Most Americans want War with ISIS.

LexusLover's Avatar
I'm talking about the general attitude of Americans like you towards the rest of the civilized world. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Do you include those who burn people alive as part of the .....

....... "civilized world"?
LexusLover's Avatar
You sound like a hell of a guy... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I consider that one of those obligatory shallow compliments coming from you, but I do consider myself to be a good neighbor. You ought to try it.
Did i mention how you fucked up the thread already ?

God i have so much to say about this subject ... But wat ever ... i guess i'll have to wait tell another one where you dont jump and fuck it up too ... ohhh that will be hard to find .... Grrrrr
See YouRong, how quickly they will turn ON YOU!

And here you were defending her! Go figure. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The problem with letting the ME nations handle this is obvious. They won't or can't. The US needs to put together a true coalition of countries that are willing to put their full military capability on the line. Not some half assed support or only monetary support. The US will need to lead this coalition and I have no doubt that we will be sending troops into another war. The problem Obama has with putting together a coalition is no one trust him to follow thru with his commitment.

Let me ask you a question. Do you believe that if we act like this ME crisis is only going to affect the ME then we are safe from attack? Do you honestly believe this group ISIS will not come after the US and our allies? I think it is much better to deal with this today than in 5 years. Originally Posted by Budman
Well you're half right. ISIS could have been completely eliminated a long time ago, but if all this talk about WW3 is true they need this bullshit to kick it off. In fact I personally think WW3 is already in it's initial stages which means things will get worse before they get better. It wouldn't surprise me if Obama declares Martial Law in the near future like within the next year. That would not be good.

No dumbass, you are the one painting a foolish caricature with no room for nuance or grey area. I don't know ANY Americans insisting the rest of the world should be "exactly like we are". But I do notice there are jihadists out there insisting everyone must convert to Islam or die, i.e. they should be just like them. You are pretty fucked up if you think we are a bigger threat than the jihadists are.

I notice you didn't answer my question. Are you unwilling to concede there are norms of behavior that need to be observed the world over? Originally Posted by lustylad
I won't dignify that with a response.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually the OP is wrong. Americans don't "want" a war with ISIS, they don't want a war with anyone. They do recognize the ISIS is going to be a threat to our future and better to take them out now. Cheaper in money and manpower.

Once again, this is World War III. It took them 23 years after the fact to recognize World War I as a world war. It was more or less on one continent with seven major combatants. World War II was on three continents and had 10 major combatants. So far World War III has been found on every continent but Antarctica and South America (and an argument can be made for South America). There are also over a dozen major countries involved so far.
Cowardly Old Goat speaking. You dare to attack US War Veterans and then have the audacity to argue foreign policy in direct conflict with the will of the people?

You're not a Librarian. You're a gutless cocksucker.

oh yeah, and I went to the Army because they got the best (forbidden subject).

Such an asshole. Such an asshole. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just what did you do in the Army assup? Besides killing your brain cells on that forbidden subject when you should have been out popping caps at the enemy.

LexusLover's Avatar
Were you 4F ? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

I was surprised that you waited to be drafted as opposed to volunteering, since you talk so much shit about being "gung-ho" .... or is it "dung-ho"?

I was surprised that you waited to be drafted as opposed to volunteering, since you talk so much shit about being "gung-ho" .... or is it "dung-ho"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Really? Nothing you say surprises me. Like thinking I was gung ho. You old ho.

I was surprised that you waited to be drafted as opposed to volunteering, since you talk so much shit about being "gung-ho" .... or is it "dung-ho"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, were you:

A) Drafted
B) Joined
C) Patriotic as long as someone else is doing the fighting and dying for you

Once you have completed the above assignment, feel free to "carry on."
LexusLover's Avatar

C) Patriotic as long as someone else is doing the fighting and dying for you

Once you have completed the above assignment, feel free to "carry on." Originally Posted by bigtex
Who did your dying, BigBoy?

Or is this your after life?

Still looking for my OMPF are you? Just don't have the rank, do you?

Go figure.
LexusLover's Avatar
I was gung ho. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ok, you weren't. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Are you and BigBoy scheduled for Church today?

Or did you two take care of that chore at Friday Prayers with YOUR PRESIDENT?
Just don't have the rank, do you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Speaking of rank, what rank were you able to attain during your military career?

Let me guess, Private No Class!

Carry on!
LexusLover's Avatar
Let me guess, .... Originally Posted by bigtex
You have to, right? Can't take a peek at my OMPF can you? Too bad!
Hermosa's Avatar
Yeah, how silly for anyone to want ISIS "to be like us." We need to get over our superiority complex. Let's just sit back passively and let ISIS do genocide and slice heads off and burn people alive and kidnap aid workers and rape and enslave women and harvest and sell human organs from people they murder and use the proceeds to plot terror attacks everywhere. I'm so relieved to hear UC thinks that's ok. Let's embrace the diversity in the world, shall we? Originally Posted by lustylad
Lustylad, I was simply pointing out the reality of the world we live in. I also pointed out the result of recent history over the last 20 years. The reason I point this out is two fold. First, l would like to think we all don't "suffer from short term memory loss", we can remember recent events and not repeat the same folly. The second point is nothing I said was ever intended to imply that we should be silent towards evil, accepting or do nothing. But what to do? I think confront the problem. That requires stopping all the BS talk, understand the real issues and put those on the forefront of the discussions. Secondly, understand that we do have a right to have a impact and influence in the world. It's our damn money we're giving to some of these governments that are promoting this shit ideas. Let me be more politically correct here. It's our money that we are giving to these countries that are promoting ideas that we think are unacceptable! We can and should expect every other country in the world who wants out protection, our help and aid, our money, and even our purchasing power, to act in a mature grown up fashion, that doesn't require us to have to intercede! That proactive stance (based on morality, civil rights, etc.) has been ignored and has resulted in much of the growth of problems that should have been confronted a long time ago. Finally, the world needs to know that we will not stand silent and let innocents be abused!
I think that should be our last resort. Saying that, it becomes kind of knee jerk reaction that gets us in trouble. Why did our politicians not act a long time ago? Where is the UN? If they aren't going to do what their charter requires, then quit supporting them. In fact, I think they should either man up with their members or get out of here.