Escorts Using Government Assistance

It really isn't as complicated as some would make it out to be. Originally Posted by Old-T
This is a discussion forum, isn't it?
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  • Old-T
  • 11-06-2011, 07:55 PM
A drug dealer is not in the same lines of a hooker, though I would assume many are in fact on public assistance. I don't know many dealers who are single moms either...mostly men.

Many people label DDs in the same class as pimps. A DD supplies something LETHAL, not only illegal. Unless a provider gives you AIDS, you won't die just by screwing one, much less overdose on something.

I am against anyone taking advantage of the system regardless of profession. I am for anyone truly needing assistance, to get it...simple. If you are doing your BEST to make money, and can't afford to take care of your should get some sort of assistance. If you are NOT working, using drugs, etc. you don't deserve crap BUT your children very well DO! Originally Posted by London Rayne
London, thank you for a sense of reason and compassion.
If you make a lot of money, good for you.

Many ladies do not.

If that is beyond your experience base there's not much I can do to open your eyes. Originally Posted by Old-T
Just as you're entitled to your opinion, I am too. I don't down you or treat you as if you are WRONG because I don't agree. I don't need, nor do I want, you to 'open my eyes' to anything. I can think whatever I want, just like you.
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  • Old-T
  • 11-06-2011, 08:03 PM
I'd just like to point out that being a prostitute IS illegal in most of this country. So, with your lines of thinking should a crack dealer that doesn't make enough be eligible for government assistance too?
Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny
I admit I am quite confused.

If you are so ardent that escorting is illegal, then why do you do it?

You now equate escorting and drug dealing, which in my mind is a very false comparison, so let me ask again: do you support public assistance for any people?
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  • Old-T
  • 11-06-2011, 08:20 PM
Just as you're entitled to your opinion, I am too. I don't down you or treat you as if you are WRONG because I don't agree. I don't need, nor do I want, you to 'open my eyes' to anything. I can think whatever I want, just like you. Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny
Of course you can think whatever you want to think. The opinions you hold are not mine to say are right or wrong--the are opinions. But when you state opinions it is fair game to ask why you believe them.
Judge not lest ye be judged.

I know what a lot of people say is true - selling food stamps, getting free housing and other programs that are not needed, etc.

It's not cool when anyone takes advantage, no matter who they are. Since when did this center on what ur job is? All kinds of people take advantage of the system, not just escorts.

I would rather see some people take advantage and know that the programs are still there for those that do need it, than to take the programs away because of a few assholes who are fraudulently using the programs.

Despite what the media will make you believe, no one is getting rich on welfare except a rare few people who have sometimes figured out how to totally defraud the system (like those people who collected hundreds of social security checks under different names - that was amazingly evil).

It's there to help for everyone who needs it.

These programs include social security, medicare, medicaid, TANF, food stamps, and a myriad of lesser programs which help the elderly, disabled, learning disabled, alternately abled, children, under-educated, and others in need.

Previous to my current incarnation as an independent paid companion, I worked at the welfare office. Depending on the level of aid requested, the hoops to be jumped through and a rather complicated myriad of different proofs of destitute-ness are required, and I can assure you no one is getting section 8 without wading through mounds and mounds of bullshit, sitting on waiting lists, and putting up with a lot of insult and aggravation (have you seen section 8 in Houston? Not many clients will want to go there to see you at most of the locations.)

Getting food stamps and insurance for your kids is relatively easy. IMHO - by all means, eat and take ur kids to the dr. Some people do cheat these programs more than others - but these are not really considered welfare in the government's eyes - they are just social programs. We should all get medical insurance for what we pay in taxes. Food Stamps is considered a food surplus buy back program by the federal governement, and is not considered welfare. 3 months of food stamps is available to anyone who needs it any time they lose their job. All you need is your ID, and even that can be overlooked in some cases if you are hungry and in need.

If you have money in your name saved up in the bank, you can't qualify for any of these programs. So unless an escort with $$$ is putting all her money in someone else's name, she can't take advantage of ANY of these programs.

Mostly I don't think most people who have $ are going to go through what it takes to be on welfare just to be on welfare and get less than 500 a month in cash and benefits. If people are going through what it takes to be on it, mostly they need it. Everything else you hear is mostly propaganda the upper crust puts in your face to distract you while they funnel all your tax money off the top, closer to corporate America (try multi-billion dollar bailouts), not off the bottom, where the welfare programs are..

It can be tempting to be self righteous and say we should inter all poor into shelters, etc, to make sure no fraud is committed. Be careful what you wish for. That was the first step the Nazis took before they built the gas chambers. If someone can get you to believe the preposterous, they can then get you to commit atrocities. Originally Posted by amusemeant
Awesome post, and thank you for sharing your experience. I will continue to say it, I will never judge anyone in these situations. You are right it is a lot of red tape to get through to get on these entitlement programs and usually once you are going through it, you really need it. I would not fault a gal if she was in the sex trade while on disability, welfare or otherwise. Not enough money I assure you to make ends meat with through these programs.

Thanks again for posting. You have been there on the other side of it so you know what you are talking about.
London Rayne's Avatar
They didn't say "those who participate in illegal activities should have it" though.

Escorts make a lot of money. IMHO they should not need gov assistance. Just my opinion. Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny
You are "assuming" that "all" escorts make a lot of money...that's just outright delusional. I know escorts who make less than a grand a month...they are over 60 as well. Now, I am not saying it's anyone else's fault they did not do more with their lives knowing that day might come, but at the same time I don't believe in saying one person should get x and another should not based ONLY on their profession. That's a communist attitude. They also say hookers and clients are scum on the earth and should all burn in hell lol.

If anyone truly needs help, they should get it as long as they are A. Feeding into the tax system, and B. Trying to work. To be so against a "mother" getting the help she needs is just jaded. Look beyond the hooker label, and at the family unit.

You are young, smart, and good looking Destiny...look at some other showcases around here. Many of those women are nowhere near making anything to support a family but are doing the best they can. We don't know their situation. Some women do in fact work at Macy's and turn tricks on the side. They are TRYING!

I am just glad I believe in a faith that rewards the heart actions, and not the bs or I would be totally screwed.
London Rayne's Avatar
Judge not lest ye be judged.

I know what a lot of people say is true - selling food stamps, getting free housing and other programs that are not needed, etc.

It's not cool when anyone takes advantage, no matter who they are. Since when did this center on what ur job is? All kinds of people take advantage of the system, not just escorts.

I would rather see some people take advantage and know that the programs are still there for those that do need it, than to take the programs away because of a few assholes who are fraudulently using the programs.

Despite what the media will make you believe, no one is getting rich on welfare except a rare few people who have sometimes figured out how to totally defraud the system (like those people who collected hundreds of social security checks under different names - that was amazingly evil).

It's there to help for everyone who needs it.

These programs include social security, medicare, medicaid, TANF, food stamps, and a myriad of lesser programs which help the elderly, disabled, learning disabled, alternately abled, children, under-educated, and others in need.

Previous to my current incarnation as an independent paid companion, I worked at the welfare office. Depending on the level of aid requested, the hoops to be jumped through and a rather complicated myriad of different proofs of destitute-ness are required, and I can assure you no one is getting section 8 without wading through mounds and mounds of bullshit, sitting on waiting lists, and putting up with a lot of insult and aggravation (have you seen section 8 in Houston? Not many clients will want to go there to see you at most of the locations.)

Getting food stamps and insurance for your kids is relatively easy. IMHO - by all means, eat and take ur kids to the dr. Some people do cheat these programs more than others - but these are not really considered welfare in the government's eyes - they are just social programs. We should all get medical insurance for what we pay in taxes. Food Stamps is considered a food surplus buy back program by the federal governement, and is not considered welfare. 3 months of food stamps is available to anyone who needs it any time they lose their job. All you need is your ID, and even that can be overlooked in some cases if you are hungry and in need.

If you have money in your name saved up in the bank, you can't qualify for any of these programs. So unless an escort with $$$ is putting all her money in someone else's name, she can't take advantage of ANY of these programs.

Mostly I don't think most people who have $ are going to go through what it takes to be on welfare just to be on welfare and get less than 500 a month in cash and benefits. If people are going through what it takes to be on it, mostly they need it. Everything else you hear is mostly propaganda the upper crust puts in your face to distract you while they funnel all your tax money off the top, closer to corporate America (try multi-billion dollar bailouts), not off the bottom, where the welfare programs are..

It can be tempting to be self righteous and say we should inter all poor into shelters, etc, to make sure no fraud is committed. Be careful what you wish for. That was the first step the Nazis took before they built the gas chambers. If someone can get you to believe the preposterous, they can then get you to commit atrocities. Originally Posted by amusemeant
An honest working escort is sure as hell a better candidate than some low life popping out kids just to get another check to support a drug habit. You can't use a profession as a basis for denial...only the govt. can I suppose. It's more of an ethical thing than a legal issue to me. I just can't see throwing out the baby with the bath water in these instances. Some people are really bad off and don't want to be here to begin with. To suggest they get mentally raped every day rather than getting help, is just vile.

Excellent post!
I am just a HO and for those being judged on abusing the system when it comes to govt asst, I can only imagine how ppl are judging us Ho's the same way. There is no room for me to speak against it.
Wal-Mart will take more taxes than she has to pay here. No one said we are claiming 100 percent of our income...neither do waitresses and bartenders for that matter, so it's not just hookers. No one claims the exact amount of "tips" when they are in the service industry. Right..the maids claim that 20 we leave them on their taxes? Please! Everyone of us cheats the system in some way or another. No one should be so naive or dismissive when it comes to children. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Very true. What it all boils down to is that it really doesn't matter what anyone's opinion is when it truly concerns the welfare of a child. Children can't decide to have responsible parents, and they should NEVER have to suffer REGARDLESS of how she lives or what their mother does for a living.

I would rather see some people take advantage and know that the programs are still there for those that do need it, than to take the programs away because of a few assholes who are fraudulently using the programs. Originally Posted by amusemeant
Exactly. I think that keeping these programs in place for those who REALLY need them is worth a few crooks sliding through the cracks. To take these programs away would cause damage beyond repair to our already jacked up society.
Those are usually the ones that proposition you at a gas station or walmart lmao!!!

It took me a while to write this and keep it under a couple pages; it’s still long, but it’s a sore topic with me because of what I have seen up close. You bring up several related points but you digress from the original post.

First, congratulations to you for what you have accomplished, and congratulations to your mom. No sarcasm on my part at all--I mean it very sincerely. That is not easy and it takes a very mentally tough woman to do that. If she or you decided not to use the assistance available and made it anyway, more power to you.

If you are hard over against any government assistance to anyone, I would disagree but at least you would be intellectually honest. But the OP's issue was not "I'm angry that anyone is on public assistance", it was only directed at escorts.

Also, if you want to debate the details of what public assistance should be, I have no issue with that. Given the cost of safe child care and of transportation, one has to wonder about the limits in the law today. If you want to argue about the insane rules that penalize people for trying to take any min wage job they can, I 100% agree with you. But that too was not the OP's point.

Again, I have no issues at all with your criticism of people who cheat the system by not reporting income, etc. That too was not the OP's point.

My point is very simple: the rules are what they are. They are based on how much you earn. And I see no reason whatsoever that the rules for being on public assistance should be a function of what line of work you are in. If you have kids, make below the limit allowed, claim your earnings, and follow the other (often stupid) rules why should public assistance be available to the person who flips burgers or greets at Wal-Mart but not to the escort?

What is the argument for singling out one profession over the others? Don’t give me the “they should earn more”, for that argument can be made about every single occupation. Yes, lots of ladies earn more than the limit. They should not get any help. How does that carry over to the others who don't?

Lots of women DO work in this industry in part because they do not feel they can get a living wage at anything else. Single parenthood is rampant here. Psychological issues are very common in this business. Lack of self esteem is abundant.

I saw a post above about raising rates, that there are some HDH who are not stunningly beautiful nor are they 20 y/o. Absolutely true, but one trait they almost all have is they can move smoothly in a social environment, and most are available for multi-hour and overnight dates in various locations (i.e. they can travel). Great for them! Seriously. I wish all the ladies had the ability to do that. They don't. They may lack the self confidence, the wardrobe, the babysitter they trust to watch their kids overnight on short notice (or for a week). They usually aren't the ladies who can converse on here ad hold their own in an on-line debate.

Some of the ladies who have been praised and lauded as the best in the business, some of the ladies who have charged more per hour than I could afford, have suffered from some very debilitating psychological issues. Nice of everyone to say they shouldn’t work, but at least in this job they can work the one or two weeks their depression clinical lets them function normally. It’s hard to hold a “real job” when you have so many days you can’t work. That is one of the reasons this business attracts women with some of those issues.

I won't even get into a diatribe about the dead-beat dads who provide no support, fiscal or time or emotional to their kids but come on boards like this one and berate the mother for not working harder. Being mobile, working odd unpredictable hours, and living temporarily in a very seedy neighborhood is a whole lot easier as a guy with no responsibilities than it is for a mom with kids.

I know too many stories first hand of ladies who don't fit the model of many here. The ladies on this board are a minority of the escorts, and generally the ones who have made good. I truly am happy for them. To think all the others are welfare cheating drug addicts is beyond self righteous. Originally Posted by Old-T

Thank you very much for the compliments. My mother is a very special woman with drive and determination that can't even be touched. I would like to explain a couple of things about my post though. First: My mom never chose not to use assistance and tough it out. She wasn't AGAINST it, but it was not the life that she wanted for us. Although this was the case, SHE NEEDED IT, so she took advantage of everything they offered and got herself to a point where she actually DIDN'T need it any longer. I, however, have made the CHOICE to not do so. Why? Even though it would help out a lot to not have to pay for insurance or to get foodstamps, I have to be honest when I ask myself "If I don't go get these things, will my children suffer?" For me, the answer is no, and it's not because I have so many clients that I never have to worry about $$$ (I effin WISH that was the case). It's simply because I manage money responsibly and plan ahead. I never meant to give the impression that just because a woman is a provider means she shouldn't get any assistance. I don't feel that way at all. I simply meant to express that I MYSELF feel that if I need that type of assistance, this is not the type of work I should be in. If you are providing, but still getting assistance because you HONESTLY don't make enough money, by all means, TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN through any means necessary. BUT, if you are providing and getting assistance simply because it is AVAILABLE, you are a disgrace to everything the system stands for. A mother who really does need the help (regardless of her job title and regardless to whether she makes a TRUE report of earnings) for her children should never be turned away. Even if the reason she can't support her kids is because she is busy supporting herself (drugs, shopping, etc.), the children should not go hungry or remain sick. I do have compassion for honest, hard working Providers who need assistance in taking care of their children. I have ZERO compassion for Providers (or ANY people for that matter) who constantly complain about their situation while doing nothing to change it and are simply depleting gov't funds that could be used by a family who's truly in need. The problem today is that the programs that are in place require so little proof of the truth that they have given people an easy way out when it comes to making sure their family is taken care of. Living proof that this is true:
You are "assuming" that "all" escorts make a lot of money...that's just outright delusional. I know escorts who make less than a grand a month...they are over 60 as well. Now, I am not saying it's anyone else's fault they did not do more with their lives knowing that day might come, but at the same time I don't believe in saying one person should get x and another should not based ONLY on their profession. That's a communist attitude. They also say hookers and clients are scum on the earth and should all burn in hell lol.

If anyone truly needs help, they should get it as long as they are A. Feeding into the tax system, and B. Trying to work. To be so against a "mother" getting the help she needs is just jaded. Look beyond the hooker label, and at the family unit.

You are young, smart, and good looking Destiny...look at some other showcases around here. Many of those women are nowhere near making anything to support a family but are doing the best they can. We don't know their situation. Some women do in fact work at Macy's and turn tricks on the side. They are TRYING!

I am just glad I believe in a faith that rewards the heart action
s, and not the bs or I would be totally screwed. Originally Posted by London Rayne
That is reasonable and really full of heart and empathy! I admire you London!
If you make a lot of money, good for you.

Many ladies do not.

If that is beyond your experience base there's not much I can do to open your eyes. Originally Posted by Old-T
I think a good middleground on that discussion could be that seeking assistance is fine as long as you contribute to the system as well. And as long as you try to be a responsible escort. Doing incalls at your own home (with kids present) is probably not very smart. But, then again, it might not be easy to start off that job without assistance in the first place. So, i think getting help in two ways (one of it proper escorting - stay safe ; and one of it being assisted in a way you have at least one hand free and don`t struggle and drown trying to survive).
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-07-2011, 06:08 AM

That is as close to a perfect post as I've ever read. It should be required reading for every lady getting into this business and for every politician who weighs votes ahead of people. I applaud you and agree with every word. Thank you.

Thank you very much for the compliments. My mother is a very special woman with drive and determination that can't even be touched. I would like to explain a couple of things about my post though. First: My mom never chose not to use assistance and tough it out. She wasn't AGAINST it, but it was not the life that she wanted for us. Although this was the case, SHE NEEDED IT, so she took advantage of everything they offered and got herself to a point where she actually DIDN'T need it any longer. I, however, have made the CHOICE to not do so. Why? Even though it would help out a lot to not have to pay for insurance or to get foodstamps, I have to be honest when I ask myself "If I don't go get these things, will my children suffer?" For me, the answer is no, and it's not because I have so many clients that I never have to worry about $$$ (I effin WISH that was the case). It's simply because I manage money responsibly and plan ahead. I never meant to give the impression that just because a woman is a provider means she shouldn't get any assistance. I don't feel that way at all. I simply meant to express that I MYSELF feel that if I need that type of assistance, this is not the type of work I should be in. If you are providing, but still getting assistance because you HONESTLY don't make enough money, by all means, TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN through any means necessary. BUT, if you are providing and getting assistance simply because it is AVAILABLE, you are a disgrace to everything the system stands for. A mother who really does need the help (regardless of her job title and regardless to whether she makes a TRUE report of earnings) for her children should never be turned away. Even if the reason she can't support her kids is because she is busy supporting herself (drugs, shopping, etc.), the children should not go hungry or remain sick. I do have compassion for honest, hard working Providers who need assistance in taking care of their children. I have ZERO compassion for Providers (or ANY people for that matter) who constantly complain about their situation while doing nothing to change it and are simply depleting gov't funds that could be used by a family who's truly in need. The problem today is that the programs that are in place require so little proof of the truth that they have given people an easy way out when it comes to making sure their family is taken care of. Living proof that this is true: Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01