New Poll shows the uneducated favor Trump.

I don't think the elections were "fair and square". There were 59 precincts in Pennsylvania alone in 2012 where Romney did not receive a single vote. There were a number of precincts in Ohio where the total votes counted exceeded the number of eligible voters. I think 2012 was stolen. Much like this upcoming election will be stolen. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So the " absentee " cemetery voters that helped " bump " the numbers in those precincts will be out nation wide "supporting " shrilLIARy. Wonder if that couldn't be considered a form of " grave robbing " ? And of course, we can't forget to get the " undocumented immigrants ", as the liberal PC pussies call them, to vote " early and often " !!! Tell them they'll get a beer AND a tamale for each time they vote and they'll swarm the polling stations.
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Plus, it probably chaps Sissy Chap's ass that Odumbo is half white.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

no sir. Nothing like having mixed babies.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So the " absentee " cemetery voters that helped " bump " the numbers in those precincts will be out nation wide "supporting " shrilLIARy. Wonder if that couldn't be considered a form of " grave robbing " ? And of course, we can't forget to get the " undocumented immigrants ", as the liberal PC pussies call them, to vote " early and often " !!! Tell them they'll get a beer AND a tamale for each time they vote and they'll swarm the polling stations. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Yeah, here's one getting a early start on his way to the polls.

no sir. Nothing like having mixed babies. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
It chaps your ass and you know it, Sissy Chaps. Odumbo needed the white uncle "liberating" Auschwitz story to put him over the top, Sissy Chap.

Why is it that when a Conservative has a view that might be in opposition to a Liberal's view, we are considered angry and weak. IMO, if that is your only comeback, you might want to take a look at that thumb when you're pointing at us, because it is pointing right back at you.

Another thing that Liberals always want to say is we're mad because a black man is in the WH, are you kidding?? The only thing myself (I am actually a registered Libertarian, but will not vote Libertarian as they would prefer to shrink our military to diddly-squat and I truly believe we need a very strong military, strategically placed around the world, in order to keep the problems/wars off of the homeland) and I do believe most conservatives are looking for is a secure homeland, a vibrant economy where everyone is able to work, (if they don't want to work they should not be on the dole, that being said there are always exceptions) They should only collect if they can prove they are working, like the Scandinavian Countries.

There is only one reason the demographics are improving and that is because of the illegals coming into the country and given approximately 35,000 per household and upwards of 900 billion dollars per year, hmmm who would you vote for if you want the money to keep rolling in. Its not rocket science its a fact. Don't think that the Conservatives are going by the wayside, because they have a cause (America, run by and for the people not the Politicians in collusion with Media, Wall Street and Big Business/Pharma) and there are more Dems leaving that party than ever before, as they become disenchanted with the lying, scheming, money laundering (yes that is what Billary's Foundation is, along with a quid pro quo, P4P) Oh yea and what they did Bernie is despicable.

I must say Sistine, that even though we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, I do appreciate a viewpoint that is not peppered with vile contempt.
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Why is it that when a Conservative has a view that might be in opposition to a Liberal's view, we are considered angry and weak. IMO, if that is your only comeback, you might want to take a look at that thumb when you're pointing at us, because it is pointing right back at you.

Another thing that Liberals always want to say is we're mad because a black man is in the WH, are you kidding?? The only thing myself (I am actually a registered Libertarian, but will not vote Libertarian as they would prefer to shrink our military to diddly-squat and I truly believe we need a very strong military, strategically placed around the world, in order to keep the problems/wars off of the homeland) and I do believe most conservatives are looking for is a secure homeland, a vibrant economy where everyone is able to work, (if they don't want to work they should not be on the dole, that being said there are always exceptions) They should only collect if they can prove they are working, like the Scandinavian Countries.

There is only one reason the demographics are improving and that is because of the illegals coming into the country and given approximately 35,000 per household and upwards of 900 billion dollars per year, hmmm who would you vote for if you want the money to keep rolling in. Its not rocket science its a fact. Don't think that the Conservatives are going by the wayside, because they have a cause (America, run by and for the people not the Politicians in collusion with Media, Wall Street and Big Business/Pharma) and there are more Dems leaving that party than ever before, as they become disenchanted with the lying, scheming, money laundering (yes that is what Billary's Foundation is, along with a quid pro quo, P4P) Oh yea and what they did Bernie is despicable.

I must say Sistine, that even though we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, I do appreciate a viewpoint that is not peppered with vile contempt. Originally Posted by Cherie
let me explain something to you sweetie. We have the most capable and most bad ass military force on the planet. China and Russia COMBINED have less than half the air force we have and we have this insane video game like fighter jet unrivaled in the military world. China is trying to catch up but they can't compete. You are being fed horse shit from Fox news when it comes to the strength and might of our military. Sure China has a few thousand more tanks than we do and so do does Russia but Wars are being won in the air and not on the ground. We have ~13k air craft China has about 3k and Russia has about 3k and let's not even get into our Naval Carriers and Destroyers. I think China has like 1 Air Craft carrier LOL

it's no comparison sweetie we kick ass. Here's the proof :

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3 Country comparison

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Why is it that when a Conservative has a view that might be in opposition to a Liberal's view, we are considered angry and weak. IMO, if that is your only comeback, you might want to take a look at that thumb when you're pointing at us, because it is pointing right back at you.

Another thing that Liberals always want to say is we're mad because a black man is in the WH, are you kidding?? The only thing myself (I am actually a registered Libertarian, but will not vote Libertarian as they would prefer to shrink our military to diddly-squat and I truly believe we need a very strong military, strategically placed around the world, in order to keep the problems/wars off of the homeland) and I do believe most conservatives are looking for is a secure homeland, a vibrant economy where everyone is able to work, (if they don't want to work they should not be on the dole, that being said there are always exceptions) They should only collect if they can prove they are working, like the Scandinavian Countries.

There is only one reason the demographics are improving and that is because of the illegals coming into the country and given approximately 35,000 per household and upwards of 900 billion dollars per year, hmmm who would you vote for if you want the money to keep rolling in. Its not rocket science its a fact. Don't think that the Conservatives are going by the wayside, because they have a cause (America, run by and for the people not the Politicians in collusion with Media, Wall Street and Big Business/Pharma) and there are more Dems leaving that party than ever before, as they become disenchanted with the lying, scheming, money laundering (yes that is what Billary's Foundation is, along with a quid pro quo, P4P) Oh yea and what they did Bernie is despicable.

I must say Sistine, that even though we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, I do appreciate a viewpoint that is not peppered with vile contempt. Originally Posted by Cherie
It's ok to have those views. I feel I'm on the right side of Progress and history and when I die and go to heaven I'm sure God will be proud of the liberal positions I took while on earth just like the liberal and radical Jesus.
I B Hankering's Avatar
let me explain something to you sweetie. We have the most capable and most bad ass military force on the planet. China and Russia COMBINED have less than half the air force we have and we have this insane video game like fighter jet unrivaled in the military world. China is trying to catch up but they can't compete. You are being fed horse shit from Fox news when it comes to the strength and might of our military. Sure China has a few thousand more tanks than we do and so do does Russia but Wars are being won in the air and not on the ground. We have ~13k air craft China has about 3k and Russia has about 3k and let's not even get into our Naval Carriers and Destroyers. I think China has like 1 Air Craft carrier LOL

it's no comparison sweetie we kick ass. Here's the proof :

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
There ain't been a single war won solely with the use of conventional air power in the history of mankind, Sissy Chap. The theory that air power alone can achieve victory was blown to shit in WWII, Sissy Chap.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
There ain't been a single war won solely with the use of conventional air power in the history of mankind, Sissy Chap. The theory that air power alone can achieve victory was blown to shit in WWII, Sissy Chap.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I said no such thing. However we can come close and comparing WWII air capabilities to 2016 is just fucking ridiculous. ok

Could we do this in WWII? I don't think so. Wise up old timer you're still living and thinking in the stone age.

Yeah, here's one getting a early start on his way to the polls.

It chaps your ass and you know it, Sissy Chaps. Odumbo needed the white uncle "liberating" Auschwitz story to put him over the top, Sissy Chap. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wonder if that one on his way to the polls is from south Louisiana ? Guess he's going to " vote early and often " ? Down here in south Texas, the lyin libs will " register " the " absentee " cemetery voters and even be so kind as to arrange to " proxy " vote for them ! Their " voter registration drives " usually occur " in the wee hours of the morning with only a flashlight, a pencil and a Big Chief tablet to take down the names of their oh-so-compliant " constituents " It's quite a job having to add the new names between election cycles. and some of their " constituents " that were alive as far back as the civil war haven't missed a vote since they were interred in the 80's...............THE 1880's !!!!!!
I said no such thing. However we can come close and comparing WWII air capabilities to 2016 is just fucking ridiculous. ok

Could we do this in WWII? I don't think so. Wise up old timer you're still living and thinking in the stone age.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
well sisi chap why is WWII is the only war America won with the enemy surrendering unconditional
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well sisi chap why is WWII is the only war America won with the enemy surrendering unconditional Originally Posted by gary5912
LOL - you're another mentally challenged stooge I see. I wasn't born in those days but let me help you out. ok numnuts.

Why? because our Air Force (along with the British) used an advanced / tactical & strategic bombing campaign against Germany and Japan. The Germans were basically forced to use their air force for defense rather than offense.

It was the Air Force that made the major difference. Listen moron next time you want to be a smart ass don't come at me with base level drivel I have little patience for it.

Do you understand me? If not get the fuck on.
LOL - you're another mentally challenged stooge I see. I wasn't born in those days but let me help you out. ok numnuts.

Why? because our Air Force (along with the British) used an advanced / tactical & strategic bombing campaign against Germany and Japan. The Germans were basically forced to use their air force for defense rather than offense.

It was the Air Force that made the major difference. Listen moron next time you want to be a smart ass don't come at me with base level drivel I have little patience for it.

Do you understand me? If not get the fuck on. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
what we have here is a mad negro who thinks he is well educated fuck off moron
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
what we have here is a mad negro who thinks he is well educated fuck off moron Originally Posted by gary5912

Absolutely!! also an uppity smart ass negro to boot. ;-) and can buy and sell your ass 10x over.

Now have a good day sir. Beer Summit
Absolutely!! also an uppity smart ass negro to boot. ;-) and can buy and sell your ass 10x over.

Now have a good day sir. Beer Summit Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
that's the problem with people like you no respect for your elders, and that shit about you having enough to buy me 10 X over you expect me to believe that shit,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA keyboard queeny and you are still a moron