SPEED senile Joe gets AL Bore's endorement...WTF does Ol'Joe say to him?? Please decipher for us!!

HoeHummer's Avatar
So suddentlys the Trumpholian grows a conscience?

  • oeb11
  • 04-29-2020, 08:11 AM
Interesting the DPST and LSM hypocrisy about Biden's sexual assault history - backed-up by his frequent inapropriate physical behavior.

When it comes debate Time - it will be an issue.

By Then Biden won't be able to remember either of the functions for his nether member.

If he cannot remember - he must be innocent - just like Candidate Avenatti!
amazing how the DPDT mind contorts its thinking processes.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Latest polls:... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Totally understand your hope-casting. Where "Sleepy" Joe Biden is failing exponentially is in simple Brand Awareness and Brand Marketing. Here is this guy, "Sleepy" Joe Biden, who has discovered the cure for insomnia and he doesn't even realize he's sitting on a gold mine. View this short video (1 min) to see the cure. Pro Tip: Be sure to unmute it for best effect.

Sorry, still don't know how to embed Twatter vids like a Utub vid.


How many words did Sleepy Joe utter in the 1 minute video?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Totally understand your hope-casting. Where "Sleepy" Joe Biden is failing exponentially is in simple Brand Awareness and Brand Marketing. Here is this guy, "Sleepy" Joe Biden, who has discovered the cure for insomnia and he doesn't even realize he's sitting on a gold mine. View this short video (1 min) to see the cure. Pro Tip: Be sure to unmute it for best effect.

Sorry, still don't know how to embed Twatter vids like a Utub vid.


How many words did Sleepy Joe utter in the 1 minute video? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

its currently not possible for eccie to embed twitter videos.

i believe twitter uses mp4 videos.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
its currently not possible for eccie to embed twitter videos.... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I know there has got to be an incantation of HTML and/or CODE that should do it. I just haven't found it. Time to get another rubber chicken and some Ju-Ju sauce and try again. Unfortunately, the underlying tool is a bit dated and unhelpful for me so far. Oh well.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I know there has got to be an incantation of HTML and/or CODE that should do it. I just haven't found it. Time to get another rubber chicken and some Ju-Ju sauce and try again. Unfortunately, the underlying tool is a bit dated and unhelpful for me so far. Oh well. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

/html code is turned off on eccie. it tells you at the end of your edit window.

theres a bb code for flash, but i've never been able to get it to work.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Totally understand your hope-casting. Where "Sleepy" Joe Biden is failing exponentially is in simple Brand Awareness and Brand Marketing. Here is this guy, "Sleepy" Joe Biden, who has discovered the cure for insomnia and he doesn't even realize he's sitting on a gold mine. View this short video (1 min) to see the cure. Pro Tip: Be sure to unmute it for best effect.

Sorry, still don't know how to embed Twatter vids like a Utub vid.


How many words did Sleepy Joe utter in the 1 minute video? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Every time Trump refers to Biden as "Sleepy Joe" I estimate a few more voters who up until that point in time were "Undecided" quickly became Biden supporters. Trump's negativity works only on his base.

You and others can complain about "Sleepy Joe" all you want. Meanwhile Trump continues to shoot himself in the foot on a daily basis. Probably not helping his bone spurs one bit.
Every time Trump refers to Biden as "Sleepy Joe" I estimate a few more voters who up until that point in time were "Undecided" quickly became Biden supporters. Trump's negativity works only on his base.

You and others can complain about "Sleepy Joe" all you want. Meanwhile Trump continues to shoot himself in the foot on a daily basis. Probably not helping his bone spurs one bit. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I'm personally seeing more and more of the younger generation agreeing with Trump about "Sleepy Joe".

They are simply not seeing any enthusiasm with Biden and I'm finding many that while not turning their vote to Trump are going to sit out the POTUS election because they don't believe Biden to be a good candidate. With Biden as the candidate, 2018 Dem enthusiasm is definitely not the same.

And in the end turnout is going to be key.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I'm personally seeing more and more of the younger generation agreeing with Trump about "Sleepy Joe".

They are simply not seeing any enthusiasm with Biden and I'm finding many that while not turning their vote to Trump are going to sit out the POTUS election because they don't believe Biden to be a good candidate. With Biden as the candidate, 2018 Dem enthusiasm is definitely not the same.

And in the end turnout is going to be key. Originally Posted by eccielover
I have been saying what you just said in your last sentence for years. Turnout in 2018 was great for Democrats across the board. Many young voters voted for the first time in their lives and the majority voted Democratic.

No, Biden does not instill the same level of enthusiasm as Trump does. Not close. The majority of young voters prefer Biden over Trump but, as you say, will they get out there and vote for him or sit at home on election day?

Either way, I believe the election will be close, closer than in 2016 in my opinion. The only state Clinton won that Trump is close to turning is NH. Meanwhile, 7 states that Trump won are considered battleground states.

So much depends on the economy. GDP was -4.8% in first quarter. Will be much worse in second quarter. Unemployment will be the highest since the Great Depression. The months of July, August and September may determine the fate of Trump. If there are positive signs in the economy his reelection chances will go way up. If not . . .
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Every time Trump refers to Biden as "Sleepy Joe" I estimate a few more voters who up until that point in time were "Undecided" quickly became Biden supporters.... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You might try running that thought process through a reality based lens. An Undecided voter looks at Joe and has an epiphany that he's their guy?!? While he's sleeping? While he's speaking? When?

What conclusion would an Undecided voter draw from a Joe moment like this one?


I would like to see Ozzy Osborn interpret the below from Creepy Joe.

Biden replied that his son’s business dealings in China do not make him vulnerable because They “were not anything what everybody that he’s talking about. Not even remotely.”
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...No, Biden does not instill the same level of enthusiasm as Trump does. Not close. ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Where Sleepy-Creepy Joe is most vulnerable is at the local level, which I expect Undecided voters are likely tto get more reliable news from - knowing that the LSM is compromised. On the Lame Stream Media, aka Sycophants Inc, they will toss up softballs and edit out the fumbles, lick his boots then cheer his interpreted wisdom. This will not happen at the local level, where the reporter is not worried about getting appointed to anything from the candidate or about getting inside access.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the big question here... no one is saying this...

how big is the undecided voters?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You might try running that thought process through a reality based lens. An Undecided voter looks at Joe and has an epiphany that he's their guy?!? While he's sleeping? While he's speaking? When?

What conclusion would an Undecided voter draw from a Joe moment like this one?


I would like to see Ozzy Osborn interpret the below from Creepy Joe.

Biden replied that his son’s business dealings in China do not make him vulnerable because They “were not anything what everybody that he’s talking about. Not even remotely.” Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
All I can say is Biden is not only leading in polls but seems to be increasing his lead despite his gaffes. On the other hand, you have nothing to support any opinion that anyone is taking Biden's gaffes into account as to for whom they will vote. Nothing.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Where Sleepy-Creepy Joe is most vulnerable is at the local level, which I expect Undecided voters are likely tto get more reliable news from - knowing that the LSM is compromised. On the Lame Stream Media, aka Sycophants Inc, they will toss up softballs and edit out the fumbles, lick his boots then cheer his interpreted wisdom. This will not happen at the local level, where the reporter is not worried about getting appointed to anything from the candidate or about getting inside access.
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
What is your definition of "the local level"? Urban areas will vote heavily for Biden. Rural areas will vote heavily for Trump.

In 2016 the suburban vote went for Trump and swung the election in his favor. In the 2018 midterms, and in polls since then, suburban women have become Democratic leaning and if that holds Trump will lose the very narrow lead he had in 2016 in several states.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
the big question here... no one is saying this...

how big is the undecided voters? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I have mentioned that as a caveat in the polls I have cited. In approval rating polls upwards of 95% of the respondents either approve or disapprove of Trump. Very few non-respondents.

In presidential preference polls, the number of those non-repondents (no preference, undecided, don't care) is higher. Anywhere from 5%-15%. What is interesting is it seems when the poll consists of "All Voters" the number of non-respondents is higher than the poll consisting of "Registered Voters". And polls consisting of "Likely Voters" has the least number of non-respondents.

I would say that about 10-15% of voters are undecided at this point in time.
