation that could have resulted in his death. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Yeah, my sons know better than to play tough guy on the streets. They know right from wrong. I want them to be kids while they can enjoy it. I want them to have nothing to do with adult shit until they have to do so. I don't baby them. I just want them to enjoy their childhoods before the world gets harder for them and they have to figure out their way in life.

The poor kid had pretty shitty parents. You're not supposed to be walking around with a fucking rifle at 17 if you had proper parental supervision. You have a fiduciary and personal responsibility to your kids, you don't let them act a certain way. I don't want my boys playing Rambo on either side of the fence. I just want them to be very thoughtful young men.
HoeHummer's Avatar
He should be tried as an adult and sentenced as one, eh!

His parents also should bear responsibility for this fucking abomination.

So should the WSNDs who stoke this fire.
Budman's Avatar
You can argue all you want about how Rittenhouse should not have been there. Hell I may agree with you. Maybe his parents shouldn't have let him go. None of that matters. He was there and based on the facts currently known he was attacked and was defending himself. You can play this mental masturbation game all you want but it doesn't change the fact he was attacked. Maybe you should try playing the game using the "peaceful protesters" as your subject. Maybe their parents should have made them stay home and study. Maybe they shouldn't be out there destroying property and setting fires. Maybe they should be in jail where they belong.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
He should be tried as an adult and sentenced as one, eh!

His parents also should bear responsibility for this fucking abomination.

So should the WSNDs who stoke this fire. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I believe his parents should have culpability as well. Who lets their kid do shit like that?

He's old enough to be sentenced as an adult. He should have known better, so fuck him. He escalated a heated situation. You leave that alone. You don't run to it to cause more chaos.
Budman's Avatar
Come on LM. He's 17. Most parents don't know everything their kids do. I don't know if they were aware of what he was doing or not. I can guarantee that they are damn glad he was able to defend himself. Damn glad that he is alive and the POS rioter is dead.
his parents raised him right

he held a job

he wanted to help his neighbors and others

he tried to aid people who were injured

he defended himself and didn't harm anyone but the perps

that's a good upbringing
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 03:19 PM
When defending oneself against marxist racist terrorist attack is a crime in America.

It is time to overthrow those who foist and enforce that law on Americans.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Come on LM. He's 17. Most parents don't know everything their kids do. I don't know if they were aware of what he was doing or not. I can guarantee that they are damn glad he was able to defend himself. Damn glad that he is alive and the POS rioter is dead. Originally Posted by Budman
I get your point, Budman. But it's a slippery slope and a jury will decide now. He'll be doing time but it's just a matter of how much now. He's a kid. I don't believe in giving much time to someone his age when it is not an egregious crime considering the circumstances.

He's a kid. I'm just not big on taking their lives away when they are kids and the wrong decisions they make. You can't take his life away from him. He should know better. But he is a kid.
Grace Preston's Avatar
his parents raised him right

he held a job

he wanted to help his neighbors and others

he tried to aid people who were injured

he defended himself and didn't harm anyone but the perps

that's a good upbringing Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

His parent drove him into a riot situation. Willingly. Your point is negated.
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 03:36 PM
And that - if a fact- means he has no right to defnd himself against murderous assault by armed and experienced Antifa terrorists????

You would likely not drive your child to such an event - but if your child was in the same position - would you have your own child raise hands and give up to be murdered by AntiFa terrorists??
Who clearly expressed a desire to kill him - and had the weapons to do so.

If Kyle's parents drove him to the riot - it is their error . i agree a 17 year old should not be placed in a position to be in the middle of vicious AntiFa riots and looting, arson and assault.

Kyle's parents' error Does not excuse the terrorists attacking the young man.

"Peaceful " is not the accurate byword for racist, marxist DPSR OBLM and AbntiFa 'protests' - as so much of America has found out the hard way at first hand .

is a double standard operative here???
is there any justification for racist marxist terrorist DPST organs terrorizing, burning, looting , seizing property of innocents - and with weapons to kill and maim others ?????

or, did the racist marxist terrorists have their parents drive them to the riot????
Lucas McCain's Avatar
His parent drove him into a riot situation. Willingly. Your point is negated. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Yep, any reasonable parent would know better. That's not how proper parenting works. You kind of take your kids in the other direction to avoid a riot.