U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic

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Scramble for medical equipment descends into chaos as U.S. states and hospitals compete for rare supplies


The trump plague might have been avoided had he only listened to his intelligence agencies. The White House staff knew a pandemic was likely but couldn’t convince the self proclaimed stable genius of the reality. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
If any post of yours ever PROVED your claim to be a "captain firefighter" is utter BULLSHIT .... this one does.
  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2020, 10:18 AM
Amazing how One with a short training as a firefighter becomes a recognized expert (in their own inflated opinion) on medical issues.

Of course - the ego is the only thing "inflated".
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump spent 25 percent of his time at Wednesday’s briefing on self-congratulation and placing blame.

President Trump frequently downplayed the threat of the coronavirus, then reversed course, and is now downplaying it again as he seeks to reopen parts of a battered economy. But one constant throughout the outbreak has been this: self-congratulations and blame-shifting.

Trump is consumed with making sure everyone knows how tremendously successful he has been, how bad were the things he inherited and how grim news is not his fault. He recently gave himself a perfect 10 out of 10 for his coronavirus response, and he has said “I don’t take responsibility at all” for testing failures. He has also said the buck stops with him “normally,” but that he was dealt a bad hand.

And this focus on credit and blame was particularly conspicuous during Wednesday’s coronavirus briefing.
“It’s been incredible how we’ve done,” Trump said of testing. He would go on to say no fewer than five times that the United States has tested more people than South Korea and/or any other country, which ignores early failures and plenty of nuance such as population size.


Mark my word , the fat lying bastard is close to claiming he has been sent from God to save mankind. He’s fucking delusional.
Trump spent 25 percent of his time at Wednesday’s briefing on self-congratulation and placing blame.

President Trump frequently downplayed the threat of the coronavirus, then reversed course, and is now downplaying it again as he seeks to reopen parts of a battered economy. But one constant throughout the outbreak has been this: self-congratulations and blame-shifting.

Trump is consumed with making sure everyone knows how tremendously successful he has been, how bad were the things he inherited and how grim news is not his fault. He recently gave himself a perfect 10 out of 10 for his coronavirus response, and he has said “I don’t take responsibility at all” for testing failures. He has also said the buck stops with him “normally,” but that he was dealt a bad hand.

And this focus on credit and blame was particularly conspicuous during Wednesday’s coronavirus briefing.
“It’s been incredible how we’ve done,” Trump said of testing. He would go on to say no fewer than five times that the United States has tested more people than South Korea and/or any other country, which ignores early failures and plenty of nuance such as population size.


Mark my word , the fat lying bastard is close to claiming he has been sent from God to save mankind. He’s fucking delusional. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Awww, another one pissed that Trump's approval of his handling of this is over 50% and potentially 60% in some polls.

What he is doing is incredible in light of the circumstances.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Awww, another one pissed that Trump's approval of his handling of this is over 50% and potentially 60% in some polls.

What he is doing is incredible in light of the circumstances. Originally Posted by eccielover
Free money will do that, when the money is gone his polls will drop.
Jaxson66's Avatar
If any post of yours ever PROVED your claim to be a "captain firefighter" is utter BULLSHIT .... this one does. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you say so loser. don’t worry the supreme leader will be bailing your failing 401k out sometime soon.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump’s effort to bury the truth about his coronavirus fiasco is failing

President Trump’s reelection campaign is calling on television stations to stop airing a Democratic ad that hammers his horribly botched response to the coronavirus.

But that effort is failing: Priorities USA, the group running the ad, tells me it’s still running on 75 local stations and 11 cable systems in four swing states.

This whole affair provides a glimpse into the tactics that Trump and his campaign will use to evade accountability for his catastrophic handling of the coronavirus crisis. It’s also particularly rich, given the disinformation and propaganda Trump and his allies have already employed against likely opponent Joe Biden.

The Priorities USA ad shows numerous examples of Trump downplaying the crisis, even as the number of cases mounts in a graph on the screen:


Awww, the supreme leader is throwing a hissy fit.
  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2020, 01:25 PM
J666 is throwing the hissy fit.

Still propagating the NYT and WaPo propaganda.

What a shame to waste a life - completely void of any independent thought.

Get some help. j666!

Stop blaming Trump for your miserable life and take some self-responsibility - it is the only way you can make your life better.
Jaxson66's Avatar
U.S. passes Italy, China as nation with the most confirmed cases of COVID-19

The U.S. surged past China and Italy to become the planet's most infected nation Thursday, a stark milestone in the coronavirus era - and a reminder of its deadly, culture-changing effects on American life.

The Johns Hopkins University dash board showed the U.S. with 82,404 COVID-19 infections as of 6 p.m., ET, moving past Italy (80,589) and China (81,782). More than 1,100 people have died in the U.S.


Yep, we’ve come a long way since early January when the fat lying bastard was ignoring his intelligence briefings.

All hail trump, he’s made us number one.
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 08:32 AM
Go to the 1960's - Grace Slick - "When logic, and proportion, have fallen, sloppy Dead"
characteristic of the posters like j666.

Just trying to milk all the political capital out of a disease that has a lower case fatality rae than influenza A - which i do not see the fascist DPST's whining about.

J66 - gotta admit to it - you are happily orgasmic about the damage to the US economy.

Anything to oppose Trump, and feed your Trump hate and TDS!
U.S. passes Italy, China as nation with the most confirmed cases of COVID-19

The U.S. surged past China and Italy to become the planet's most infected nation Thursday, a stark milestone in the coronavirus era - and a reminder of its deadly, culture-changing effects on American life.

The Johns Hopkins University dash board showed the U.S. with 82,404 COVID-19 infections as of 6 p.m., ET, moving past Italy (80,589) and China (81,782). More than 1,100 people have died in the U.S.


Yep, we’ve come a long way since early January when the fat lying bastard was ignoring his intelligence briefings.

All hail trump, he’s made us number one.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So if we have the most cases and you do an apples to apples comparisons of deaths by nation, why is the US more like 6th in total deaths. And that 6th is by a factor of 4-8 with the countries with the most deaths.

Is our testing possibly getting better than other nations at this point? Are they not accurately reporting data or are we not accurately reporting data.

No one knows the "actual" numbers anywhere yet, but so far the US is coming out ahead in cases vs. deaths compared to almost anyone except Germany, they also have a largely low mortality rate compared to cases.

But carry on the bullshit DemPanic with whatever numbers of lies you choose to use.
U.S. passes Italy, China as nation with the most confirmed cases of COVID-19

The U.S. surged past China and Italy to become the planet's most infected nation Thursday, a stark milestone in the coronavirus era - and a reminder of its deadly, culture-changing effects on American life.

The Johns Hopkins University dash board showed the U.S. with 82,404 COVID-19 infections as of 6 p.m., ET, moving past Italy (80,589) and China (81,782). More than 1,100 people have died in the U.S.


Yep, we’ve come a long way since early January when the fat lying bastard was ignoring his intelligence briefings.

All hail trump, he’s made us number one.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Fortunately by these stats the fatality rate is less than 1.5%. Out of the number of infected cases the symptoms are mostly mild to moderate. This is just a fast replicating virus. It could just burn out as quick as it started. Testing is a good thing but it isn't very useful if there isn't any treatment. But you already knew that. This virus just gives you another opportunity to bitch about Trump.

Is our testing possibly getting better than other nations at this point? Are they not accurately reporting data or are we not accurately reporting data.

But carry on the bullshit DemPanic with whatever numbers of lies you choose to use. Originally Posted by eccielover
I read an article that 80% of the CV tests that China sent Europe were faulty. And those 1000+ ventilators that Tesla manufactured? Musk said he bought them from China. I wonder how many of them are faulty?

We won't know the real numbers until a honest look back is done on a country that allows an honest look back.
I read an article that 80% of the CV tests that China sent Europe were faulty. And those 1000+ ventilators that Tesla manufactured? Musk said he bought them from China. I wonder how many of them are faulty?

We won't know the real numbers until a honest look back is done on a country that allows an honest look back. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Jaxson66's Avatar
I read an article that 80% of the CV tests that China sent Europe were faulty. And those 1000+ ventilators that Tesla manufactured? Musk said he bought them from China. I wonder how many of them are faulty?

We won't know the real numbers until a honest look back is done on a country that allows an honest look back. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That’s right, we won’t know the final death count until this mass casualty incident is over and the cost will be astounding. I agree with Kudlows estimate of six trillion.