empire_song's Avatar
empire song, you are wrong. I know of one that left the escort bizness and moved in with a client for a exclusive relationship and they got married. She worked a part time job as a Hostess.
Their adult kid is a dear friend of mine.
It does happen and thats one of the reasons I started this thread. There has been exotic dancers, porn stars, escorts, massage therapist that have started exclusive relationships with clients. There has been some that left the bizness or didn't turn back and there has been some that continued working with their husband or boyfriend very aware of the situation.
The points is - we are all human and have the need of love and some type of special, unique bond with ONE person.
Anyone can achieve a orgasmn all by themself but when a person is reaching out for physical contact and affection, THAT SPEAKS VOLUME. Originally Posted by Anita Lay
It was a question babe not a stalemate of fact

I'll glad you have know of an example

Stay safe

Kitten's Avatar
This is something every provider and hobbyist come to at some point. Lets face it , it happens when you have built a "relationship". If you see someone for a long time, feeling on both sides can develop.

As I have told gentlemen from the start who bond with me. There are boundaries in place and rules. I do not attempt to look into your private life and you will respect me by NOT doing the same. This I have learned is a tilted scale of right and wrong. The men want to know all about you , your face is blurred ect. While not allowing you to know anything about them. My point is a private life has NO merit in the hobby.

My rules are this:
1. Never look into my personal life or its over.
2. Never tell me you love me or its over.
3. Never tell me your leaving your wife for me or its over.
4. Always remember I am not here to find Mr.Right.. I am not looking for a boyfriend or future husband. I am single and will remain that way no matter what changes in your life.
If any of my rules are broken I will never see them again.I make this clear.
Manipulation on the heart hurts, be honest and no one can say you lead them on.

You can develop a kind of friendship/relationship with your client as long as the rules are followed. It is okay to adore your client and count the days until your guys meet again like lost lovers. Inside the safety of your bedroom is where you both can be free from your life for an hour or more. At the end of the day, what changes the dynamics of the game is when someone wants more than the other is willing to give.

I have gentlemen with whom I adore to spend a great deal of time with regularly. We are friends outside the bedroom and spend time in the real world too. We all desire to be adored, its what makes us human. Boundaries protect the two worlds . I had someone I truly loved with all my heart set out to destroy my life. There is no greater pain than that. Always treasure the good times but prepare for the bad ones.
The more you allow them to know about you, the more you have to loose. This goes for both sides of the hobby. I have heard stores on both sides of lust gone wrong.

I have had similar circumstances happen to me. I tell them it is over and why , no future contact.
I do accept gifts of bling bling , however NO rings.That is one gift I will not take, it sends a message that can be misunderstood. Always be clear in your communication , you are adults act like such.
I have had every trick in the book played on me. The boundaries work, do not allow them to be broken. Think of them as your warning for, 'time to leave a sinking ship". Once you start down the road of making this illusion anything but what it is, there is no turning back.

Yeah, I do agree with your provisions. Its a shame some men are such twits they think its something more. To me seeing a provider is just to scratch an itch. I am not there to listen to her problems or learn about her private life, or her mine. I've never seen that many providers anyway and never more than once. Unlike most men here, I look for and open to conventional relationships with women. I'll open up to a girl I am dating or interested in dating, but not to an escort.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-30-2011, 09:37 AM
You can develop a kind of friendship/relationship with your client as long as the rules are followed........At the end of the day, what changes the dynamics of the game is when someone wants more than the other is willing to give. Originally Posted by Kitten
Agree with both halves of this. Rules need to exist, though where those rules are drawn varies with the two people involved, and may vairy over time. There are ladies I have known for very extended periods--the oldest relationship going on 15 years now. The rules have significantly changed over the years: when we realized we really enjoyed each other's company outside the bedroom, when she met someone she thought was a potential husband for her, when she retired to get married, etc. Rules evolve as we grow. I gave her away at her wedding because she and her father are estranged. I sure would not expect the rules with another lady to allow that, for example.

The key I believe is your second point: the rules two develope must fit what BOTH are willing to do/accept. If the two of them are good with it then no one else should really get a vote. And a set of rules a lady is comfortable with for one guy does not entitle anyone else to the same set of rules/priviledges/boundaries.

Yeah, I do agree with your provisions. Its a shame some men are such twits they think its something more. .....I've never seen that many providers anyway and never more than once. Unlike most men here, I look for and open to conventional relationships with women. Originally Posted by acp5762
If you see a lady once and move on, then I wouldn't expect you to understand what is possible. In many ways it's beyond your experience base. Feelings, connections, even falling in love DO happen at times--but never on one date.

I have keys to a couple ladies' homes (not their work place). One has keys to mine. With different ladies we have entered each others' personal space, but only when invited by the other--and the boundaries while different are still there. I've met kids and parents and been to numerous events as a friend. Real friendship is not incompatable with this business. Your comment that most on here are not open to "conventional relationships with women" is just a wrong assumption on your part. For you the two do not seem compatable at the same time; do not assume that is the case with everyone (men or women).

Also, if you think girlfriend/boyfriend, SO, married couples are not about the finances AT ALL, then you are sadly mistaken. EVERY study shows that financial stability is a major factor in almost every romantic relationship and marriage. I'm not saying it is THE biggest factor, but it is a major consideration. And every study about marrital problems and divorce shows money is the most common serious issue argued about.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
And another thing occurs to simple old me

A no time has a Provider ever fallen in love / started a genuine non $$$ relationship with client (former client)? Never??

Empire Originally Posted by empire_song
Sure they have. Sometimes it works, most of time it doesn't.

If you are still leaving an envelope when seeing her, then its a business relationship.
Well, you're just an exception. It really appears to me you have somewhat of an obsession with prostitutes. Some people do the same thing with strippers. They try to break down the stripper mentality to develope some sort of friendship with them. You've done something of similar nature with Prostitutes. You most likely aren't doing that with women who are not in the adult industry. It requires a different set of social and attraction skills you've probably never developed. You're right, I really don't have the desire to see a prostitute multiple times over the long haul. My sights are much more heavily set on relationships outside of the realm of sexual service providers.
burkalini's Avatar
Yeah, I do agree with your provisions. Its a shame some men are such twits they think its something more. To me seeing a provider is just to scratch an itch. I am not there to listen to her problems or learn about her private life, or her mine. I've never seen that many providers anyway and never more than once. Unlike most men here, I look for and open to conventional relationships with women. I'll open up to a girl I am dating or interested in dating, but not to an escort. Originally Posted by acp5762
Unlike most men here? Don't assume because someone else hobbies that we don't also date in the real world. What makes you any different.
ACP, you wrote - It requires a different set of social and attraction skills you've probably never developed. WHO ARE YOU REFERRING TO? Remeber one thing my dear, you are on this board hanging out doing the same thing EVERYONE is doing. Why insult your peers?
Let me remind you, in Real Life you have all different kinds of relationships that has to do with social & attraction skills.. bringing up social skills is another side step to make someone feel bad. Some ppl get off on trying to undermind someone by making himself feel superior. If thats a aquired skill of making someone attracted to you then you may to reconsider it.
I am on the same fkn page as Ballini and I hope we missunderstood something here to shed a better light on ones high and mighty azz.
burkalini's Avatar
Anita Suk my Pita quit calling mer Ballini. lol
ACP, you wrote - It requires a different set of social and attraction skills you've probably never developed. WHO ARE YOU REFERRING TO? Remeber one thing my dear, you are on this board hanging out doing the same thing EVERYONE is doing. Why insult your peers?
Let me remind you, in Real Life you have all different kinds of relationships that has to do with social & attraction skills.. bringing up social skills is another side step to make someone fell bad. Some ppl get off on trying to undermind someone by making himself feel superior. If thats a aquired skill of making someone attracted to you then you may to reconsider it.
I am on the same fkn page as Ballini and I hope we missunderstood something here to shed a better light on ones high and mighty azz. Originally Posted by Anita Lay
I didn't insult anybody. Just because I compared the differences between entering into a more complex relationship with a prostitute, oppose to one with a girl outside of adult entertainment industry doesn't mean I was intentionally insulting. I wouldn't call members on here peers. nobody really knows who eachother is.
Unlike most men here? Don't assume because someone else hobbies that we don't also date in the real world. What makes you any different. Originally Posted by burkalini
Nothing makes me any different. I am not proposing that the average hobbyist wouldn't consider dating in the real world.
Burk Balls , I will SUCK your pita and MAKE YOU LIKE IT...
we need to stop acting like this or ppl will think we have no social skills.
EAT ME BIOTCH...we joking with each other ppl and we are good friends. I suck him and he eats me.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You two need to cool it with the insults. We are on the main boards here and I know I have discussed with both of you in the past.
We joking and most ppl don't know that.. sorry...
If you look real close we are doing sexual undertones with suck me and eat you... lol