What does number of posts have to do with anything? Does writing reviews make one legitimate, especially since 50% of the reviews posted are false?
Originally Posted by pyramider
Because my fellow taint-lover, to you and I this is just a SHMB. But to them it is a playground where they play king of the hill, tear each other down, and use useless bits of meta data to compare themselves with others. Most are new (within the last 4 years), and have no idea that others, including you and I, have been there - done that..
But I will clue the children of Eccie in on something. Being king of the scumbags is not something to be proud of or brag about. There is no glamour in being a low life hooker fucker. You can't brag about it around the water cooler at work. You don't teach your son how to hobby. You don't even tell your buddies at the golf course that you quit going to because you spent your golf money fucking a fat chick you didn't really wanna fuck-- but you needed to fuck. The only thing left to feel good about your cheating ass is to belittle others anonymously over the Internet over meaningless numbers that the veterans of the clone board wars don't care about.
The one piece of meta-data you should carer about is STD statistics. Have you ever heard of anyone announcing they are out of the game because they got infected? Nope. They just keep fucking, start hater blogs, or go for record breaking review counts. The trampires are not your friend, either. They just need your money to survive. You wanna see if one is truly your friend? Quit paying for anything; no cell phone, no dinners, no sessions, no loans, nada... and see how long they stick around and infrequently they answer your calls.
The dearhunters, the wakeups, the boardmans, the pyramiders, et. al... they are bored and just punch your buttons because you let them. You are predictable. You are fucktards and hooktards. The readers in Houston are building up immunity so they come up here do drop off some smoke bombs and watch you react. The "FAT WHORES" threads are easy pickings. So they have started there. It pulls out the WK's because they are in the biggest denial of who/what they really are.
Ignore them or patronize them. But to think you can use logic or sympathy for the victims to appeal to the troll behavior and win points with anybody is futile. They count on it. The fat girls are not the victims. You are. You have shown them your weakness. They will come for you. Nothing can stop them. They know how to use the rules their advantage. You will all be assimilated or driven away.
Dearhunter, you are welcome to enjoy our Dallas spinners. But we are gonna move a few more cray crays down your way as recompense. Enjoy!