Bonemaker Barbie scam artist

Wakeup's Avatar
Dumbass...not the whore, the other one...
That's why there's protocols & masking guidelines for posting such an alert.
Even if a hooker wants to go Nuclear & post screenshots, she'd be well reminded NOT to do so on Eccie.

boardman's Avatar
I don't think her intent was evil...... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
do the rules allow for intent interpretations or is it a immediate ban ?[/QUOTE]


I don't think Mods are supposed to consider intent...Zero tolerance you know.

Kind of like the dumb ass, goober, door guy at the night club checking ID. Owner tells them to check everyone, including the 50 year old dude, even though it holds up the entire process and creates a clusterfuck. He can't trust them to make an intelligent decision so he tells them zero tolerance...The door guy that is.

do the rules allow for intent interpretations or is it a immediate ban ? Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Depends on the intent of the mod...Duh!
junglemonkey's Avatar
She should ignored this thread just like she did the 1st 3 months.

And no, don't send her name to WakeUp. Psychopath WolfWhistle didn't chase her off ECCIE. Chalk this up to the whore self destructed before our very eyes.
hornfreak's Avatar
That's funny JM...So...If it ain't mod pussy, it's an immediate ban....lmmfao
She's not even hot tho...
DarthMaul's Avatar
probably so but you deleted her posts, and she still got banned, even though she was warning people about a dangerous weirdo........I don't think her intent was the rules allow for intent interpretations or is it a immediate ban ? Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
He did not delete her posts. He edited out the guy's name. I don't think it's wise to leave the guys name in public view.

If yours was there would you want it removed?
He did not delete her posts. He edited out the guy's name. I don't think it's wise to leave the guys name in public view.

If yours was there would you want it removed?
Originally Posted by DarthMaul
maybe, but I use p411 to date.....reading my posts would you approach hookers as tony Gambino? I 'm not crazy......tony Gambino isn't on p411.....but he has a shitload of ok' point is that wolf whistle, French toast, etc is a dangerous guy ...I received points trying to prove it....and the clueless hooktard that got banned just confirmed what a case he was
I know your not the hobby police, and enough stupidity happens in public on the board....but swear to tebow some times creeps need to be dealth with wolfwhistle....
She's not even hot tho... Originally Posted by the cute papi
that's true......just feel bad she had to deal with that creep.....he's worse....almost , than you....ijs......almost.......
alextgeangler's Avatar
Hey, when a girl can provide to kinda bbbjcim skills that she can, it would be easy to fall for her, but you forgot the #1 rule. "You can't turn a hoe into a house wife" come on man!
Wakeup's Avatar
I know your not the hobby police, Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
The only intelligent thing in that post...spelling notwithstanding...
junglemonkey's Avatar
Out of all the whores on this site, he tried to domestic that one. Fucking Sad.
  • cr76
  • 12-10-2015, 07:36 AM
Boy was in love.

head over heels.

and according to her.

He hadn't gotten over the "breakup" I guess.

Boy may need to see someone and take a personal inventory of his life.

Can't get no love from an asian spa or a girl who calls herself Bonemaker Barbie.
that's true......just feel bad she had to deal with that creep.....he's worse....almost , than you....ijs......almost....... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I didn't do shit. She actually had proof on him. I'm still waiting for a provider to collaborate Stella's story...
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I'm still waiting for a provider to collaborate Stella's story... Originally Posted by the cute papi
Did you really intend to say this? Or did your brain take a right to corroborate but your pecker finger took a left to collaborate?