Global warming/climate change hoax exposed...

Actual Climate Science: The data sets behind the computer models are fudged......
The dead DO rise from the grave every time a dumbascrap has a close election. Just like in both of odummer's elections and the "Box 13 " incident with ( yet ANOTHER dumbascrap ! ) Lyin Lyndon Johnson ! The dead are another "constituency" of the dumbascraps, their 'absentee" cemetery-bound voting reserve !!! Guaranteed NOT to vote any way other than what the local DUMBASCRAP party election administrator says they should vote ! Just another reason why the left fights tooth-and-nail AGAINST voter ID laws. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Don't know if the dead voted for LBJ ,but ballot boxes disappeared, his biggest support came from west Texas, maybe they came over the border voted then went home.
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by WombRaider
Think it's "funny" do you?

Too bad you won't be around to "watch" ...

Actual Climate Science: The data sets behind the computer models are fudged...... Originally Posted by johnjay

Really? A RWW website has settled the issue for us? has trumped 97% of the world's climatologists?

Are you new to this?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Don't know if the dead voted for LBJ ,but ballot boxes disappeared, his biggest support came from west Texas, maybe they came over the border voted then went home. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
once again you prove you do not know what the fuck you are talking about

Fifty years after the fact, interest in Texas’ most notoriously corrupt election shows no signs of waning, in part because Box 13—the tin ballot box that was stuffed with votes for Johnson—remains at large, although it’s widely believed to be in the hands of an unidentified local. Visitors periodically nose around Alice inquiring about the box, and there is good reason for wanting to find it: If it holds the original paper ballots and tally sheets, its reappearance could settle any lingering doubts about the integrity of the 1948 election results. But locating it has proved difficult; the scandal cast a shadow on the town for decades, and many Alice residents still greet inquiries about Box 13 with uncomfortable silence. But a few will talk, and each has a theory: It was stashed in a meat locker; it was thrown into the Rio Grande; it was auctioned off by the sheriff years ago. “I received an anonymous letter this summer saying that it was in the Texas State Bank vault,” says Jim Wells county judge L. Arnoldo Saenz, “but there wasn’t anything to it.” - See more at:

Ducbutter's Avatar
Are you really trying to claim that climate change is a giant hoax with the sole purpose of allowing a select few (democrats, of course) to make money?
Jesus, the imbecility of the right is worse that I thought.

Much much worse.

Your claims are not much more substantiated than JD's ridiculous 777 malaysia plane theory. You're saying research scientists are "paid" to claim climate change exists, and the payment is coming from the gubmn't. ok.....Got any proof of that?
Or is that just a hail mary that was supposed to stick?

Why wouldn't oil companies, with more wealth at their discretion, be able to buy the same influence?

The answer is simple. You can't buy science. It either is or it isn't. If a researcher makes a claim that in unsubstantiated by evidence just for grant money or just to keep his job, you can be damn sure that his work is going to be scrutinized by his peers. You've literally not shown one shred of evidence to prove otherwise.

Jesus fucking christ, everything is a conspiracy to a right winger. Science, backed by evidence, is refuted, while a fairy tale written in a book from a couple thousand years ago, is celebrated as fact. Im done. Originally Posted by shanm

I think my favorite is the line that goes "You can't buy science." Except for the science that the petroleum industry buys, right?
And now I'm done, Pollyanna.
There were lots of signatures, in the same hand writing, with the same colored ink, on ballots that were miraculously found and turned in at the absolute last minute when Lyin Lyndon's people determined that the vote count wasn't favorable to them. The locals in Starr County Texas even came up with a joke / story about it : Starr County is very rural and most everyone knows everyone else down there. So the day after his 12th birthday, Little Pedro is seen crying uncontrollably by the Patron of the rancho he lives on with his familia. The Patron, a Lyin Lyndon supporter, asks Pedrito why he's upset, after such a grand birthday party, good food, mariachis, dancing, lots of gifts for the birthday boy. Little Pedro replies, " Patron, my Father, Pedro Gonzalez-Gonzalez Pendejo Y Guey, didn't stop by to see me at my birthday party ". The Patron tells him, " Well, now Pedrito, you know that your Padre has been passed away for 3 years now after being shot trying to steal more beer from the store. " Well this just makes Little Pedro cry at his memory of how his Padre when to his "great reward". But Pedrito gathers himself ,and tells the Patron, " See Patron, I know THEES, but he WAS in town last Friday to cast his vote for Lyndon Johnson !!! HEE's name is on a ballot and voters list ! " Pedrito and his Familia were seen running back to Me-hi-co the next day with just the clothes on their backs.
Like anything you post and your attached references can be believed woomby ! The Box 13 incident is well documented as are lots of other instances of voter fraud that you libs poo-poo as "rare instances" when ever one of YOUR people gets caught doing it. Back to the 'holes with ya , ya EUNUCH ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
If they're so well documented, then you should have no problem posting a link to a reputable website that says this is the case. I'll be waiting.

You believe the bible, that has talking snakes, but you don't believe science. Your kind will never make sense to me, reytardo. You're the product of a bygone, dumbass era that can't come to a close quickly enough for me.
There were lots of signatures, in the same hand writing, with the same colored ink, on ballots that were miraculously found and turned in at the absolute last minute when Lyin Lyndon's people determined that the vote count wasn't favorable to them. The locals in Starr County Texas even came up with a joke / story about it : Starr County is very rural and most everyone knows everyone else down there. So the day after his 12th birthday, Little Pedro is seen crying uncontrollably by the Patron of the rancho he lives on with his familia. The Patron, a Lyin Lyndon supporter, asks Pedrito why he's upset, after such a grand birthday party, good food, mariachis, dancing, lots of gifts for the birthday boy. Little Pedro replies, " Patron, my Father, Pedro Gonzalez-Gonzalez Pendejo Y Guey, didn't stop by to see me at my birthday party ". The Patron tells him, " Well, now Pedrito, you know that your Padre has been passed away for 3 years now after being shot trying to steal more beer from the store. " Well this just makes Little Pedro cry at his memory of how his Padre when to his "great reward". But Pedrito gathers himself ,and tells the Patron, " See Patron, I know THEES, but he WAS in town last Friday to cast his vote for Lyndon Johnson !!! HEE's name is on a ballot and voters list ! " Pedrito and his Familia were seen running back to Me-hi-co the next day with just the clothes on their backs. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You're a terrible storyteller. Do you have a link to a reputable website? You'll pardon me if I don't believe a goddamn word you say.
You're a terrible storyteller. Do you have a link to a reputable website? You'll pardon me if I don't believe a goddamn word you say. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you being from Arkansas, you're more of a "The Little Pigs" EUNUCH when YOUR Momma /SEEster read to you at bedtime ! There's no pardoning you for anything, chapete ! Try getting someone that CAN read to read you Rodger Stone's book on Lyin Lyndon and how he stood to gain from JFK's death the most, especially since the Kennedy's had planned to dump him as VP for their second term in the White House. Just don't have them read it to you at bed time woomby, it might cause you to cry all night over what a lying bastard your lib hero Johnson was. And him having the name "Johnson" ought to get your interest WAY up !
Tim - Did you read the study. He deconstructed the entire house of cards. The data has been manipulated and is therefore meaningless. 97% bobbing heads read Al Gore. This guy went to the actual temperature stations collecting the data and found the data was flawed or changed.
Tim - Did you read the study. He deconstructed the entire house of cards. The data has been manipulated and is therefore meaningless. 97% bobbing heads read Al Gore. This guy went to the actual temperature stations collecting the data and found the data was flawed or changed. Originally Posted by johnjay

Here are a few links containing information about the qualifications of your author. You might find them interesting. His sole qualification to opine in relation to climate change is being a radio weather announcer. He has no formal education in climatology. In fact, he doesn't even have a college degree. He is affiliated with the Heartland Institute, a climate change denial outfit funded by the fossil fuel industry.

He's a quack.
If they're so well documented, then you should have no problem posting a link to a reputable website that says this is the case. I'll be waiting.

You believe the bible, that has talking snakes, but you don't believe science. Your kind will never make sense to me, reytardo. You're the product of a bygone, dumbass era that can't come to a close quickly enough for me. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Right, you know so much about science. Your knowledge of things scientific is quite limited. It must have been a talking snake that told you women produce thousands of eggs each month or maybe it was a mongoloid hooker, lol

Again, you did not read the study. You pop off with YOUR denier BS.

The facts boil down to one issue >>> Is it PROVEN that humans are effecting the climate? - Answer - not enough to make a difference. All the rest is noise.