And now for something really important...SVB failure.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Central Digital Currency. Which can be turned on and off, at will, for any particular reason, even no reason given at all. Of course, they would need to kill or continue to abuse the bejesus out of the first four amendments in the Bill of Rights - as they have been doing these past few years.

Create a problem so severe that it terrifies the populace (sheeples) and make them believe that for a skoshy little relinquishing of their freedoms, you can have little perceives security - which they then use to enslave you.

Wish someone had warned about that bait-n-switch tactic back in the 1776 days.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Actually, the below is from the dedicated and entirely WOKE employees of Signature Bank. The opening line in the song: "So many useless meetings..." Which they could have used to do, oh I dunno, responsible fiduciary banking schtuff perhaps.
Woke had nothing to with their collapse. To imply otherwise is simple stupidity. They failed to raise money with negotiable instruments to prevent being under leveraged as interest rates rose. Then there was a run on the bank’s cash before they could recover. This ain’t rocket science. But you righties just say stupid shit parroting the likes of Desantis because you heard it on Newsmax, Fox or wherever regardless of whether it even makes sense.

No wonder producers and execs at Fox think their audience is DUMB.
Actually, the below is from the dedicated and entirely WOKE employees of Signature Bank. The opening line in the song: "So many useless meetings..." Which they could have used to do, oh I dunno, responsible fiduciary banking schtuff perhaps. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
one wudda thought the woke would have allowed the singing voices of the employees to be heard

instead of professionals overdubbing everything

frauds once more, what?
texassapper's Avatar
Central Digital Currency. Which can be turned on and off, at will, for any particular reason, even no reason given at all. Of course, they would need to kill or continue to abuse the bejesus out of the first four amendments in the Bill of Rights - as they have been doing these past few years.

Create a problem so severe that it terrifies the populace (sheeples) and make them believe that for a skoshy little relinquishing of their freedoms, you can have little perceives security - which they then use to enslave you.

Wish someone had warned about that bait-n-switch tactic back in the 1776 days. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Something along the lines of those that would give up their freedom to obtain security will, in the end, have neither.

People are sheep and they've elevated too many wolves into leadership. The sheep are due for a sheering... and they are about to get it good and hard.
VitaMan's Avatar
You're on the road.

You've lost your cash.

What will you do ? What will you do ?
VitaMan's Avatar
The big bold faced headlines are still saying the mark to market $ 1.8 billion loss in SVB bond portfolio set off the bank meltdown.

Buffet and Berkshire had a $ 53 billion mark to market loss. They seem to be fine.

Anything wrong with this picture ?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Something along the lines of those that would give up their freedom to obtain security will, in the end, have neither.... Originally Posted by texassapper
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~ Ben Franklin
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...You've lost your cash... Originally Posted by VitaMan
I don't loose cash and it is too expensive to take.
VitaMan's Avatar
I don't loose cash and it is too expensive to take. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
If you can identify what ad those phrases came from, you will be entered into the bitcoin drawing.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If you can identify what ad those phrases came from, you will be entered into the bitcoin drawing. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Never heard of it and I don't need no stink'n bitcoins either.
lustylad's Avatar
The big bold faced headlines are still saying the mark to market $ 1.8 billion loss in SVB bond portfolio set off the bank meltdown.

Buffet and Berkshire had a $ 53 billion mark to market loss. They seem to be fine.

Anything wrong with this picture ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

Yeah, you obviously don't understand the difference between a commercial bank and a publicly traded investment company, for starters.

But thanks for including a link to that "Buffett and Berkshire $53 billion MTM loss" so we all know exactly what you're talking about...

Aw shit, I can't find the damn link! Where'd it go?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yeah, you obviously don't understand the difference between a commercial bank and a publicly traded investment company, for starters.

But thanks for including a link to that "Buffett and Berkshire $53 billion MTM loss" so we all know exactly what you're talking about...

Aw shit, I can't find the damn link! Where'd it go? Originally Posted by lustylad

Not just trollin'.

I did LOL!
lustylad's Avatar
They failed to raise money with negotiable instruments to prevent being under leveraged as interest rates rose... This ain’t rocket science. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Good lord man, you just spout shit and well it’s shit. If you actually knew anything we could actually have a discussion but it’s clear you don’t. Nice talking to you. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Good lord man... is Blackman talking to himself again?
VitaMan's Avatar
Yeah, you obviously don't understand the difference between a commercial bank and a publicly traded investment company, for starters.

But thanks for including a link to that "Buffett and Berkshire $53 billion MTM loss" so we all know exactly what you're talking about...

Aw shit, I can't find the damn link! Where'd it go? Originally Posted by lustylad
Of course I do. You just don't get the nuances of the post...and the question. Are you going to wait for an answer to that question too ?

For the Berkshire unrealized loss, there is always Google search.