CEO cuts own pay, raises workers' salaries

lustylad's Avatar
This is my first account, why would I turn it off. I'm never leaving. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're a fucking tease. And a liar. And a fraud. And a coward. And a poseur.

WombRaider = Underconstruction

Same dickhead, multiple handles.

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You're a fucking tease. And a liar. And a fraud. And a coward. And a poseur.

WombRaider = Underconstruction

Same dickhead, multiple handles.

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. Originally Posted by lustylad
Keep spreading that happiness you pussy
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm an advocate for a minimum wage increase on social grounds. I don't really have to justify shit to you, shiteater. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're a stupid lib-retarded jackass advocating for a social policy that has demonstrably not worked, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Now you sound like a cross between LLDumbass and IBMoron. Pushing your own predicament on to "the other guy" and pretending you are taking the high road after your ass has been reamed and you've been made to look like a pathetic fool.

I said that Milton Friedman successfully argued against the phillips curve by suggesting that wages would only go up by if the government used a form of expansionary monetary policy (QE). Your answer to that was what? That it couldn't possibly be called QE because Friedman died in 2006 and QE was the (unprecedented) name given to the feds policy in 2009? Although the same monetary policy that I was arguing for (and explained in the same sentence) has been around since the 17th century and is the crux of Keynesian economics that Friedman was against?

Yeah, you really should shut the fuck up. I'm giving you the chance to leave with some dignity (scratch that). Take it.
You are way out of of your league here. Go back to that odumbo bullshit.
Originally Posted by shanm
Proponents of the Austrian School of Economics recognize the validity of wage-push inflation and disagree with Friedman, shamman:

"[T]he minimum-wage has been increased repeatedly over the years since it was first introduced, and there has continued to be at least some significant room for the employment of such workers. What has made this possible is the long periods in which the minimum wage was not increased. Continuous inflation of the money supply and the rise in the volume of spending and thus in wage rates and prices throughout the economic system progressively reduce the extent to which the minimum wage exceeds the wage that would prevail in its absence. The minimum wages of the 1930s and 1940s — 25¢ an hour and 75¢ an hour — long ago became nullities. To reduce and ultimately eliminate the harm done by today’s minimum wage, it needs to be left unchanged.

"The standard of living is not raised by arbitrary laws and decrees imposing higher wage rates, but by the rise in the productivity of labor, which increases the supply of goods relative to the supply of labor and thus reduces prices relative to wage rates, and thereby allows prices to rise by less than wages when the quantity of money and volume of spending in the economic system increase." Dr. George Reisman
[A]nyone who understands basic economics knows that the result of raising the minimum wage can only be:
  • Higher unemployment as companies scale back to reduce expenses.
  • Higher costs to consumers as companies raise prices to cover the higher wages they have to pay
  • Companies closing their doors because they can’t scale back or raise prices.
So the result of an increased minimum wage is either higher inflation or higher unemployment both of which are components of the Misery Index thus increasing the minimum wage will most likely increase the overall misery of the country.

Again I say this, you are dumb as shit. You're the only one who is trying to back his ass over his own misguided pomposity(which made you look like a complete idiot BTW).

You're too hung up on the dictionary definition of Quantitative Easing, or what the fed called it in 2009. It's because you have NO idea what it actually means. You can go on investopedia and regurgitate the definition, but that won't change the fact that you are completely and laughably ignorant on this subject. I explained it, IN THE VERY SAME FUCKING POST, what I meant when I used quantitative easing. It's in the very next sentence that you disingenuously tried to cite. QE involves artificially increasing the money supply by printing more money and that has been around since the 17th century you stupid motherfucker. Does it matter what the fuck you call it? It's not even as if I didn't define EXACTLY what I meant ,you know, in the very next.fucking.sentence.

Read the last line carefully. It applies just as much to you as to IBDipshit.

Now go read some more wikipedia.
Originally Posted by shanm
Weren't you the jackass arguing that wage-push inflation couldn't occur, per Friedman, without increasing the supply of money in the market place, shamman?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I understand objectivism. To her, reason is everything. All the good qualities are seen as weakness in her eyes; altruism, self-sacrifice, etc. While qualities like selfishness are praised.

In her own words:

"man exists for his own sake, that the pursuit of his own happiness is his highest moral purpose, that he must not sacrifice himself to others, nor sacrifice others to himself.”

What kind of fucked up, childish bullshit is that? At some point, most of us leave childish things behind and come to understand that we're all in this together and an attitude like hers is nothing more than someone who has never grown up. I can see the conservative desire to somehow co-opt her views however. She is for class warfare. She feels the lower class are parasites. She was an utterly despicable human being. And the fact you would waste breath to defend her illustrates your lack of any moral fiber. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Since you included self sacrifice above it kind of shows that you don't understand her...again. She did not believe in sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice but is you love someone then you will voluntarily do what is necessary for that person (which you would call sacrifice). She calls it being selfish because you're doing for your own ends. You would call if self sacrifice looking at it from a third person prospective. For example;
A man loves a woman but she doesn't love him in return. Because it pleases him to please her he gives up on the relationship and moves on. He is doing it because making her happy is what makes him happy. He is being selfish and within the law. If he did not believe in law I guess he could kidnap or kill her. This is the way that Rand explained herself but I guess you didn't get that far in the Cliff Notes.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You're conflating two separate issues. Minimum wage and this guy raising his base-pay employees salaries is not the same thing. You don't know if it's a bad decision yet. It's only been a day. But like most conservatives, you're ready to see it fail, just so you can be right. As for conservative points, everytime you post, I celebrate your right to say something stupid. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Is this your way of admitting that I'm right? You didn't offer any rebuttal so I guess we are in agreement.
Don't try to say what conservatives think, it's too far over your head. We (I) would like to see him succeed but the reality is that he probably won't. This is not some hopeful anticipation but simple business sense. Also, no conservative is saying that it should be illegal to do what he is doing, however, there are many liberals who are saying that it should be illegal to resist raising the minimum wage.
lustylad's Avatar
Weren't you the jackass arguing that wage-push inflation couldn't occur, per Friedman, without increasing the supply of money in the market place, shamman? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Nobody can figure out what he is arguing. Shammytard is an incoherent flake. When I invited him to elaborate (see below) he became all bellicose and had another meltdown. He's neither educated nor rational nor self-controlled. I mean, what the fuck, I could argue his side and have a much livelier debate with myself than we do sitting here and listening to his school-yard slobbering every time he can't come up with an intelligent counter-argument.

And what is your point? We've now had over 5 years of highly expansionary monetary policy - how is any of this relevant to today's minimum wage debate? Originally Posted by lustylad
Is this your way of admitting that I'm right? You didn't offer any rebuttal so I guess we are in agreement.
Don't try to say what conservatives think, it's too far over your head. We (I) would like to see him succeed but the reality is that he probably won't. This is not some hopeful anticipation but simple business sense. Also, no conservative is saying that it should be illegal to do what he is doing, however, there are many liberals who are saying that it should be illegal to resist raising the minimum wage. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Says the guy who can't spell half the time. Conservatives are for the rich. Always have been. They don't give a shit about the street, unless it's Wall Street.

George Carlin perfectly summed up conservatives.

"Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no daycare, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."

conservatives always talk a good game, but they lack compassion in any form. Trickle-down economics? What a crock of shit. Reagan, by the time he left the WH, had 138 member of his team that had been indicted on various charges. And we aren't talking low-level guys either, we're talking cabinet members. And that's the guy your average conservative reveres.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Says the guy who can't spell half the time. Conservatives are for the rich. Always have been. They don't give a shit about the street, unless it's Wall Street.

George Carlin perfectly summed up conservatives.

"Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no daycare, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."

conservatives always talk a good game, but they lack compassion in any form. Trickle-down economics? What a crock of shit. Reagan, by the time he left the WH, had 138 member of his team that had been indicted on various charges. And we aren't talking low-level guys either, we're talking cabinet members. And that's the guy your average conservative reveres. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Once again you show ignorance. George Carlin? Pretty smart guy but he's wrong sometimes too. Like when he tried that same old tired joke you just did when standing in a theater in New London, CT in front of a bunch of sailors and marines. It did not go over at all. Besides, what does that have to do with trickle down which is actually called supply side economics and it has been around long before Reagan. I know a lot of conservatives (who you keep getting messed up with the GOP) who are far from rich. If you said that the GOP was the party of the rich you may have an argument except for all the rich democrats, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, George Soros, and so many other rich as sin people. The rich? Nope, the rich are supporting who is in power right now. You might ask yourself (if you were honest) why do the rich support the champions of the poor so much?
Once again you show ignorance. George Carlin? Pretty smart guy but he's wrong sometimes too. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Once again you show ignorance. JDIdiot? Very dumb guy and he's always wrong.
  • DSK
  • 04-19-2015, 06:24 AM
You're a stupid lib-retarded jackass advocating for a social policy that has demonstrably not worked, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Proponents of the Austrian School of Economics recognize the validity of wage-push inflation and disagree with Friedman, shamman:

Weren't you the jackass arguing that wage-push inflation couldn't occur, per Friedman, without increasing the supply of money in the market place, shamman? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
ShamWow gets schooled again!!! Bravo to IB Hankering.
  • DSK
  • 04-19-2015, 06:26 AM
Says the guy who can't spell half the time. Conservatives are for the rich. Always have been. They don't give a shit about the street, unless it's Wall Street.

George Carlin perfectly summed up conservatives.

"Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no daycare, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."

conservatives always talk a good game, but they lack compassion in any form. Trickle-down economics? What a crock of shit. Reagan, by the time he left the WH, had 138 member of his team that had been indicted on various charges. And we aren't talking low-level guys either, we're talking cabinet members. And that's the guy your average conservative reveres. Originally Posted by WombRaider
138 cabinet members indicted??? That was a record, if true!!!
  • shanm
  • 04-19-2015, 09:06 AM
ShamWow gets schooled again!!! Bravo to IB Hankering. Originally Posted by DSK
You're not fooling anyone man. Just give it up.
138 cabinet members indicted??? That was a record, if true!!! Originally Posted by DSK
Administration officials, some of whom were indeed cabinet-level positions.
lustylad's Avatar
See what a swell team they make! First shammytard gets in way over his head, then undercunt swoops in to bail him out by talking about George Carlin and Ronald Reagan and hijacking the thread away from the minimum wage.
See what a swell team they make! First shammytard gets in way over his head, then undercunt swoops in to bail him out by talking about George Carlin and Ronald Reagan and hijacking the thread away from the minimum wage. Originally Posted by lustylad
Nope. I still advocate minimum wage hike on social grounds. Even though the 'Austrian' school of economics is against it. (See IB Dicksucking above)

Economics is not an exact science. You can prattle on about whatever you wish. Saying one school does this and another school says it's bullshit, ultimately means nothing. Economic theory assumes that the consumer makes rational choices. Humans, as we know, are impulsive and rarely rational. As far as that goes, if you wanted Economics to be more exact, why would they base it all on the assumption of equality? Sometimes what we see can predict a broad trend and not much else. Being as it's speculation at best, to claim one economic theory is somehow superior to another is absolutely ludicrous.