Mueller recommends no jail time for flynn. flynn must have spilled his guts.

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  • 12-11-2018, 01:44 PM
You're making shit up, because I never said that. You must be desperate. I said Flynn would be exonerated because Mueller's cases are based on shit. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh now....there was all kind of right wing talk about Flynn changing his plea.

I bet LL does not want anyone to do a search on that thread!
themystic's Avatar
You're making shit up, because I never said that. You must be desperate. I said Flynn would be exonerated because Mueller's cases are based on shit. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No IB. You and a bunch of your Trump buddies went on and on about him changing his plea. Own it IB. Dont be like Trump and change your story now. Man up and admit that you were wrong
I B Hankering's Avatar
No IB. You and a bunch of your Trump buddies went on and on about him changing his plea. Own it IB. Dont be like Trump and change your story now. Man up and admit that you were wrong Originally Posted by themystic
That claim would be a bodacious lie that can't be backed-up with a supportive citation. In the long run, Flynn will be exonerated.
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  • 12-11-2018, 03:42 PM
In the long run, Flynn will be exonerated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In the long run we'll all be dead...

There was a lot of legal chirping a while back about Flynn flipping his plea. In the long run, that turned out to be false. And in the short run, many on here disputed that right wing interpretation of those events and have proven to be correct.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the long run we'll all be dead...

There was a lot of legal chirping a while back about Flynn flipping his plea. In the long run, that turned out to be false. And in the short run, many on here disputed that right wing interpretation of those events and have proven to be correct.
Originally Posted by WTF
Flynn will be exonerated.
themystic's Avatar
Flynn will be exonerated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Did he change his plea? Let me help you with the Facts. No he didn't. In fact he plead guilty and ratted out everyone in the Trump crime family
I B Hankering's Avatar
Did he change his plea? Let me help you with the Facts. No he didn't. In fact he plead guilty and ratted out everyone in the Trump crime family Originally Posted by themystic
Did Mueller give you a a transcript of what Flynn said? Everyone here knows that he didn't.

Flynn pleaded guilty before Mueller made him a homeless pauper employing coercion via illegally obtained info brought about by Comey and Mueller violating the civil rights of American citizens. And you haven't a clue as to what Flynn did or did not say.
themystic's Avatar
Did Mueller give you a a transcript of what Flynn said? Everyone here knows that he didn't.

Flynn pleaded guilty before Mueller made him a homeless pauper employing coercion via illegally obtained info brought about by Comey and Mueller violating the civil rights of American citizens. And you haven't a clue as to what Flynn did or did not say.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There are 3 million people in prison in America. These Trump criminals have the best lawyers and they still cant save the guilty fucks. 99% of the 3 million in prison don't have the fancy lawyers or there would be 1 million people in prison. Quit defending these criminals and insinuating they are innocent
I B Hankering's Avatar
There are 3 million people in prison in America. These Trump criminals have the best lawyers and they still cant save the guilty fucks. 99% of the 3 million in prison don't have the fancy lawyers or there would be 1 million people in prison. Quit defending these criminals and insinuating they are innocent Originally Posted by themystic
Papadopoulos and Flynn are innocent. Mueller wholly failed to prove they committed any damn crime before and until they talked to an FBI agent: that's called entrapment. Odumbo's people, i.e., Comey, Strzok, McCabe, etc., and their buddy Mueller, have committed the real crimes. They spied on American citizens violating their 4th Amendment rights.
themystic's Avatar
Papadopoulos and Flynn are innocent. Mueller wholly failed to prove they committed any damn crime before and until they talked to an FBI agent: that's called entrapment. Odumbo's people, i.e., Comey, Strzok, McCabe, etc., and their buddy Mueller, have committed the real crimes. They spied on American citizens violating their 4th Amendment rights. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There you go again IB. Making up shit, fake news. You don't know your stuff buddy. I hate to break the news to you IB but Santa Claus is not real. I know you read the letter that Virginia wrote but that was like your daily posts, Fake news
I B Hankering's Avatar
There you go again IB. Making up shit, fake news. You don't know your stuff buddy. I hate to break the news to you IB but Santa Claus is not real. I know you read the letter that Virginia wrote but that was like your daily posts, Fake news Originally Posted by themystic
Nothing fake about it. Papadopoulos and Flynn are innocent. Mueller wholly failed to prove they committed any damn crime before and until they talked to an FBI agent: that's called entrapment. Odumbo's people, i.e., Comey, Strzok, McCabe, etc., and their buddy Mueller, have committed the real crimes. They spied on American citizens violating their 4th Amendment rights.
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  • 12-11-2018, 07:11 PM
Nothing fake about it. Papadopoulos and Flynn are innocent. Mueller wholly failed to prove they committed any damn crime before and until they talked to an FBI agent: that's called entrapment. Odumbo's people, i.e., Comey, Strzok, McCabe, etc., and their buddy Mueller, have committed the real crimes. They spied on American citizens violating their 4th Amendment rights. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If they hadn't lied...
I B Hankering's Avatar
If they hadn't lied... Originally Posted by WTF
Even the ant-Trump Strzok said Flynn didn't lie, per Comey. Mueller's team is guilty of entrapment.
themystic's Avatar
Even the ant-Trump Strzok said Flynn didn't lie, per Comey. Mueller's team is guilty of entrapment. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Maybe you and the judge can get it over turned. Flynn admitted he cooperated with the Russians and that Trump directed him to do so. Trump is guilty of collusion
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe you and the judge can get it over turned. Flynn admitted he cooperated with the Russians and that Trump directed him to do so. Trump is guilty of collusion Originally Posted by themystic
Everyone here knows Mueller did not tell you a fucking thing. You're making shit up. Strzok, per Comey, said Flynn didn't lie, but nevertheless Mueller somehow contrived to construe Flynn's statement as a lie -- then coerced Flynn into a plea bargain with bankruptcy.