Married Men in The Hobby / Men in a Committed Relationship that Seek Providers.

Kids killed it for us.I love my daughter but it stresses the wife so home life is shit.I think like most people we're looking for an escape and excitement and this fits the bill.In terms of divorce,ever heard the saying cheaper to keep her? To each his own but I'm a grown ass man so if I want to pay to get my dick sucked I will damnit.
Let me give you all a little history lesson about Txboi. (and yes I'm speaking in 3rd person)

So TB wasn't always the hot lightskinned brother some of you ladies have had the pleasure of being with. He was short had an afro, black kids picked on him for not being black enough, and the white kids picked on him because...well they were white, and he was at a mostly all white school.

Anyhow in high school, TB got a little taller, got a little defined, became a jock and worked out a little bit. Those same girls the were picking on him in middle school, where now throwing pussy his way in the 10th grade. This trend continued for years even when he was married or in committed relationships. See Txboi had become accustomed to getting new pussy pretty much anytime he tried. Even on boring lonely nights TB always had a phonebook full of options.

Well fast forward to TB's late 30's. TB is still an attractive man. Good job, pays his bills, takes care of his kids, but TB is married. Not to mention busy as fuck, so TB doesn't have time to be out in the streets chasing pussy anymore. Even the side pieces TB had over the years got attached and wanted "more". In this day and age grown men don't have the time to be out courting some chick for 4 weeks in hopes that she might be cool to let us slide the tip in.

"Fuck that!" says Txboi

So somehow Txboi stumbled across this crazy thing called "The Hobby"

"What is this magical place", thought TB.

Well that magical place is a land where for $99.99 - $249.99 he can spend 30 mins to an hour reliving his youth, fucking fine as women of his choosing. No senseless arguments before sex...if she talks too much, Txboi can just put a dick in her mouth and surprisingly; the talking stops. TB doesn't have to engage in pillowtalk, cuddling, pretending to care about her conversations about her coworkers or a cat fetish...none of that shit. TB can just...LEAVE. Hell TB doesn't even need to get dressed up, go to the bar and "hope" to get lucky.

TB realizes he just likes to fuck. If TB's wife fucked him more...TB probably wouldn't even need to hobby--at least not as much.

The moral of the story is. Who cares I just want to be fucked when I get there. Most answers you will get to this question (and I admit i haven't read all 9 pages of this shit) are, spouse doesn't fuck them enough, they don't want to deal with the hassle, they just like to fuck hot chicks, they like to do new chicks, or they have a fetish that only some of you ladies will do.

As much pussy as I have paid for on this site, I have still have gotten laid more oustside the hobby. Not everyone on here is married, old, bald, fat and white. Yes I did sterotype there. Some guys on here can actually get pussy the old fashion way...for free. The hobby is a convenience so we pay for the "lets skip the formalities" part.

Since I have been in the hobby my taste in women hasn't changed. I still pick up good quality women when I try. I admit I have seen younger women in the hobby but thats about it. For the question about my ring etc...I leave it in the car, but only because I don't want to lose it. Other than that, its always on.
TinMan's Avatar
^^^^ And that, my friends, is why we hobby.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
He definitely broke it down.
  • grean
  • 12-15-2016, 02:36 PM
...if she talks too much, Txboi can just put a dick in her mouth and surprisingly; the talking stops. Originally Posted by txboi817
Nicely put, sir.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
Marriage sounds like a complete nightmare. Count me out
TinMan's Avatar
Marriage sounds like a complete nightmare. Count me out Originally Posted by Nina the Dicknapper
There is more to it than sex. But the high failure rate means a lot of people would likely agree with you.
I am happily married but my SO works all the time, is always either stressed or sleeping and we haven't had sex for over a year. She just has no interest and has issues with sex. We are best friends and have a great life. I've been married before so I know that what we have is rare and great. But I am a very sexual person and Porn does get old. So,there it is. She has a don't ask don't tell policy and it works for us.
ManSlut's Avatar
Let me give you all a little history lesson about Txboi. (and yes I'm speaking in 3rd person.... Originally Posted by txboi817
(Deleted most of the quoted post for Broadband width purposes only)

Yada yada yada...Lmao at the "if the old lady put out more I wouldn't cheat" and "I put my ring in the glovebox to keep from losing it" shit!!

You cheat and you will always cheat because it's the Uncontrolled Male Ego Conquest Factor at play. If it's compounded with The Alpha Complex you'll always cheat up until you give her an STD, then you're fucked.

All of this drivel begs the question, "You got married, why?"

All of this drivel begs the question, "You got married, why?" Originally Posted by ManSlut
people get married because at the end of the day they want someone they can trust and depend on. the hobby is for pussy, wives are for commitment.

When you have problems do you think any of these chics on Eccie give two shits about your situation--nope; but you know who will...your wife.

Some of you mofo's can separate the difference of sex with a provider/GF/wife. thats why so many white nights exist here. They think because they pay...they own stake. News only own an hour of their time. As soon as you leave, they are booking the next session.

I have a good relationship with most ladies I have met on here...I pay, they fuck me. We understand that about each other. Why this is a problem for some of you guys baffles the fuck out of me. There are a small handful I'm really cool with but at the end of the day, that shit ain't going nowhere because we only see eachother for one purpose--a business/sexual companionship. My wife on the other hand is going to be there through the ups and downs--thats why you get married. If you haven't figured out that shit, you'll be hobbying forever. This shit is just for fun...Fun...FUN! enjoy it and don't make it harder than it needs to be by asking stupind questions and trying to rationalize why you pay for pussy. If you like to fuck some strange, are addicted to sex, or just need some excitement in your life by way of this lifestyle, then just do it and let that be that. We are all doing the same thing here so there shouldn't be any judging.
TinMan's Avatar
Ditto, txboi. As I get older and have to get involved in the care of elderly relatives who have no one else on which to depend, I become more appreciative of the companionship of a life partner. Particularly one that doesn't make you crazy.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I always have to question those in marriages and those paying 300 or more per hour. And it's nothing against the ladies, they can do what they want and charge what they want.

If a man is looking to spend 250 a session and get laid once a week. You're looking at spending 13.5k a year. That doesn't include tip, food, movies, pills, gas, doubles etc. That's just 250 for one hr each week. Add on another 5k to be at 18.5k if at the 350 range.

What type of lifestyle is one living? If you're making 100k a year with a wife, car, house...and 20k (realistically 30 or more) going to donations, do people around you raise eyebrows at what you're doing with your money? Has anyone had anyone raise suspicion? Wife, friend, coworker?

I'm single and try to keep my lifestyle the same while budgeting what would be the same or less if I had a gf or wife. Seems 200 to 250 an hour is best to not raise flags (from a variety of income levels) as I personally love to live comfortably while hobbying once in a while.

I personally always wondered how people do it from a budget and lifestyle standpoint while in a relationship no less. I'd rather have maybe just a really hot wife into other women and not hobby, or maybe she'd be ok with it and shop for the women herself if needing to spice up a night.

+1 to txboi post too btw. Folks shouldn't make it harder or something more than it is, but also don't be your own worst enemy either.
I started in the hobby when I was 19. Eventually met my (now ex) wife when I was 22. I saw maybe a grand total of 3 different providers while I was married to her.

I date on occasion but the end result isn't that I am looking for sex. The end result of dating is to find "the one". Sure sex is a part of that. However, I have particular tastes in a lady. I work out and stay fit... many say I'm pretty athletic. So naturally I want an athletic woman too. The athletic, slender, fit ladies that I would want to fuck and have an awesome erotic time with (that are in my age range) are indeed for the most part High Dollar Hotties. However, the 35-42 yr old woman that is exceptional in the physical realm is wanting a searching for the extremely well off to super rich man.

So I have a high sex drive, sue me. So I like a gorgeous woman like an Ashton Belle or Nikki Nix or some of the other ladies that are in the 500-700/hr range.

Like many women say "I can get sex or get laid any time I want" I believe this is true... "So can I" I can go into a place, lower my standards tremendously and get laid any time I want. Sadly I had to prove this once and I went "Hogging" one night.

So why do I hobby - Faster means to get the "Level" of woman I am wanting for physical pleasure.

Would I cheat on a SO - If I found exactly what I was looking for and we clicked there would be no need at all. However, if I was being neglected I probably would.