Discreet referrals's Avatar
not at all, lol
Ya know what's funny, my mother had a French Poodle named Heidi Francine... I hated that f"ckn dog... Pain in Da' ass she was...chewed up my f*ckin' shoes, I was poor back then so I only had 3 pair... Damn that dog Heidi!!
I didn't miss her when she died.. Poor dog....

I don't know why this just crossed my mind. Weird don't ya' think?? What dog has a 1st , Middle, and last name?? IDK
Discreet referrals's Avatar
Oh, Hi there puppet, what was the last name of that poodle? Dogs have pretty good intuition, you know. Do you believe in reincarnation?
DallasRain's Avatar
I luv ALL yall...so quit fighting & Let's get to what we supposed to do here ...PLZZZZZZZZZZ!!! LOL

Oh, Hi there puppet, what was the last name of that poodle? Dogs have pretty good intuition, you know. Do you believe in reincarnation? Originally Posted by Discreet referrals

I knew you would think the world revolves around you, so therefore I had this picture in my FB. from my brother. I cropped it as to not disrespect my deceased father and out my family....lol
(Took in 1973)
But I am glad to see you came to join the phesants and play nice with us in my Fun thread....

I cannot give out my dogs RW last name as she is also deceased and it would hurt her reputation ....

But she was a wild dog who chewed on most everything, including my shoes...

And to answer your question, I do believe in heaven and hell... Choose one....

Now smile, and help make this BOARD NOT SOOOOOO DEAD!! OR GET OUT OF THE SANDBOX,,,,


PS. My mother never let me have a PUPPET , so I am lost on that one...

Lighten up HEIDI!! It is all in the name of keeping this BOARD alive and us having FUN. DO you know what fun is??

Oop's you got egg on your face....here's a napkin to get it off...

I luv ALL yall...so quit fighting & Let's get to what we supposed to do here ...PLZZZZZZZZZZ!!! LOL

Originally Posted by DallasRain
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Discreet referrals's Avatar
Lmao. This sad attempt won't work mm.
Lmao. This sad attempt won't work mm. Originally Posted by Discreet referrals
No sad attempt Heidi.. I have no beef with you..But Im sure you will try and twist it to be about you. Not my fault you named yourself after my mothers poodle..Lighten up and live a little.. Have fun for Christ Sakes...
Perhaps, a trip will stop all the tripping.....I'm just saying!
DallasRain's Avatar
tornado82's Avatar
No fun, huh? I'm about to change that.

And that's the bottom line, cause Tornado82 said so!
albundy's Avatar
Originally Posted by DallasRain

DallasRain's Avatar
LOl Al....soon baby soon!!!!!!!!!!!! woohooooo!!
Bawdy stuff

There once was a hot lady named Seeking ~P

Who said when her client was free,

my black figs are sweeter,

And neater and fleeter.

They are fresher than honeyed sweet tea!


Dallas Rain was a fair maiden,hardy and hale
On whose breasts was the menu for ale
But since she was kind
For the sake of the blind
On her ass it was printed in Braille


There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose thing was so long he could suck it.
He said, with a grin as he wiped off his chin,
"If my ear was a pussy, I'd fuck it!"

MsMajicMouth, a vixen of sensual aid
Said, "I think it's time I got laid."
"My vibrator can tingle
But it's not cunnilingual"
so get that mouth busy till slayed."


There was a young maid from Madras
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think --
It was grey, had long ears, and ate grass!

Hickory Dickory Dock
Skny Diva ran up the cock.
The man did smile.
It had been quite a while.
And his cock was as hard as a rock
DallasRain's Avatar
LOL Old Gent...you are the BEST!!

I don't know what happened to my sexy "Iluvdatass" so i am gonna crown YOU the manslut of Lafayette now!!!